Quote by Him'nHer
Ummm........ what was the thread about again dargento??? :grin:
Quote by bluexxx
I'm home alone tonight too, but that's OK cos X Factor is on
Quote by dargento
feels wierd tonight being saturday night (well still officially saturday afternoon)...
each weekend ive attended parties/munch/clubs and met lots of you lovely people...
in fact ive enjoyed it so much im a bit sad that tonight ive made no plans and might have a night in with a bottle of red
well.....at least i hope i can count this as time off for good behaviour
Lol.... I've given up the red wine..... and spent saturday evening being cinderella at a ball in cardiff...... lol......
I'm now offically a pumpkin...... crawled in at this morning..... lol.....
Hope your evening was nice and restful......
equi-princess xxx
****bottle of red****is in no way to be mistaken for dinos other half....
they only swing in clubs
dargento XXXXX