Recognising fellow swingers is a problem. We all know there are loads of us out there but sussing out who is and who isn't one of us is a real pain.
Sites like this do a sterling job of getting people together but it is still a hard job finding like minded people even though they may be in the same street or already even a friend or acquintance.
Now if we were Mason's we'd have a funny handshake or if we were gay we may wear just one earing (though that maybe an urban myth for all I know) so why don't we have some suttle visible or verbal signal that lets people know we are swingers without coming out completely?
If there is already something, please let me know because it's obviously be new to me...thanks, karton1
Look for the horns and the forked tail.
I was in Fleetwood near Blackpool in early september on a late family holiday and decided to watch the match between Manchester United and Arsenal in a local pub. There was nowhere to sit and I was stood there on my own in a corner watching. Then a couple called me over and invited me to pull up a chair and join them, ever so friendly they bought me a few drinks as they knew I didn't have much money with me. After the game they came back to the Haven park I was staying at and I got them into the entertainment bars and all that. I did enjoy their company, they were a nice couple but I didn't want to frighten them off so said nothing.
Anyway to cut a long story short they left at about 1:30 am and the hubby turned to me as they left, and his exact words were. Just one thing to say to you before we leave, the grass is greener on the other side!
Am I thick as shit? I'd spent over twelve hours in the company of swingers and the thought never entered my head!!!
We do recall some signs in the past. A couple who are on one of the sites came up with a badge in the shape of a caravan like a pendulum stuck at 7 o'clock to identify them as swingers. We also recall from a page of Desire magazine quite a few years ago a discreet circular lapel badge with the image of a '69' on its side. Never heard anything more about either.
Maybe a t-shirt with a picture of a beachball and the words "I like to play" printed on thm should be made and sold to swingers on websites and at functions etc. Obviously if people ask what it means they will have to he told it was a beach holiday souvineer, those who do know what it means however :0) ....
I have recognised a few in Leicester where I live
but leave it down to discretion and not introducing myself.
As a courier i have to have a good memory so faces arnt a problem.
Perhaps we should just start something right now, at least we could recognise each other.....any suggestions?