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Ruddy Mobile phones

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tonight is the first time i've realised how dependant i am on my mobile phone.
got home from work this evening, and when to make a call. i dug deep in my coat pocket and no joy. procedd to trouser pockets. still no joy.. tryed coat pockets again...
i just am hoping i left it in my office at work. i even had to ask someone in MSN to ring it casue i don't know the number (before you take the piss. the reason why ive never memorised it, is becasue ive never had to ring it. and when someone gives me there number i text them back so they get mine).
i was chatting to some in MSN and said i'd give them a quick chat before bed. and the min she logged out. i realised her number is sitting on my Mobile.. i just hope she was not sitting arround for too long waiting for me to ring.
i'm gonna go and buy my self a real phone book. and store my numbers the old fashion way
i'm gonna go and buy my self a real phone book. and store my numbers the old fashion way

Good idea. I once had my phone nicked. It was pay as you go so couldnt give a stuff about the phone - but lost over 80 numbers - most of which werent written anywhere else.
Couldn't find my moby the other night, so I did the usual thing of phoning myself up - this usually causes the phone to betray its hiding place, like under that big pile of never-to-be-done ironing etc.
On this occasion however, I did not hear it ring. It was answered!!
"Ah" says I. "Hello. Where am I?"
"You are at the security desk." says the voice. "Will your owner be returning this evening to collect you, or shall I leave you in the office?"
"Office please, he'll pick me up in the morning."
I then got a call on the landline from someone saying "I just got this text message from so-and-so. I'll forward it to you."
I sent a quick telepathic message to a few people saying "FFS do NOT text me tonight."
Unfortunately the intended recipients of said message turned out not to be telepathic. I returned to work in the morning to be greeted by raised eyebrows.... and an unrepeatable text message on my phone. redface
After loosing my phone & consequently all my stored numbers I now have them all on a data base on my pc along with bithdays etc (sad I know but I'm crap with dates) But what a benefit when my last phone was stolen & I still had all my numbers safe & sound biggrin Also its wise to keep a note of your phones IMEI number so that the handset can be blacklisted & no benefit to the person who thought they had just got a bargin!
Jiggle have you rang your network & had the phone admin barred just in case?
I am always being bollocked by my ex's daughter for not keeping mine switched on (we are still all good friends!). I love the idea that the button on the top turns the thing off when I don't want to be contacted, it's great. To be honest I suppose I'm a bit of a Luddite, but I got the 'phone to use in emergencies when I'm out on the road miles from anywhere when the bus decides to break down. I think about 5 people have my number too, and that's how it stays unless I want more attention!
in that order, lose any one of the 3 and I am well and truly bollixed, more than one I am gonna kill myself smile
Quote by jiggle
tonight is the first time i've realised how dependant i am on my mobile phone.
i'm gonna go and buy my self a real phone book. and store my numbers the old fashion way

I have two mobile phones and depend on both of them :shock:
I use one for family, friends, work etc and the other for swinging partners, friends etc, but I don't keep a written record of the numbers from either phone so if I lost one, I'd be stumped confused
I do know my own *family* phone number though and can just about rmember Jon's, but anyone else has had it if I lose a phone lol
I have thought about using a book to store the numbers, but never got around to it rolleyes
I wonder what it say about me, that I have almost as many numbers on the *swingers* phone, as I do on my *family* one? :shock: redface
I would be lost without mine too and no ive not backed my numbers either so thats one task to do tonight!
I nearly lost it once so I should have learnt !
just realised this morning after oversleeping.!
I'm gonna have to invest in an alarm clock.
i always used my phone to wake me up!
Quote by lilacgem
I now have them all on a data base on my pc along with bithdays etc

Me the same, I also plug the phone in so the phone and the PC can update themselves with diary and numbers, however you've just made me think about this because I NEVER back up data figuring all the really important customer records and stuff are hard copy anyway.
I need to hard copy the contacts folder just in case, although I suppose the chances of losing both at the same time are slim, I can think of many scenarios where they could disappear together.
Quote by RickRoper
I am always being bollocked by my ex's daughter for not keeping mine switched on (we are still all good friends!). I love the idea that the button on the top turns the thing off when I don't want to be contacted, it's great. To be honest I suppose I'm a bit of a Luddite, but I got the 'phone to use in emergencies when I'm out on the road miles from anywhere when the bus decides to break down. I think about 5 people have my number too, and that's how it stays unless I want more attention!

This is my wifes view, and of course it's totally muddle headed, (you wanted me to say that didn't you). My question is, what if it's someone else's emergency?
Lost keys
Phone a Friend!
Some friend you'd be if the phone was off. Better switch the ring tone off, or progamme a single bleep if it doesn't vibrate, then you can decide to be there or not at your choice.
Worst experience ive had was when i lost my mobile and realised that there were a couple of ehmm redface rather compromising pics of me on it!!!!!
Fortunataely phone was found by someone i know (busineess wise) and i doubt he would have known how to acess the pics!, least i hope so!!!
Mine died just after Christmas `03. Managed to get round to buying a new battery for it just after Christmas `04.....but the charger died.
It`s totally fucked up my life :mrgreen:
Quote by jiggle
i was chatting to some in MSN and said i'd give them a quick chat before bed. and the min she logged out. i realised her number is sitting on my Mobile.. i just hope she was not sitting arround for too long waiting for me to ring.
i'm gonna go and buy my self a real phone book. and store my numbers the old fashion way

*new phone book winging it's way to J so he doesn't miss his late night chats with the girls lol
Maybe this person realised that your mobile phone was at work and that you were possibly not going to phone due to lack of number?
Maybe she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow?
Or maybe just maybe, she had a little fiddle, came hard then fell asleep while reading the naughty text messages sent earlier in the day ;) dunno
Quote by VenusnMars
Mine died just after Christmas `03. Managed to get round to buying a new battery for it just after Christmas `04.....but the charger died.
It`s totally fucked up my life :mrgreen:

is that why the dirty/obscene calls stopped... :cry: ...i even miss the ones from you venus confused :twisted:
Quote by little gem
i was chatting to some in MSN and said i'd give them a quick chat before bed. and the min she logged out. i realised her number is sitting on my Mobile.. i just hope she was not sitting arround for too long waiting for me to ring.
i'm gonna go and buy my self a real phone book. and store my numbers the old fashion way

*new phone book winging it's way to J so he doesn't miss his late night chats with the girls lol
Maybe this person realised that your mobile phone was at work and that you were possibly not going to phone due to lack of number?
Maybe she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow?
Or maybe just maybe, she had a little fiddle, came hard then fell asleep while reading the naughty text messages sent earlier in the day ;) dunno
How'd you know she sent me naughty texts.... making my face go all red as i opened it. but with a big smiley face to match.. so gald no-one was arround when i opened it.. two things would of happend. either the phone would of been snatched away and the message read out in all its lgory. or i would of had to explain whys making me blush... not sure which one would be worse.
Luckly ive got my phone. i left it on the IN tray at work.