This Is Firelizard speaking and I am going to be 41 v v soon :scared: . One of my ambitions for when I became 40 was for us both to play with a bi-fem or 2 or 3 (not all at once you understand) I am going to be 41 in11 days and still no nearer to finding one who wants to play with us without bringing another man along to watch or join in :eeek: . We're not ruling out couples, but would like our first experience to be as explained. I've had offers of girl on girl and no men, but I feel that then I'm not doing it with Stormwalker but instead of him which is'nt what either of us want
There, bet it's not often you get a shag me post from a women!!!! I'm so embarrassed if I'm the first
So there you have it birthday in 11 days and my ideal pressie a nice bi-fem that does'nt mind playing alone with me and stormwalker so if anyone wants to be my pressie please PM.
Love and hugs and moist bits
Firelizard xxxxxxxx