Don't fret Sarge: it's rumoured among the rumour-mongers that the rumour is merely a rumour, and has no connection to the rumour it is rumoured you were referring to, in your post in the 'rumour' thread, about the rumour of rumours that it is rumoured you were worried about.-allegedly.
Sorry but this thread has really worried me.
At first I was worried by the rumours flying around. I was worried about their implications and what was behind them. Worried about whether to worry now or later, or be worried now about what might happen later. Then I was worried about whether everyone else was worried. I mean, I don't want to worry anyone!
Now it seems that there might be nothing to worry about. Or perhaps no-one is quite sure what we should be worrying about. And that really worries me!!
Quote by Sappho
You wouldn't happen to work for the Downing Street Press Office would you artificer?
Quote by Sappho
I believe he is going into therapy in Shropshire
I see that you are representing a Mr Bilko and a Mr O. Would you be so kind as to assure them that we have looked closely very our English standards of at and confident are that clearer we be could not. Would you also remind said 'gentlemen' that mimicry, ill placed humour and oblique insults aimed at our Department will in no way influence how we treat them. In fact ,I was discussing this with my colleagues at the Inland Revenue, DVLC, Army Pension Department and Department for funding Biological work in the North of England earlier today. I must say, they thought it a jolly jape, so jolly in fact that I saw them looking through the files of these joshing scallywags.
Finally, I notice that you represent some 'society' dedicating itself to playing in children's playgrounds, well, swinging at least. I had not heard of this bizarre activity, but then, I have little contact with groups at your social level. Thank you for alerting the Department to this. We have launched an immediate enquiry to see if this activity is legal, can be taxed and falls with relevant Health & Safety guidelines. It might increase your standing Miss Sappho, if you were to agree to demonstrating this activity to me so that a full assessment can be made. It would NOT be necessary for Mr Bilko or Mr O to be present. I would, on this one occasion, make myself available outside normal office hours.
Quote by SapphoBloody hell, she's off again! Where's me vitamins? :shock:
Sappho who swings and salsas sensually in specs xxx