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Random Orbit is missing.

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41 replies
0 watchers
Have you seen this man?

Description: (when extinguished)
Caucasian Male. Around 5'9"- unless being used as a serving tray.
Short brown hair. Piercing blue/grey eyes. Slim build.
Last seen wearing rubber chaps and cowboy boots lubricated with vaseline.
For those of you who are new to the forum, Random Orbit, AKA Random Firestarter, London Traything, Rolp, Rollmop, and twat, is looked after in here by the regulars. All the time he's posting, we know where he is and that his "ways" are under control. His odd ramblings have made him something of a forum mascot. Especially since MarkZ developed rabies. rolleyes
However, there have been worrying signs over the last 24 hours. Signs that Rolp's account has been hacked by a sentient human being. Well written, sensible, thought provoking posts have been appearing, forum wide, from his keyboard.
I fear for his safety. He could be lying, as I type, wrapped in rubber, bound and gagged in a dark, dank cellar surviving only on rat blood drunk through a straw in his gimp mask. On the other hand, something bad may have happened to him.
Please, I implore you, help me find him. Examine your coffee table for any unusual features such as testicles. He is a master of disguise. If he remains at large for any length of time a new Great Fire of London is inevitable.
Whether he has strayed, or he has been kidnapped by the triple breasted hen of KFC, he needs to be found. If you see him, or indeed have any idea who has hacked his account- it is your civic duty to report your suspicions and sightings.
Yours, concerned of the planet Earth.
six foot one & three bits.
Quote by Ms_Whips
it's ok he's very unsafe with me :twisted:

So who has hacked his account? Or what have you been putting in his coco? Can I have some?
I'm unconvinced. I think there's a conspiracy. There's always a conspiracy!
ffs The triple breasted hen of KFC rotflmao now i'm going to put that phrase in my back pocket and use thats as much as possible :thumbup:
As for thingy ermmm Lp thats it. Last I heard he was down the dark arches with a brown paper bag a small dog and a faraway look in his eye. hmmmm this new Mr Orbit is rather different to the other very very suss.
Quote by __random_orbit__
six foot one & three bits.

I've only ever seen him on all fours. rolleyes
.... with smokin'..... heels!
'tis I... lp, watcha.
i haven't been's a lie, I'm not allowed.
I have had a couple of issues recently I have to admit. I get a little twitchy and drool a tad, when I awake the computor is shut down and I know what I have done. But I do have headaches... terrible headaches.
... about this rat-gimp-cellar evening....
:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: ...webs!.. :scared: :scared::scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
conspire away!
and Lostie... no paper bags here.. you know what I mean... I know you do
Dear Concerned,
I have him. I've also got Bloke here with me and FB is tied, bound and gagged next to Angelchat and I've got DG and Cherry waxing my back sack and crack while parading around in the altogether. Lord Lucan is serving them all the last Shergar steaks as I write...
However as you will no doubt know, I have the power to hack any account on here and put forth my nightmarish, nay fiendish, plots and plans. And I am certain they will come to fruition. You want your friends back don't you?
My list of demands are thus...
1. All female members with breasts larger than a 34B should immediately post them into my aliases inbox. The codename is "Steve". Failure to comply will result in me forcibly tweaking DG's left nipple.
2. All female members with breasts smaller than 34B should immediately post them into my aliases inbox. The codename is "Steve". Failure to comply will result in me forcibly tweaking DG's right nipple.
3. All male members with breasts larger than 34B should immediately post them in my other aliases inbox "Brucie".
4. Failure to comply with any of the above will ensure that Kaz is repeatedly spanked.
5. I shall be allowed to give Fluff a damn good franking.
6. I should be made an Admin, Mod, Chat Op, Pre Op, Post Op and Hip Hop. I should not be charged a fee, instead paid for gracing the forum with my presence. My payment shall take the form of a bed of rose petals and three SH virgins a week, either that of unlimited use of Tan's video collection.
You have thirty minutes to comply...
El Diablo
Quote by Resonance
Dear Concerned,
I have him. I've also got Bloke here with me and FB is tied, bound and gagged next to Angelchat and I've got DG and Cherry waxing my back sack and crack while parading around in the altogether. Lord Lucan is serving them all the last Shergar steaks as I write...
However as you will no doubt know, I have the power to hack any account on here and put forth my nightmarish, nay fiendish, plots and plans. And I am certain they will come to fruition. You want your friends back don't you?
My list of demands are thus...
1. All female members with breasts larger than a 34B should immediately post them into my aliases inbox. The codename is "Steve". Failure to comply will result in me forcibly tweaking DG's left nipple.
2. All female members with breasts smaller than 34B should immediately post them into my aliases inbox. The codename is "Steve". Failure to comply will result in me forcibly tweaking DG's right nipple.
3. All male members with breasts larger than 34B should immediately post them in my other aliases inbox "Brucie".
4. Failure to comply with any of the above will ensure that Kaz is repeatedly spanked.
5. I shall be allowed to give Fluff a damn good franking.
6. I should be made an Admin, Mod, Chat Op, Pre Op, Post Op and Hip Hop. I should not be charged a fee, instead paid for gracing the forum with my presence. My payment shall take the form of a bed of rose petals and three SH virgins a week, either that of unlimited use of Tan's video collection.
You have thirty minutes to comply...
El Diablo

