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Rapper Ol' Dirty Bastard dies

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i think we should all have a think how the man with the coolist name has change our likes
and the great lines what have touched us
You give me your number, I call you up
You act like ur pussy dont interrupt
I don't have no problem with you fucking me
But I have a little problem wit you not fucking me
and the great
You can call me dirty, and then lift up your skirt
And you want some of this dirty, god made dirt and dirt bust yo ass
rest in peace you dirty bastard
I was thinking Lennon & Mccartney when i read those lyrics...........he will be missed. :cry:
"kinkyluton"]i think we should all have a think how the man with the coolist name has change our likes

Seeing has how I have never even hear of him, he has had no effect whatsoever on my likes.
and the great lines what have touched us
You give me your number, I call you up
You act like ur pussy dont interrupt
I don't have no problem with you fucking me
But I have a little problem wit you not fucking me
and the great
You can call me dirty, and then lift up your skirt
And you want some of this dirty, god made dirt and dirt bust yo ass

Well, it's not poetic, it isn't prose, and it doesn't rhyme. What I do think it is:- It's very female degrading. The 'lyric' if that's what you can call it, shows no respect to women at all, and typifies the attitude of so many of the young in certain social and ethnic groups these days, to think of women as no more than a piece of meat to have their way with. It beats me as to why anyone, other than someone who is either stone deaf or moronic, would ever consider buying such trash. It can hardly be called music with a vocal attached.
In all honesty, I think 'Rap' is a monotenous dirge without tune,accompanied by someone who cannot, under any meaning of the word 'sing', spouting out a load of drivel, and trying to make up for the inadequicies of both the 'music' and the 'vocal' by having a group of other boys punching the air with their arms and jumping around as if they had Ants in their pants.

rest in peace you dirty bastard

Far be it for me to speak ill of the dead, but it does have it's up side..He won't be making anymore records.
Cassanova and Drunk of this Parish.
Quote by harry0
Well, it's not poetic, it isn't prose, and it doesn't rhyme. What I do think it is:- It's very female degrading. The 'lyric' if that's what you can call it, shows no respect to women at all, and typifies the attitude of so many of the young in certain social and ethnic groups these days, to think of women as no more than a piece of meat to have their way with. It beats me as to why anyone, other than someone who is either stone deaf or moronic, would ever consider buying such trash. It can hardly be called music with a vocal attached.
In all honesty, I think 'Rap' is a monotenous dirge without tune,accompanied by someone who cannot, under any meaning of the word 'sing', spouting out a load of drivel, and trying to make up for the inadequicies of both the 'music' and the 'vocal' by having a group of other boys punching the air with their arms and jumping around as if they had Ants in their pants.

In other words, it's shite
Quote by bluexxx

Well, it's not poetic, it isn't prose, and it doesn't rhyme. What I do think it is:- It's very female degrading. The 'lyric' if that's what you can call it, shows no respect to women at all, and typifies the attitude of so many of the young in certain social and ethnic groups these days, to think of women as no more than a piece of meat to have their way with. It beats me as to why anyone, other than someone who is either stone deaf or moronic, would ever consider buying such trash. It can hardly be called music with a vocal attached.
In all honesty, I think 'Rap' is a monotenous dirge without tune,accompanied by someone who cannot, under any meaning of the word 'sing', spouting out a load of drivel, and trying to make up for the inadequicies of both the 'music' and the 'vocal' by having a group of other boys punching the air with their arms and jumping around as if they had Ants in their pants.

In other words, it's shite
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Ahh, BlueXXX You do have a way with words. Short, sweet and to the point.
Cassanova and Drunk of this Parish.
Quote by bluexxx

Well, it's not poetic, it isn't prose, and it doesn't rhyme. What I do think it is:- It's very female degrading. The 'lyric' if that's what you can call it, shows no respect to women at all, and typifies the attitude of so many of the young in certain social and ethnic groups these days, to think of women as no more than a piece of meat to have their way with. It beats me as to why anyone, other than someone who is either stone deaf or moronic, would ever consider buying such trash. It can hardly be called music with a vocal attached.
In all honesty, I think 'Rap' is a monotenous dirge without tune,accompanied by someone who cannot, under any meaning of the word 'sing', spouting out a load of drivel, and trying to make up for the inadequicies of both the 'music' and the 'vocal' by having a group of other boys punching the air with their arms and jumping around as if they had Ants in their pants.

In other words, it's shite
BRILLIANT BLUE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I got tears in my eyes! hahahahaha!

I'll be taking Harry's christmas present back to the shop then.......
bless the dirty bastard....
all daggers out now
The world has become a slightly happier place.
Quote by harry0
In all honesty, I think 'Rap' is a monotenous dirge without tune...

