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Question for the more mature single blokes

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Quote by MikeNorth
But of the first 18 posts which might have been described as taking the piss (although varying greatly in levels of piss-taking, from the very mild to the bitter), eight were from females, and ten from males....
On the broader aspect of your question, I don't feel threatened at all - I actually didn't get the reference about the car, I ignore all references to cars anyway, as I don't drive.
I would be perfectly happy to give anyone of any age advice in how to pitch their initial approach in here, and have in the past done so, though usually on here in public rather than via PM. Reactions vary from the embarrassed and suitably enhumbled, to the brash and arrogant. References to Roger's advice for single guys post, and Marcuso's ditto are often made - whether guys get much out of them we really cannot tell. Yes, some go too far in their sarcasm, and it makes me feel uncomfortable, as it obviously does you as well Rainbows, but no one person in here can control what reaction people get - I have also seen reasonable posts from women and couples get a bit of an obtuse reaction from others in here, for example Zanahoria, and then disappear in confusion, so it's not only the single guys who suffer from this.

Mature guys will always be threatened by the younger men because they are fitter, longer stayers, nice to look at, always have an erection and women will always prefer them to older guys, so stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!
Quote by O. K.
But of the first 18 posts which might have been described as taking the piss (although varying greatly in levels of piss-taking, from the very mild to the bitter), eight were from females, and ten from males....
On the broader aspect of your question, I don't feel threatened at all - I actually didn't get the reference about the car, I ignore all references to cars anyway, as I don't drive.
I would be perfectly happy to give anyone of any age advice in how to pitch their initial approach in here, and have in the past done so, though usually on here in public rather than via PM. Reactions vary from the embarrassed and suitably enhumbled, to the brash and arrogant. References to Roger's advice for single guys post, and Marcuso's ditto are often made - whether guys get much out of them we really cannot tell. Yes, some go too far in their sarcasm, and it makes me feel uncomfortable, as it obviously does you as well Rainbows, but no one person in here can control what reaction people get - I have also seen reasonable posts from women and couples get a bit of an obtuse reaction from others in here, for example Zanahoria, and then disappear in confusion, so it's not only the single guys who suffer from this.

Mature guys will always be threatened by the younger men because they are fitter, longer stayers, nice to look at, always have an erection and women will always prefer them to older guys, so stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!
OMG........did you actually just say that in an open forum????....(guess you must be one of the aforementioned young ones then??)
Even though I am now part of a couple as far as swinging goes, I have done over a year as a single "mature" swinging male........By mature I presume you mean age-wise and not outlook on
I am, in fact, 40 later this year, so some may see it as mature and some may see it as
In no way, shape, or form have I EVER felt threatened by younger males, because I have always seen swinging as a social community instead of a "let's fuck" kind of thing.
In the past year I have met and socialised with people from every social strata, from single parents (of which I am one) company directors.
I have socialised with people aged from 18 to late 60's and really enjoyed almost every minute of it.
I don't see swinging as any kind of competition, or as anywhere that jealousy belongs at all.
Have I looked at younger guys at munches and thought "I wish I was his age/got his looks/had his physique?".....No I haven't, because people will take me for who I am......and if they don't like me for who I am then they were never likely to have liked me at any stage in my life..........I like where I am in my life at the moment and wouldn't wish to be younger or change anything about my past, because my past and the age I am now are what has made me who I am. And I am more than comfortable and happy with who I am.
Mr Comparison are always welcome to ask Mrs Comparison if I am fit enough for her and a long stayer.........and she seems to think I am nice enough looking.........but she is due at specsavers later this for do I always have an erection..........well..........go ask
Quote by O. K.
Mature guys will always be threatened by the younger men because they are fitter, longer stayers, nice to look at, always have an erection and women will always prefer them to older guys, so stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!

Several rather sweeping generalisations there, and all quite unjustified.
I'm curious about the parting shot, "stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!" Are you under the impression that all mature men are looking for teenagers?
Quote by Ice Pie
Mature guys will always be threatened by the younger men because they are fitter, longer stayers, nice to look at, always have an erection and women will always prefer them to older guys, so stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!

Several rather sweeping generalisations there, and all quite unjustified.
I'm curious about the parting shot, "stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!" Are you under the impression that all mature men are looking for teenagers?
It is a little worrying, that post.
Give me a bloke over 35 any day wink
Please lol
Quote by freckledbird
Mature guys will always be threatened by the younger men because they are fitter, longer stayers, nice to look at, always have an erection and women will always prefer them to older guys, so stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!

Several rather sweeping generalisations there, and all quite unjustified.
I'm curious about the parting shot, "stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!" Are you under the impression that all mature men are looking for teenagers?
It is a little worrying, that post.
Give me a bloke over 35 any day wink
Please lol
Seconded by the naked man to the left :wink:
Quote by Bloke2005
Mature guys will always be threatened by the younger men because they are fitter, longer stayers, nice to look at, always have an erection and women will always prefer them to older guys, so stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!

