Hey Guys.......I don't normally do posts like these but I've had a really crap couple of days and I could do with some cheering up......
After coming back from the Motel Munch on a complete high my week went downhill very rapidly.......loads of lectures which make my head spin because I know nothing about Biology......and then I haven't managed to get hold of someone that I really want to talk to......I've been so tired I haven't been able to stay awake most nights.....
And then I get a really nasty letter this morning which is going to make me stress out all weekend until I can try and get it sorted out.....
I know there's nothing that you guys can do especially but I just wanted somewhere to vent my frustration.....
Thanks for listening/reading guys.....
hope u chear up... things could be worst,,,, oh boy i would know
Ooo helen I know how bad they can be, I have had a few letters in the past from in my case, debt companies, always not available over the weekend, and always respond in 5 days from date we sent letter... grr which with the weekend means monday, double grr...
Anyways came here to cheer you up, not rant n rave about my past. I've been there, there is light at end of the tunnel and you will work through it no matter how bad it seems at the time. Don't let em get to you...
And here's me hoping he DIDN'T mean that MrsFC....LoL
Thanks TnH and Rocky Horror....I appreciate that......
Any experience with Debt Collectors?
Thanks everyone for trying to help.......now I'm just sitting here in a puddle of tears.....LoL......I'm sure I look a complete mess, but never mind.....no one here to see it.....
Hands the tissues...
If it makes you feel better DH, yes I been round that block a few times. The professional ones often not that bad, and in my case they froze the interest on my CC so it was easier to pay off.
They buy the debt (normally) from the company at less than you owed so if they get it all back, even over longer time they are happy. They do rattle sabre faster than most store cards or CC companies but generally you want to pay it of (and lose this worry), and they just want the money in bank, so you after the same thing. Now all you need do is work out fair terms to do it.
Any problems dive for CAB, and remember it never worth losing sleep over, let alone considering more drastic steps (which I have friends consider before)
Tallnhairy is right about these people they are not as powerful as they like to make out. As long as you communicate with them they will be fine. But be aware of the people on the DC phone lines as they are only trained to try and get you to pay up. You will get a sesnsible answer from them by writing communication only. Though you may need to phone in the first instance to tell them you have received their letter.
I have being dealing with these people for years and years. You will have loads of time to negotiate and they expect things to take ages, so don't worry. As long as you make them the offer of a payment even one as low as a a month (like I do) there is not much they can do. However it may be a good idea to get some advice from a money advice centre or CAB (may be one and the same in your town). If only just to reassure you of where you stand (and they will confirm everything I have said here). They will prepare a financial statement and negotiate with these agencies for you if you want them to (which is what I get them to do for me when I feel like flexing a bit of muscle).
So don't worry Helen these letters sound worse than they actually are. Debt is no longer a crime like it use to be in the 19th Century when they could clap you in prision. Things have moved on a great deal and it's no longer the stigma it was. Everyone is in debt these days and these companies know it's all just a game, which is what it is really. They won't be comming round to kick your door in and take away your belongings. The only people they get heavy with are those who don't want to pay anything.
Hope this clarifies things.
Love and best wishes LC. XXX
Thanks LC.....I appreciate the advice about that.....I'll call them first thing Monday morning and find out what the situation is and if I can pay them a little each month.....
I'm feeling a little better now.....thanks so much everyone, you people are great.....
((((((((((((((Helen)))))))))))))) I have an immense amount of experiance with Debt collectors, and am currently working through debt now. I know my rights, and may be able to help you to know yours.
Drop me a line pet.
In the meantime don`t let it worry you now, nothing will happen between now and Moday, so enjoy it!
You have a PM.
I was going to try to post here to attempt to help you see more clearly the reality of being chased for money, but there are other people here that are more eloquent and experienced than I.
I would say read and inwardly digest some of the things posted above. There are some good points raised and some good advice given.
It really can be far less daunting than first thought.
No matter what happens - 'they' can't make me pregnant and 'they' can't hang any of us any longer.
Keep your chin up and speak to them.
Thanks all of you.....I came on this morning to find 6 PM's from you ....I really appreciate the support......