Same old same old, no one wants to see my little man boobs!!!!!
Quote by Ms_Whips
oh and bluefish.... sorry but who is going to think about your little man boobs when there is that arse to look at? it's not really fair competition really.

:sad: Just like school all over again :sad:
Quote by Resonance
Dear Concerned,
I have him. I've also got Bloke here with me and FB is tied, bound and gagged next to Angelchat and I've got DG and Cherry waxing my back sack and crack while parading around in the altogether. Lord Lucan is serving them all the last Shergar steaks as I write...
However as you will no doubt know, I have the power to hack any account on here and put forth my nightmarish, nay fiendish, plots and plans. And I am certain they will come to fruition. You want your friends back don't you?
My list of demands are thus...
1. All female members with breasts larger than a 34B should immediately post them into my aliases inbox. The codename is "Steve". Failure to comply will result in me forcibly tweaking DG's left nipple.
2. All female members with breasts smaller than 34B should immediately post them into my aliases inbox. The codename is "Steve". Failure to comply will result in me forcibly tweaking DG's right nipple.
3. All male members with breasts larger than 34B should immediately post them in my other aliases inbox "Brucie".
4. Failure to comply with any of the above will ensure that Kaz is repeatedly spanked.
5. I shall be allowed to give Fluff a damn good franking.
6. I should be made an Admin, Mod, Chat Op, Pre Op, Post Op and Hip Hop. I should not be charged a fee, instead paid for gracing the forum with my presence. My payment shall take the form of a bed of rose petals and three SH virgins a week, either that of unlimited use of Tan's video collection.
You have thirty minutes to comply...
El Diablo

SH Virgins???? Do they exist??
El Dorado,
I am afraid that your plan is flawed. As an experiment, I just attempted to comply with one of your demands. However, I can confirm that size 34 E breasts do not fit through the slot of "Steves" inbox.
Had you been supervising the site some time ago, you would have already met with my breasts in frequent forum posts, nipple flaunting avatars, and even the occasional cam appearance. If you were as omnipresent as the other guy, you'd have no need to kidnap & terrorise in order to slake your lust.
I have had word from on high, instructing me not to give in to your tactics.
The Gospel according to Adam Ant clearly states:
"The Devil took your forumites, and your picture collection"
"Prince Of Darkness, Prince of Darkness, Resonance is nothing to be scared of"
The sacrifice of a few forumites is nothing in the face of the greater good. Ravage them all you will. May your pubis crawl with the lice of a thousand camels.
I am unswerving. Bake them in a pie and call it Hector. Had you chosen to kidnap forumites who owed me a drink, it may have been a different matter. Do your worst, one day, you'll be joined by Anthea Turner...retribution enough.
Quote by Witchy
Do your worst, one day, you'll be joined by Anthea Turner...retribution enough.

