tonight is the first time i've realised how dependant i am on my mobile phone.
got home from work this evening, and when to make a call. i dug deep in my coat pocket and no joy. procedd to trouser pockets. still no joy.. tryed coat pockets again...
i just am hoping i left it in my office at work. i even had to ask someone in MSN to ring it casue i don't know the number (before you take the piss. the reason why ive never memorised it, is becasue ive never had to ring it. and when someone gives me there number i text them back so they get mine).
i was chatting to some in MSN and said i'd give them a quick chat before bed. and the min she logged out. i realised her number is sitting on my Mobile.. i just hope she was not sitting arround for too long waiting for me to ring.
i'm gonna go and buy my self a real phone book. and store my numbers the old fashion way
I am always being bollocked by my ex's daughter for not keeping mine switched on (we are still all good friends!). I love the idea that the button on the top turns the thing off when I don't want to be contacted, it's great. To be honest I suppose I'm a bit of a Luddite, but I got the 'phone to use in emergencies when I'm out on the road miles from anywhere when the bus decides to break down. I think about 5 people have my number too, and that's how it stays unless I want more attention!
I would be lost without mine too and no ive not backed my numbers either so thats one task to do tonight!
I nearly lost it once so I should have learnt !
just realised this morning after oversleeping.!
I'm gonna have to invest in an alarm clock.
i always used my phone to wake me up!
Mine died just after Christmas `03. Managed to get round to buying a new battery for it just after Christmas `04.....but the charger died.
It`s totally fucked up my life :mrgreen: