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Room 101 What would you put in there?

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9 watchers
Im so glad someone agrees with me...
yes, thats the type im meaning when you know roughly whats wrong and they dont know about the simple things like 1471 for instance...
i also have another thing to add to the list... friggin cold calls for business, not your average kitchen or double glazing call, but the ones that just dont give up... or they say its for charity... pah!
shoot the lot of them!
im sure the more often i read this board the more things i will add to my list... but again thats it for now.
More contenders..
1. 'Crazy Frog' - If ever there's a sound more annoying than this damned 'frog' thing then I've yet to hear it. Everytime I hear it I want to plant my size 14 foot through the TV! Why in the blue hell would anyone think this would sound great on their phones?!? Do you know the company behind that frog have made over 10 million quid so far through sales? ARRRGGGHH! And now they're releasing a single!! Is there no end to the madness?
2. Chavs / Neds - Where I live there's a ton of them walking around, harassing people at the local shopping centre and comparing their crappy jewellry and the new phone they found on the floor of a club the night before. Listen you little neds, see those two green dots on your girlfriends inner thighs? That means your earrings are fake. Get a life, a wash and rid of that Burberry rubbish you stride about in..
In my Room 101 id have.....
1.... Mobile phone companies ... (for the countless hours ive spent on the phone arguiing with them for them not providing the service i signed up for yet not allowing me to terminate my contact)
2.. Getting up in the morning .. (that would be straight in there,, Its the one thing in the world that you cant get away from)
3.. and finally.. theres this news reader on sky news.. not sure of her name but she'd definately be in there.. head first.... She got redish haired bob.
Quote by the_magik_s
2.. Getting up in the morning .. (that would be straight in there,, Its the one thing in the world that you cant get away from)

God, that's one of my big problems too.. I think I've smashed far too many alarm clocks over the years. Eventually I had to buy one of those alarm clocks that are shaped like a football, and are designed to be turned off by throwing it against a wall! Extra time in bed and the stress relief of launching the ringer! bliss. lol
i would chuck in............
pub closing times!!!!
mariah carey- god shes so vien!!!! and her voice arrgghhh!!!!!
I dunno about letting in Mariah.. She may be an eejit but damn she's hot! (He says stroking the latest issue of FHM) blink
But I agree with you about the pub closing times!
well just tony blair the forked tongue two fasced viper would do me, but as we can chuck more than just one, the leftie tree huggers can go for me too.
Just as a foot note i was pumped full of those so called drugs in iraq so i don't subscribe to the drugs made me ill theory, (i have my own opinion) and i have yet to see casualty figures for any war since WW2 or WW1 for that matter, come close to the ammount of people killed and mained in those two.
Quote by Chunky Love
I dunno about letting in Mariah.. She may be an eejit but damn she's hot! (He says stroking the latest issue of FHM) blink
But I agree with you about the pub closing times!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
you look so much like my brother its unreal!!!!!!!
wesley is that u???? surprised
Quote by bigDewi69
/note/ is there going to be enough room in Room 101 for all our hates? lol

hehe thats the beauty of room 101 - its like the tardis and womens handbags - waaaaay more space inside than outside!! :lol:
Quote by bailiffs
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
you look so much like my brother its unreal!!!!!!!
wesley is that u???? surprised

lol Sorry lass, not guilty! :lol:
Quote by ellietvslut
Just as a foot note i was pumped full of those so called drugs in iraq so i don't subscribe to the drugs made me ill theory, (i have my own opinion) and i have yet to see casualty figures for any war since WW2 or WW1 for that matter, come close to the ammount of people killed and mained in those two.

Don't discount the genacide in Africa
true but has that genacide got close to the 20 milion lost by russia alone in ww2
Quote by Chunky Love

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
you look so much like my brother its unreal!!!!!!!
wesley is that u???? surprised

lol Sorry lass, not guilty! :lol:
lol thought it must b a miricle he's in spain and actually im glad!!!!!! fuew that were close
Quote by ellietvslut
true but has that genacide got close to the 20 milion lost by russia alone in ww2

Guess not, but millions still.
Futile isn't it?
Does it really matter who lost the most? War is war. Chuck the whole damn lot in I say.
very true Libra + love,
but that is easier said than done with most of the world leaders and despots we have at the moment.
I'd still like to put them into room 101.
PS: I've got 3 brothers who fought a futile war in Africa. Look what we did?
Edit/I've never asked them how they feel now about having fought for the wrong side.
Quote by bailiffs
lol thought it must b a miricle he's in spain and actually im glad!!!!!! fuew that were close

Hehe, no bother lass. I think I've got one of those faces that a lot of people recognise. In fact, it's the kind of face you see in the photofits in Crimewatch!
Honestly, I once stood in a police lineup to make up the numbers for an officer friend of mine, and I was asked to stand beside the accused. Out of four people asked to pick him out, two of them picked me! Ooh, was I messing myself panicking that day!
I must have that kinda face.. lol
I would put in my screaming kids and football
can i put various odd bits in room 101....
first of all.... boob tubes... they are never staying in place
pedal pushers... lol united fans....footballers wives (the tv programme)
that is enough to get me started... lol
sean xxxxxxxx
3. Alfie Moon and Little Mo - If I see one more "Oh, we're so confused and we've got our wires crossed' moment with these two, I'm telling you this TV of mine is living on borrowed time.. C'mon, you just know that they're stalling for time so that they can wait till Kat Slater loses the beef and can get back to the show, to catch these two 'lovers' in the act! Man, I should be a script writer, I would rock! Yeah, first of all I would introduce a rabid dog locked in a room with the Moons.. It would be lke 'Cujo' all over again!
Erm, not that I watch this stuff you understand.. :shock:
4. Celebrity Wrestling - God lord, we are really trawling through the depths of reality tv now. Z-List celebrities fighting with foam gloves and giant balls (oo-er!) whilst genuine wrestlers who've been hired to bre trainers try desperately to not laugh at their protege's and occasionally do their best to look hard for the camera.. How would I fix it? Simple. I would change the name to, 'Celebrity Alligator Wrestling'.. Wow, think of the ratings!
Ide put those fuckers from Bolton hospital in for treating my nan like they have, and for leaving a family in insufferable pain and distress.
No infact bollox to 101 ide send them straight to fuckin hell
How about Ann Robinson for Room 101, shes got the kind of face, I'd never get tired of hitting.
The Bastard that attacked my step daughter, after I'd cut his balls off.
I'd put Britney Spears and all reality TV shows especially the one's with D LIST celebrities in Room 101. :twisted:
Quote by thechairman18
How about Ann Robinson for Room 101, shes got the kind of face, I'd never get tired of hitting.

i seem to remember the robinson was put in room 101 a while back on tv smile
oh, and lets not forget to put all the wheel-clampers in there too!!
Adverts on television and that woman who says before every coronation street episode
"The latest addition to the street"
Listen how she pronounces the "T" at the end of the word street, jeez, it makes my
toes curl..damn her to hell or something like that!
Id have to put insurance companies in - ive forever been ripped off, paid loads, then when it comes to claim, oh now we dont want pay, grrrr
All them ringtone adverts on tv and the music channels - ive since stopped watching all music channels
Tony Blair and alot of Mp's would have to go in - I wont get started on polotics
Though i would hate to be the one to open the door and get hit by all the noise from within the room. Its not worth trying to imagine :uhoh:
Slightly OT, I watched the film 1984 last week... didn't understand feck all about what was going on. Maybe it would help if I read the book?
novelty ties.
Being a mum and having a toddler who loves cbeebies I've got use to watching mind numbingly crap kids tv and I can put up with it for most of the time BUT there's one person who sends me straight for the remote and that's Sarah bloody Jane on Tikkabilla. :censored:
My god I've never heard anything like this annoying 4ft nothing blonde screaching machine in my life!! Bonnie Langford comes close though! :grin:
Mrs CC