Steady on! :scared:
Quote by Funlovers2009
SH Virgins???? Do they exist??

Yep - Swedishfella and Brucie! lol
Quote by Mal

SH Virgins???? Do they exist??

Yep - Swedishfella and Brucie! lolnasty nasty man!
Quote by __random_orbit__

SH Virgins???? Do they exist??

Yep - Swedishfella and Brucie! lolnasty nasty man!
Something you want to tell me ?
i'm not here, he is.
the one what hijacked me, errm him.
it's his fault, er, mine even.
whoever he/me is. Yup, that's it.
oh, and: wink
Quote by __random_orbit__
i'm not here, he is.
the one what hijacked me, errm him.
it's his fault, er, mine even.
whoever he/me is. Yup, that's it.
oh, and: wink

Still no sign then?
so would now be a good time to metion my moobs?
he just tried to post a responce to moobman... but thankfully the netwebscape conspired against him.
a close shave.
you are spared
Even El Rezelbub appears to have gone back to hell...
maybe they're right. Maybe I am scary. dunno
Or perhaps the thought of Anthea Turner was too much, and it tipped him over the edge...:scared:
I (ahem) He quite likes Turner...
not the smokey light Thames wharf type lightexperimental art thing, the other one.
although Turner is nice too.
but yes... the Resounding one has been seen creeping from shadow to shadow attempting to get distance and saftey... away from here... away from you.
(Scary echoing, evil laughter, reverberating off the walls)
I see... want to test ourselves do we?
Shall we play?
Anthea Turner fazes me not, I have seen more dark things in heaven and hell that are even dreamt of in your dark philosophy... Why only last night, after forcing FB to read an entire thread without punctuation, grammar, sense or spelling, I finished the night off by forcing DG to go to bed in an "England for the World Cup" nightie.
I am adamant that I won't be any Prince Charming, I'll wait until you all Stand and Deliver what I am owed. There'll be some Goody Two Shoes amongst you hoping there's Room at the Top for them along side me here. Which is, of course, a load of Ant(c)rap.
As for R.O, or as we call him here, ole rubber legs, he is well. For the time being. His pain doesn't begin until Ms Whips pops around with her special delivery, half a hundredweight of Bamboo, a riding crop and a tub of Saxa salt...
As for you, Witchy, I laugh at your attempts to unhinge me. I gargle at your mouthwash of dispair, I parp somewhat unnecessarily loudly at your confidence and I dribble somewhat uncontrollably at the thought of 36E boobies.
So let us complete a riddle shall we?
"Brothers and sisters, I have none."
"But I do resemble Des Lynam."
Who, or what, am I?
Time is ticking, the salt is stinging and Ms Whips is grinning... hurry folks...
tick tock tick tock...
(line goes dead...)
I hear tell that Derek Acorah has been seen muttering something about possession by scouse demons
*Sigh* He isn't missing at all... He has just gone for his annual "holiday" ;) for some relaxation.... Res is fibbing when he says he has then all because FB has been at my place for the past week and we have been shopping and stuff...
Quote by Kaznkev
quick,while the evil one is distracted by my 38E ones,

Happily, I get distracted by these on almost every thread lol
Its a happy life :thrilled:
Quote by Kaznkev
quick,while the evil one is distracted by my 38E ones,

Happily, I get distracted by these on almost every thread lol
Its a happy life :thrilled:
It is getting a bit chilly,i may put a cardi on ,so u need br distracted no more
Lets not do things in haste, I say turn the heating up a bit more, c02 never hurt no one :twisted:
Quote by Kaznkev
quick,while the evil one is distracted by my 38E ones,

Happily, I get distracted by these on almost every thread lol
Its a happy life :thrilled:
It is getting a bit chilly,i may put a cardi on ,so u need br distracted no more
Lets not do things in haste, I say turn the heating up a bit more, c02 never hurt no one :twisted:
If you sure Im not keeping you from concentrating on more important things wink
Concentrating very hard