Quote by Shireen_Mids
Isn't it funny that whilst there are alot of people who are "defending" Diana, her sons stood beside their father yesterday and looked genuinly pleased and happy..... If they can be happy for him despite the fact that it was their mother that was wronged then why cant the general public.
The boys were young when their mother was killed. They would have naturally latched on to their father at that difficult time in their lives. Time heals and time blurs memories. And whatever their personal feelings towards their stepmom are, William and Harry are clever enough not to show them in public. Also I don't think Diana was the kind of person who would have complained to her kids about their dad's shenanigans so there is probably a lot that they do not know or choose to ignore.
There was a good film about Diana's life after the split up with Charles. In it there is a scene. It is Christmas and she is all alone and unhappy. But when she rings her kids, she has music playing in the background and pretends that she is having a fabulous time celebrating with friends. I was very touched by that scene because I believe it truly captured the essence of Diana - a truly selfless person who loved her children to bits.
The public cannot and will not forget how this woman was wronged. Consequently whatever Charles does will always be met with disapproval. After all heaven and hell are here on earth...