Several rather sweeping generalisations there, and all quite unjustified.
I'm curious about the parting shot, "stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!" Are you under the impression that all mature men are looking for teenagers?
It is a little worrying, that post.
Give me a bloke over 35 any day wink
Please lol
Seconded by the naked man to the left :wink:
Chris is naked and to my left, did you mean him?
Quote by Rainbows
I have read the thread and posted in it. He is behaving pretty much like anyone his age.
I don't see why everyone is reacting in such an extreme way to him.

I really don't want this to become a thread about another thread or particular person - which is why I didn't post this in that thread. Just kind of interested in a general way.
I notice two guys have responded here but neither of you have answered whether you feel a younger guy is a "challenge"? Would you consider helping a younger guy establsh himself on here?
Edit; Sorry MikeNorth - you posted as I wrote confused
younger, older, with greater endowment, richer, its all the same to me, I aint here to take part in a contest as to who is the best or worst, I am here to have fun and a few laughs.
Hi all as a 40 year old newbie, I am sorry but i dont feel threatend by young males.
It takes all sorts, every body you meet will make there own mind up if thay can get on with you or people I find becouse thay have lived life & have more to drow on for conversation ,young people havent and so tend to say sily things for some thing to say.
Rainbow asked why older members hadnt PM to try to guied him,I have found in life that until thay ask for help thay tend to at best ignore you at werst it makes things a lot werse.
I must say it is harder I find on the keybourd talking ,than face to face were you can pick up on body langage to help you
Quote by Comparison
Have I looked at younger guys at munches and thought "I wish I was his age/got his looks/had his physique?".....No I haven't, because people will take me for who I am......and if they don't like me for who I am then they were never likely to have liked me at any stage in my life..........I like where I am in my life at the moment and wouldn't wish to be younger or change anything about my past, because my past and the age I am now are what has made me who I am. And I am more than comfortable and happy with who I am.

Wise words... I wish I could have said that sad now Mr Comparison, you are a threat I can't compete with that! lol
short and sweet rainbows. nae! chance! cool
Chatting with a friend of mine and his "younger" GF... the premis of the conversation went like this... (he's a few months shot of my age, shes 20)
So why do sexy young women go out with the young dick heads?
Cos they chat you up, the older ones dont
So what do you prefer?
Older anyday... they at least know how to treat you well and dont get into fights all the time, and spend all there time talking and fixing cars.
So are the older ones better in bed?
Well they are a bit more softer, but at least they always let me cum first... and hey, they dont complain about being kept up late having sex because they are worried about work, or need to do more work on the car on a saturday... oh yeah, and they talk after sex, not just grunt... it must be because (she looked at my mate) they appreciate the finer things in life, and think they are luck to have a young lass on their arm...
at which point we all agreed that another round of abisinth was called for lol :lol: :lol:
nad reconed it was cos the older guy put more effort into it ;-)
I've never given this question any thought before because, frankly, it's never even occurred to me to feel in competition with anyone.
I've found, since becoming a member here, that my age seems to be unimportant to any of the people I've met from the site, both guys and girls. It certainly isn't any kind of barrier.
If anything, I'd say us older guys have the advantage on the young studs any day. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. When it comes to sex, we've been there, done it and have learned how to be sensitive to the needs of a female partner and how to pleasure her. Ok, recovery time may be greater but so what? It's quality not quantity that counts.
Anyway, I do have an erection most of the time innocent :whistling: :whistling:
So my answer is a big "No". I don't feel threatened nor in competition with young males who come on here (most of the posts whingeing about not being able to meet people on what is a swinging site seem to come from young single males, so I'd say that indicates more about their attitudes being responsible for their percieved lack of success than it does about anything else). dunno
I'm not complaining! wink :wink: biggrin :D :D
Thats an interesting question Rainbow.
I find younger guys are more materialistic and bragg about what theve got, whereas older guys just do it.
I leave you to decide which category I fall in too.
Certainly I don't feel threatened. The more you know the less you have to prove. Sometimes I wonder if when they get to my advanced age they'll be embarrassed about their behaviour. Certainly I have memories of things I said and did in my youth that are embarrassing to me now. But then, I think I was always a bit more subtle, less cock-sure, than I perceive kids to be today. Some seem just so arrogant. I do wonder what kind of woman replies positively to that kind of person - and indeed if any do! None of the ones I know would. Arrogance seems to me to be very unattractive.
What does get to me a bit is that ads in that tone seem to add to the general impression that men are somehow brutish bores. Some of us may be, quiet a lot of us are not.
As for cool cars, my car is to get me and my passenger if any from A to B safely in comfort and speedily in that order. It is not an extension of my personality or an advert for my manliness.
Its interesting how many people see sex as a competition. Obviously in the natural world males (and females) compete with each other sexually and Humans, being animals as well as human, will do the same.
But as humans we also have the notion of sex for pleasure and not just the instinct to keep the species going. I feel that this idea of competition in sex falls away as one gets older. I remember when I was in my late teens and early twenties I certainly felt competitive. Perhaps that was my young "animal" side expressing itself.
But its true that with age comes experience and the need to "prove" oneself falls away.
I'm now in my early fifties and I agree with what Eagerslut said above about not feeling in competition with any one. I've never enjoyed sex so much as I do now.
Now, its not about my young "animal" side "proving" itself. Its more about the "human" side giving of itself. Giving pleasure and warm friendliness in sex.
Perhaps we shouldn't be too hard on these young guys who are at that stage in their lives where they have to "prove" their competitive "animal" sides. Whilst not all guys grow out of it I'm sure most do with as the years go by.
To be honest, I choose not to compete simply because I don't think I can. That's actually quite a liberating realisation, because it means I can just get on and be me without having to worry about what anyone else is doing.
Interesting question... I don't feel threatened at all, but you must remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
For me, I don't look at myself as an older male @37. I'm still 18 at heart.
Whether I deny my advancing years or not, they lend me certain advantages over the younger man though.
You heard it here first ladies. Men eventually realise they have a second brain in their heads (well some of them do) once they get past the urge to pull into Halfords car park sideways. biggrin
I don't feel threatened by younger guys, no. ;)
to answer the question
yes young guys are a treath in a sense and not also
i have seen ads where an individual (cpl or fem) has specificly asked for young age (below 22)
but the cool aspect does not treathen me as i in my matured have more to offer compared to young guy
my ad is not a single line
am genuine no time waster
the lsit is countless
but the maturity and cool aspect can only be judged by someone else not myself
i might be cool but not in ur eyes lol
Quote by Ice Pie
To be honest, I choose not to compete simply because I don't think I can. That's actually quite a liberating realisation, because it means I can just get on and be me without having to worry about what anyone else is doing.

