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Same Room or Different Room?

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On sunday night we arranged to meet up with a couple from a Magazine, which will remain nameless! Met in a pub near Mansfield and got on fine with them. Agreed to go back to their house, not far away. Maz thought the guy really dishy and couldn't wait to get her hands on him, but when we got there it all fell apart!
The other couple refused to share in the same room and insisited that Maz went upstairs with him while I satyed downstairs with the woman!
We explained that we were only into same room stuff (which we had taken for granted!) and the guy got abusive and threw us out!
Are we alone in thinking that same room fun is preferable? What do other people think?
I'd say it's not what other people think is preferable, it's what you two feel comfortable with, and what you want out of it.
Some people stick to same room, as they get really turned on watching their partner with someone else. Others prefer it from a safety perspective - if Maz had disappeared with the other guy, she'd be pretty vulnerable on her own if he got his kicks doing something she definitely didn't want.
Other people get their kicks from separate rooms, getting back together again afterwards and telling each other what you did can be incredibly horny.
I'd be asking myself why this was so important to the guy in question, why he got so abusive?
My own inclination would be to err on the side of safety, especially when you don't really know the people you're with...... I reckon you did the right thing.
We agree, it HAS to be same room fun, not only is it more of a turn on, but if the guy isnt getting the hint about what i do and dont want, at least Daz is on hand to help out if the message isnt getting across! (Not that we've had that problem though, its just IF it happened!!)
But yep, same room fun all the way for us!!
It is so important to make clear what it is you WON'T do. We tend to chat to people for a long time before we agree to meet them. We get to know them via MSN, here in the forum, on the telephone etc. We let them know what we like and what we don't like. We explore all these issues before the mere mention of playing. We also know what they want too and if they want something that we don't, we discuss it and get it all out in the open. This may sound very clinical but it seems to work great. We build a bit of a relationship first. This takes months sometimes. If they don't like what we do and vice versa then it's a no go before the meet. No embarrassing moments or unclear messages.
Regardless of the reason for them chucking you out, it sounds like you were treated appallingly. I am sorry that communication was not of the best for you and hope that you are not too perturbed by what happened.
As for the question of same room/sep room. I would not dream of going off with another man in a separate room on the very first meet. In fact we have learned that same room is much better fun for us.
Hope it helps!!
x x x x
I have to agree here.... We would never entertain seperate rooms.....
Quote by Lucifer
Others prefer it from a safety perspective - if Maz had disappeared with the other guy, she'd be pretty vulnerable on her own if he got his kicks doing something she definitely didn't want..

Couldn't have put it better myself..
Quote by Lucifer
I'd be asking myself why this was so important to the guy in question, why he got so abusive?

I would be too....