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Rapper Ol' Dirty Bastard dies

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Quote by Lazeeboy
Ok so every decade/generation has it's musical heroes,Dylan,Lennon,Cobain George Michael even.
This guy did not "touch me".Garbage is as garbage new clothes comes to mind.

:P Check out these lyrics....
You aint nothing but a hound dog crying all the time
Pure bloody poetry.
Right confused
Quote by Lazeeboy
It always strikes me as a bit ironic when I see people from one 'subculture', (as I think swinging could fairly be described as) being dismissive and intolerant of another.
You may not have enjoyed his music, and you may not have agreed with his message, but surely you can see that he added a little colour and variety to the world, and pissed off a lot of the moral majority 'not in my backyard' types who would clamp down on alternative music AND alternative lifestyles?
That should be enough reason to be ever so slightly saddened by his passing.

So you don't think colour and variety in the world is generally a good thing? Are you glad to hear about anyone who doesn't fit with your worldview's demise?
As a greater man than you or I once said "I may disagree with his opinion but I will fight to the death for his right to say it"
There are many whose passing dims my world,some more than others.
But to suggest to me that i should mourn the passing of someone whos "talent" never touched me is bizarre.
I mourn the passing of John Steinbeck I couldn't give a fuck about Barbara Cartland.
Quote by buttfan
Robbie, age may have nothing to do with it, if it's crap then it's crap!

Its crap in your opinion... and age does have a lot to do with it. Alot of the music that touches us is directly correlated to our generation - that stands to reason as common sense. Our generation and our peer group.
Your comments - if its crap then its crap - however, does bring us back to the age old irony of someone dismissing another persons art... a genre of music can never be crap, only not to your taste. Within that genre you can question the artistic quality but after your comments regarding ODB i feel fairly confident in assuming you know fuck all about hip hop.
I expect no one who wasn't touched by his artistry to mourn him - but i do hope that, through myself, he's maybe helped few, in future, make more informed decisions before opening their mouths regards a genre they know little or nothing about.
It's also possible that you haven't seen the video to the Wu Tang Clans song 'Gravel Pit' - some sexeeeeeeeeeeeee wimmin in that one!!!!
I wasn’t a fan of ODB and I’m not a fan of hip hop or rap but hey , live and let live . Some like it , some loathe it and that’s the way it is . I know people that think John Lennon was a God and others who think he’s an overrated twat (not my my opinion .by the way) . I have friends who are Jazz fans and others who consider it nothing more that musical wanking at it’s most pretentious ..but hey that’s their view .Personally I can’t stand the manufactured/X factor/Pop Idol type music that tops the charts today but there’s a few million who’d disagree with me … Music’s like art ,it means different things to different people …love it or loathe it but don’t ever dismiss it …
Some us remember when the Sex Pistols were shocking the nation with their outrageous behaviour and ‘vile’ songs .. who’d have thought 27 years later you’d be hearing Pretty Vacant playing over a supermarket PA , or Johnny Rotten presenting a Wildlife documentary on Prime time TV …
We’ve all different opinions , likes, dislikes ..and thank god we do .. how boring life would be if we didn’t
Its crap in your opinion... and age does have a lot to do with it.
Robbie, no age has very little to do with taste in music, certainly in my case. I'll listen to Classical, Prog rock, Ukrainian folk, grunge, jazz, techno, Rock n roll, country, etc. etc. so my not liking ODB is not an age thing. I would say it is due to a lack of musical quality, simple as that. I like art but I think the Turner prize normally highlights a load of old bollocks.