i think we should all have a think how the man with the coolist name has change our likes
and the great lines what have touched us
You give me your number, I call you up
You act like ur pussy dont interrupt
I don't have no problem with you fucking me
But I have a little problem wit you not fucking me
and the great
You can call me dirty, and then lift up your skirt
And you want some of this dirty, god made dirt and dirt bust yo ass
rest in peace you dirty bastard
I was thinking Lennon & Mccartney when i read those lyrics...........he will be missed. :cry:
bless the dirty bastard....
all daggers out now
The world has become a slightly happier place.
he was lead singer of a group called type o negative...goth music
i herd a cover smells like teen spirit...from them..it had more cheese then my knob....pmsl
oh what a shame, the music world will struggle to find a replacement with such talent.........NOT!
OK so a bit of controversy maybe good in the music world but only if coupled with an element of talent, something lacking in ol' useless fu*ker.
BOO HOO what a shame
He was the greatest & time less:
His first album : Return To The 36 Chambers The Dirty Version.
Is a classic.
Robbie, age may have nothing to do with it, if it's crap then it's crap!
Ok so every decade/generation has it's musical heroes,Dylan,Lennon,Cobain George Michael even.
This guy did not "touch me".Garbage is as garbage new clothes comes to mind.
It always strikes me as a bit ironic when I see people from one 'subculture', (as I think swinging could fairly be described as) being dismissive and intolerant of another.
You may not have enjoyed his music, and you may not have agreed with his message, but surely you can see that he added a little colour and variety to the world, and pissed off a lot of the moral majority 'not in my backyard' types who would clamp down on alternative music AND alternative lifestyles?
That should be enough reason to be ever so slightly saddened by his passing.