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query for a moderator

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I'd suggest they have creamed off a lot of ad's - they even have my ad on there - and i'm hardly what you'd consider desriable - I am after all a single guy!
I've sent a request for them to remove my profile as I had not given them express permission to post it, and also asked for them to inform me how they got my details.
I'm not planning on holding my breath though!
My only thought is - if it's not SH selling our profiles ( and I don't think they are) then maybe you need to ask if you have profiles elsewhere. There is one site i am aware of that Participates in this "hub" idea, and chances are david ( big clue) has sold your soul!
Now I have no intention of Getting into a slanging match with Jags or any of the other mods. So if you are curious as to who this site is PM me.
I can assure you that SH is NOT selling anything to anyone. It appears to be downright theft, but that's the problem with posting on the www - someone can come along and use your image for themselves. Just a quick look around the photo ads systems will throw up the same half a dozen images posted by different people. When they get banned they ALL moan that it's their pic, and usually attach it to their email just to prove it. :shock: :shock:
Circumspection is what is required.
Actually i cant complain too much, met a nice guy , but he now knows about SH so he's even happier.
Quote by Jags
Waist size???

Hmmm... literature not your forte eh?
Oh yes. Irony not yours???

Nope, metalurgy never was my strong point. Is it a tad darker than steely?
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
PS I was making a joke (n a jest: a witticism: anything said or done to excite a laugh: anything provocative of laughter: an absurdity)

"Joke" is a subjective term, a bit like "moderation" really.
"Joke" is a subjective term, a bit like "moderation" really.

Not according to the dictionary - you like dictionaries don't you??
Now Moderation is a very clear term - try me and see!
Quote by Dave__Notts

At last, someone who has an education.

And what do you consider as educated then
Maybe someone who has an education?
Well at least that's what my dictionary says anyway.
An education in what though.............
Does it matter?
Life, school, washing up, etc.........

I was only asked what I consider being educated is, I didn't write the dictionary, I merely paraphrased a quote from it.
Means a lot of things, to a lot of people.......would you like to re-read your dictionary and enlighten me

Why would I re-read it? It will still say the same as it did the first time I read it.
You haven't been reading too much Harry Potter have you?
I was only asked what I consider being educated is, I didn't write the dictionary, I merely paraphrased a quote from it.

"At last, someone who has an education". That was not answering a question.......that was a statement. I asked a question what you considered was an education because it means a lot to different people. You still didn't answer.

I answered, just not the answer you wanted.
Does it matter?

"At last, someone who has an education". Not to me, but with this statement it sounds like you might.

"Matter", no. Make a change in this world of text speak and lack of literacy in a written medium, yes.
You haven't been reading too much Harry Potter have you

Not yet, but I watched one of the films at christmas with the children........does that count lol
That all depends on whether you count that as "reading" now doesn't it?
Enough abuse I reckon. This post is getting locked as the trolling is just going on and on and on.
Any more threads which continue the theme or the abuse will be deleted and the users banned.
Use of Mods privilege to edit out my grammatical error. Education? Can't get enough of it.