You've said it for me, Ice!
Each one of us has something to offer, it's just a matter of finding others who appreciate what we have. As a 'mature' user of this site I have never felt threatened by younger guys. I realise that the majority of women here prefer guys with a bit of life experience and substance to them, which younger chaps may not be able to offer. A sense of humour, the ability to hold a conversation and a respect for others will stand you in good stead. As will the ability to cook a fine meal and make a decent cup of tea in some cases (are you listening Jags wink ).
I find it constantly amusing that some people seem to think that once you reach 40 you are ready to be put out to pasture. That somehow your ability to perform sexually must have dwindled and that you must be feeling terribly old and jaded. I've read comments here and there from time to time which appear to reflect these views. Or there is the view that we are somehow insecure as we get older, as O.K. states......
Quote by O.K.
Mature guys will always be threatened by the younger men because they are fitter, longer stayers, nice to look at, always have an erection and women will always prefer them to older guys, so stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!

Yeah, right! AS IF!!! More wishful thinking, rather that truth IMO. Not only are these statements generalizations but they are unfounded myths. For instance, older guys are more far likely to be 'long stayers' and therefore better lovers, rather than the other way around as O.K. would have us believe. Erections are no more difficult, unless one has a physical illness or there is a psychological reason which can happen at any age. Same goes for fitness, as long as you keep fit you can shag as long as you like. As for being nice to look at, well that's subjective anyway as is preference to age group. In my experience women do not just go for younger guys, they tend to go for whoever they find attractive no matter what age.
to be honest yes i do. I suppose it could be said that i suffer from low self esteem but i think it is an age old think that people look for a newer model. Shame cos the old machinary often works better and lasts longer
Quote by O. K.
Mature guys will always be threatened by the younger men because they are fitter, longer stayers, nice to look at, always have an erection and women will always prefer them to older guys, so stop fooling yourselves and look for someone your own age!!!

Perhaps the question should not be aimed at the older guys - but at the younger guys?
Do younger guys feel threatened by the experience of older guys?
How many physical activities can you name where an athelete reaches their peak at 20? dunno
How many skills can you name which do not improve with practice? :dunno:
Is there anything in life that you do not get better at the longer you do it? :dunno:
The attitude of some of the younger guys is a bit like the modern pop industry. Don't worry too much about the quality of the product - if your marketing is aggressive enough, someone is bound to buy it. wink
Quote by KitKat
Perhaps the question should not be aimed at the older guys - but at the younger guys?
Do younger guys feel threatened by the experience of older guys?
How many physical activities can you name where an athelete reaches their peak at 20? dunno
How many skills can you name which do not improve with practice? :dunno:
Is there anything in life that you do not get better at the longer you do it? :dunno:

Nicely put, Kat. lol
why would i be threatened by younger males
love making is a long apprenteship which we all need to take
i'm more than 2 pumps and a squirt i know where a clit is and basicaly i'm secure with my sexuality in all his multiple colors
and i've been to 2 of blue and satins parties (3 after next weekend)