Hmmmm.... can't deny the element of misogyny in some rap lyrics but it's not restricted to rap or ethnic groups only (the lyrics to the Stranglers 'Peaches' come to mind, substitute fruit for meat). I'd suggest it's symptomatic of sociological tensions between male and female rather than something intrinsically part of an entire musical genre.
Try that first brought rap to most people's attention for something more uplifting and humorous.
Well I must say I'm a woman and I thought Ol Dirty was cool! I'm gutted sad
I guess it depends on your POV but I don't let misogyny get to me, it's all a big front and I bet they love their mums really wink
Quote by kinkyluton
bless the dirty bastard....
all daggers out now

Not really, it's just people's opinions of music....none of us knew him so it isn't personal. I've never heard anything of his except the song he did with Kelis (I think)....Wu Tang Clan are ok (right band yes?)....just horses for courses. If I posted saying how upset I was that Pete Steele had died, you'd probably just say Who? wink
Quote by Serendipity
bless the dirty bastard....
all daggers out now

Not really, it's just people's opinions of music....none of us knew him so it isn't personal. I've never heard anything of his except the song he did with Kelis (I think)....Wu Tang Clan are ok (right band yes?)....just horses for courses. If I posted saying how upset I was that Pete Steele had died, you'd probably just say Who? wink
i say he was a vampire anyway...
he was lead singer of a group called type o negative...goth music
i herd a cover smells like teen spirit...from had more cheese then my knob....pmsl
That's the one, is not was though, he's not dead yet wink They do seem to enjoy the odd cover version...these days, who doesn't *sigh*
So ya see, horse for courses....I'm not a big rap fan, you don't like cheese on your bits lol
Quote by harry0
The 'lyric' if that's what you can call it, shows no respect to women at all, and typifies the attitude of so many of the young in certain social and ethnic groups these days, to think of women as no more than a piece of meat to have their way with.

To combat sexism, apply racism. It's an interesting approach rolleyes
Wu Tang produced some of the classic rap tracks, unfortunately ODB wasn't exactly good at avoiding the pitfalls sad RIP
Quote by harry0
The 'lyric' if that's what you can call it, shows no respect to women at all, and typifies the attitude of so many of the young in certain social and ethnic groups these days, to think of women as no more than a piece of meat to have their way with.

that may be true... but for every"eminem" there is a "kanye west"
for every "tupac" who talked about women that way there is a "nas" who talks about education......
that is just a gross generalisation......
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by kinkyluton
i think we should all have a think how the man with the coolist name has change our likes
and the great lines what have touched us
You give me your number, I call you up
You act like ur pussy dont interrupt
I don't have no problem with you fucking me
But I have a little problem wit you not fucking me
and the great
You can call me dirty, and then lift up your skirt
And you want some of this dirty, god made dirt and dirt bust yo ass
Fucking quality lyrics them,right up there with Dylan,Stipe ,Springsteen etc.
rest in peace you dirty bastard
I say the entertainment industry would be a lot less interesting if some artists didn't push boundaries once in a while. Some of the most revered artists of all times have done things which can be seen as unacceptable but have become legends because of their talent. A bit of controversy can spark off some very good debates and/or help to raise awareness of serious problems which can only be a good thing.
Oh yeah and he did love his mum bless him! biggrin
Quote by harry0
In all honesty, I think 'Rap' is a monotenous dirge without tune

So mrs davej isnt really moaning at me right now ....she's just rappin! :shock:
Quote by MQ
I say the entertainment industry would be a lot less interesting if some artists didn't push boundaries once in a while. Some of the most revered artists of all times have done things which can be seen as unacceptable but have become legends because of their talent. A bit of controversy can spark off some very good debates and/or help to raise awareness of serious problems which can only be a good thing.
Oh yeah and he did love his mum bless him! biggrin

lol..thats what they used to say about the krays
oh what a shame, the music world will struggle to find a replacement with such talent.........NOT!
OK so a bit of controversy maybe good in the music world but only if coupled with an element of talent, something lacking in ol' useless fu*ker.
BOO HOO what a shame
RIP for one of the funniest and most original lyricist in hip hop history... I realise most of you won't appreciate that as either hip hop is out of your realm of music taste and/or you're just too old. But i'm sure ODB wouldn't hold it against you. ;) biggrin
He was the greatest & time less:
His first album : Return To The 36 Chambers The Dirty Version.
Is a classic.
Robbie, age may have nothing to do with it, if it's crap then it's crap!
Quote by Robbie
RIP for one of the funniest and most original lyricist in hip hop history

:P We enjoy ODB in this house too. Biggie Smalls was another great.
Biggie Biggie Biggie can't you see sometimes your words just hypnotise me.
Ok so every decade/generation has it's musical heroes,Dylan,Lennon,Cobain George Michael even.
This guy did not "touch me".Garbage is as garbage new clothes comes to mind.
It always strikes me as a bit ironic when I see people from one 'subculture', (as I think swinging could fairly be described as) being dismissive and intolerant of another.
You may not have enjoyed his music, and you may not have agreed with his message, but surely you can see that he added a little colour and variety to the world, and pissed off a lot of the moral majority 'not in my backyard' types who would clamp down on alternative music AND alternative lifestyles?
That should be enough reason to be ever so slightly saddened by his passing.
Quote by ChairmanMiaow
It always strikes me as a bit ironic when I see people from one 'subculture', (as I think swinging could fairly be described as) being dismissive and intolerant of another.
You may not have enjoyed his music, and you may not have agreed with his message, but surely you can see that he added a little colour and variety to the world, and pissed off a lot of the moral majority 'not in my backyard' types who would clamp down on alternative music AND alternative lifestyles?
That should be enough reason to be ever so slightly saddened by his passing.
