It makes no difference what anyone thinks about it, chairman blair wants, chairman blair gets.
Leak the proposals via the media, wait for outrage to die down, roll it out in scotland for 12 months first, re assess and make law at 5am one commons morning after the whips have bullied our MP's and there you have it......another undemocratic farce
In the case of foxhunting, .......try, try, and try again, if you dont at first sucseed, bend the rules, threaten the lords with reform and if that fails, use an out dated loophole in the law to fix something that wasnt bust and certainly isnt as important as the state of the NHS, transport, education, immigration, foreign policy, etc etc etc.
Rome, burns, fiddle
do they not in france charge to use the motorways?
i am not actually against road charging per say..... but since it would cost people who use there cars more, would it not be a fairer way of doing it?? as long as if you are going to do this... you would cut the duty on fuel tax......
Oh Tune
Do you realy believe that any money raised in this way will all be spent on the roads? or on transoprt at all?
we pay a huge amount of NI tax, enough to pay all our pensions, but its been stolen to pay for something else.
All the petrol and road tax money doesnt all go to transoprt, it props up the NHS, the list goes on.
Its just one more way to suck us dry
30 million sitting ducks on Britains roads all waiting to be screwed
Persoanlly I think the idea is good in principal - I'm just not sure about the whole 'tracking' issue.
As somebody that tries to use public transport as much as possible even though I have a car, I know that if fuel duty is reduced and I didn't have to pay road tax anymore, I would be paying a lot less than I am now to own/run a car.
The new planned taxation would cost us a fortune....
There is the kids to take to school....(2 different schools) and then they have to be collected again...
Then there is going to work......It annoys the shit out of me that I will have to pay a tax to go to work to earn money to live that I am taxed on and everything I but with that money I am taxed on...
I drive a 4x4 :shock:
I work bloody hard to earn the money to buy it.......Pay an inflated rate of RFL because it is "enviromentaly unfriendly" yet 7.5 ton lorries and vans that are less fuel efficient and produce more in the way of emmisions pay less RFL than I do....
I have the 4x4 because it does a specific job..
It tows a caravan.....We have the caravan as it works out cheaper than paying inflated prices for holiday homes and we are away most weekends during the summer as,shock horror,I have a hobby.......
No doubt Mr Blur will want to tax that it the near future so as my last little bit of enjoyment is subject to taxation as well.....
Put it on the fuel if he is desperate to claw yet more money from us...
Of course what he could always do to save a shit load of cash is get our boys and girls out of Iraq but thats another story isnt it......
Or he could curb his own and his goverments unwarranted spending but that will never happen...
its just a way of getting cars off the road so the governm,ent dont get stuck in traffic jams caused by those nasty common people who have to use them in order to work to pay their taxes.
4x4s, nasty gas guzzling things, lets tax em off the roads. dont they ever read the specs. these days a lot are more fuel efficient than most poular small cars. as for charging us to install the technology to track us, why dont we just motorise our wheelie bins, theve already got the microchips in. have to use the recycle ones though.
ok, rant over
Got to admit that we have been watching the news on this from afar and have come to the same conclusions as several other people.
In the UK you pay road tax, Duty on fuel (one of the highest in the EU) vat on both the fuel duty and cost of the fuel (so paying tax on the tax!)all of which produce a large amount of cash for the government and with record oil prices over the last year, Gordon Brown is fat and happy... but.. how much of the revenue from this lot has ever been used to improve the transport situation within the UK?? People use cars because most of the time, the public transport system sucks so there is no viable alternative!!!
On this side of the channel, there is no 'road tax' at all, if you want to use the autoroutes then you pay but you do have the choice. As the oil companies have recorded record profits, the government is hitting them with a 'windfall tax' to off-set fuel tax increases so keeping the fuel costs stable which in turn keep costs in the shops steady as customers don't have to pay for increased delivery charges.
The other thing about the French (love em or hate 'em) is that they do constantly remind the government about who they work for... the voters!!
oh... and just one other dark thought...
With the little black box installed in your cars, how long before you notice that your bank account is empty because...
"it has been determined that you travelled at 31 mph in 30 mph restricted zone and you have been fined accordingly"
Big brother eh??
Shark - You have to be doing over 33 in a 30 zone, but to be honest i don’t think those black boxes will do as much as is being said by the scaremongers out there, no technology could track 20 million vehicles at any one time and if it did it would cost the earth twice over.
tax on tax, well that’s part of life in the UK now isn’t it, but in all fairness the road fund license will be scrapped along with fuel duty so when you sum it up lots of motorists will be better off, worst hit will be people who stay in major cities. But i think the initiative is to get these people to use their cars less and take the tube etc, I'd be better off but the point i don't see is why should i pay the same to travel a 50 mile trip in my toyota yaris as a 35 ton articulated lorry? I don't see the logic in this and if there is one then why is the said lorry paying £1500 road tax and duty on fuel as i type? if you ask me the goverment would draw in less revenue not more and would then try to drag most of it back by overcharging in busy hot spots around the country this is where it becomes unfair as even public transport doesn't price on your location but the trip itself, while all the muppets that decide whether this will go ahead or not are exempt from the charges and can claim for there expenses for their fish & chips while stuck in the traffic jam....