Seems to me that there is a lot of regular bashing/baiting going on.
By this I don’t mean in any sexual sense…although I’m sure it does go on
I’m not sure how this thread will be taken, I’ll probably come in for a lot of abuse. I'm not trying to cause offence....honest!
Since my return I’ve seen lots and lots of newer people join the Forum. This isn’t a bad thing by all means as this isn’t a closed community, it’s for everyone but when some people start moaning after 1 or two posts it does become somewhat infuriating.
I usually try to refrain from making any remarks on the said threads as it’s probably the reaction that they want…. But it really is getting to the stage now where at least once a day there is a thread about regulars being cliquey or asking how to post an ad etc. I know everyone is there to help but if people just read the help that’s given we could all enjoy this place a lot more.
The simple conclusion to the problem is (in my humble opinion):
If you don’t like the site, go away
If you don’t like that fact that some people are regular posters on here, either become a regular poster yourself or go away
If all you want to do is bitch and moan that you can’t find anyone to shag, either take the advice given or go away.
Quite a few of the newbie’s come across as decent people who just want to get to know people but then a lot are also complete idiots who like causing reactions or who want a shag now or they’ll moan about it.
We are all adults, we all have the ability to read through the threads for advice or the stickies for a mentor (excellent idea) etc etc….. Use the information that is around you and you may well see that the regulars tolerate you more.
All information that a new member needs to know is on the site so there should be no need to place pointless threads asking how to do this and how to do that, therefore giving the Mods more work to do. I’m not trying to be unhelpful but I had to learn and so did everyone else!
I’m not having a go either (though it may come across that way), I’m just trying to point out how I’m feeling right I’m rambling now so I’ll conclude by saying that I really enjoy being a member of this site and I’m not criticising how it’s run or anything. For the most part the topics raised and discussed are interesting, funny, sad etc etc but there are the few who spoil it for everyone else.