good luck to them, if there protest is noted and effective they are only looking at the truck drivers petrol/diesel not the general public.
not against this as maybe it would be reflected in food prices coming down?
i dont know what the answer is, i dont drive cuse i want to, i drive cuse i have to, if i want to work that is.
maybe i should go off sick with the stress of finding the money to run my car and go on benefit.
about time the government started looking after the workers who are assisting in keeping us afloat.
why do i pay NI when i still have to pay for dental, glasses, medical. ? keep me well, ill keep working??
xx fem
sorry hijack there but god it makes me angery
They're playing havoc on the M4 too. Plenty of drivers will be complaining at being stuck in traffic jams but they're the same ones moaning about the price hike.
Go truckers! I just hope it works! :thumbup:
I'm not convinced. Protesting about the price of fuel by using more fuel is kind of shooting yourself in the foot. The oil companies and the Government know that they have us over a barrel (scuse the pun), the only way to truely protest is by stopping buying any and who can afford to do that?
Unless the oil companies can be convinced to increase production in line with demand prices will continue to increase, and why would they do that when they're making such profits?
A cap on the amount of tax/litre might help, as opposed to a percentage, then the increase is just increase in all price not increase plus tax. But again, the government need the money so will do little to change it.
If everyone in Britain bought no oil, petrol, deisel etc for a week they'd soon pay attention - but as I say, no-one can afford to do that. People have to travel to work, school, hospitals have to run etc.
At some point the oil will run out completely, are we to blame the government for that too?
I totally believe that community activism/action can make positive changes. Think Im getting very cinycal in my old age now though as Ive seen some of the dirty tricks that *Politicians and Council Officers* play behind the scenes.... and people think they are being listened to hah!!!! The agenda/result usually has already been decided and an ace card is normally tucked away somewhere in case its needed!
As for the poll tax, I and a number of others (labour miliants were great in those days) were heavily involved in the nationwide action. So we got rid of the poll tax and ended up with flipping council tax! Always something else that replaces one thing for another!!
Saying all the above though I would still support community action, if its for the right reasons, have the correct information, organised honestly and in a proper manner, doesnt injure anyone, and everyone is aiming for the same thing.... people can achieve if they stick together!
Our great and honest (cough cough) government gets their fuel tax. It's a percentage of the price. Therefore as the price inceases, the government gets more money.
I wouldn't mind if there as evidence of it going where it was needed but I haven't seen any reduction on the Road Tax or Income Tax to match the increase they are getting every time I fill up.
Ok ..yes we all agree the fuel taxes are rip off,
but what about the motorist who are stuck in the traffic jams..
When the lorry drivers do there blockades ???
No one every thinks about them do they...
I say good on the trukers.
and a here is a thought maybe all those who drive be it cars,bikes,lorries etc all done the same thing as the truckers today, maybe just maybe the powers at b might just think a little bit more and do something about the the fuel price rip off ?? who knows a thought thats all