This is a questio for the girls and some of the guys. When your looking at a profile do you prefer it when the guy puts down how big his dick is rather than just saying small medium or large, or do you prefer having that bit of mystery.
Oh and i need to know this too, what catergory (small, medium, large) would you put 7.5 to 8 inches into, because im not sure.
I'd classify you as medium. To be honest, I don't even look at willy sizes when checking out a profile.
Shireen and ThinkingNaughty either need a new tape measure, have been lucky girls or need to assess their estimation skills.. ;)
5.5-6.5 is average, or "medium", depending on the study (too many factors for definitive answer). 7.5-8 puts you firmly in the "large" category (forgive the pun), that is providing that you are measuring along the top of the penis, not the bottom.
See your friend for a more detailed analysis.
Personally, I haven't been too fussed about knob size since I was in my teens. Have met women that considered me too big to be comfortable, and women that had clearly had more meat in their ex. Ultimately it comes down to compatibility, not a tape measure.
From what i've heard before SteveClarke seems to be correct but personally i think that it doesnt really matter what a website says is average or large, surely the opinion of women is much more important than that of guys in white coats!
I remember the first guy i was ever with was two or three inches small than me and i have to admit that it ruined it for me, i was expecting something a bit bigger than that!
An ex-boyfriend of mine was huge and it was a nightmare as I couldn't go on top without wincing in pain. I felt sorry him in the end as it really was way too big for me. I like them big but huge is another matter.
Anyway, it's a case of quality over quantity for me - whatever they do with it, if it feels good then I don't care what size it is. Mr TN will be pleased to hear that my judgment skills are needing review... he'll now want to change his profile. Heeheee
Maybe I told a little untruth when I said size doesn't matter to me. As per usual I was being literal and we were talking about length, and it's true I'm not really intersted in the length. But that's because I find girth a more significant factor when talking about pleasure v's size.
Now don't go assuming that I'm wide down below, I'm tight as a mouse's ear I tell ya!