My other half refuses to be sexually adventurous as she doesn't want to feel like a slut. Is this normal? I know that you lot are quite sexually adventurous so maybe you could give some advice, I don't want her to do anything she doesn't want to do, but at the same time I would like us to be a bit more outgoing in things.
Maybe the 6 black guys that I ordered for her birthday with 12" cocks was going a bit to far, I dunno.
Any advice? Tips? Offers for untouched black guys?
Not at all tounge in cheek, it just strikes me as rather silly when you have been together 2 years that a reason for keeping sex plain and simple is that you dont want to feel like a slut.
Shirely its ok to be a slut with a partner? I suppose it depends on your definition of a slut, but I mean surely its ok to act like a nympho with your other half?
An example, I brought her a platinum rampant rabbit, and she has never used it for this exact reason.
Despite all the girls at ann summers saying its worth every penny when I asked them about it.
maybe you have different sex drives or incompatible sexual ideologies?
This can be a big problem and is something myself and miss srne have ourselves been through and still crops up.
The best way is like another poster mention, communication. If your not getting what you want discuss other ways that this can be achieved like compromise etc, if this isn't possible then maybe re-evaluate you compatibility and relationship. Seems drastic but better to seperate than you be unhappy and unfulfilled and she be feeling that she cant conform to you ideals and expectations??
I’d agree with NolanD communication is the key. Not wanting to do something because of our self-judgments define a great deal of human inactivity. We judge and respect people by what they do, but we also judge and respect ourselves by what we do.
Everyone sets themselves limits, lines they won’t cross. Even on a liberal site like this everyone has boundaries which, if they were coerced into crossing might make them feel uncomfortable, abused and feel a loss of respect.
I think what your partner is feeling is totally understandable, and natural – and so I suppose you could say yes, it is normal. But remember boundaries are fluid there are some things I will never do, but many things I will only do when the time, people and places are right, and I feel safe. Keep talking, and listening.
Disclaimer: As an existentialist, I could of course be totally wrong.)
i think you need to sit down and have a proper talk about this with her.
and maybe it isnt helping if you refer to such activities as being slutty.
try telling her you will love her no matter what and you just want to have some fun, and that whatever happens you wont judge her.
nobody likes to be judged!!
you know this! lol
This is the advice I gave someone in a similar situation once and he said it worked. You might like to try it.
When you have some time to sit down together, get 2 pieces of paper and 2 pens.
You write down 5 things each that you would like to do that you feel is missing from the relationship. (don't discuss while writing these, it is purely personal to the person writing).
She may come up with more hand holding or cuddling or going out for a meal, it doesn't have to be sexual. You can put in a couple of sexual things, but see if there is anything else too, like spending more time together, whatever.
Then you swap them and you both pick one or two things on the list and agree to do them. She may not pick what you want the first time, but once each goal has been achieved, you do it again and eventually she may pick the one that makes the difference.
Give it a go. It means she is still in control and is also getting something back in return. The important thing is that you do keep to your side of the deal though.
surely ..........
if you are comfatable with what you are doing sexually
( and its legal ! )
no one has the right to label you slut or otherwise
am just suprised it took such a long time to discover the gap between your sexual appetites....
As someone who is on the same journey as you, and been walking the path a good deal longer I can only say.
Take it slow and easy, do not push, if you push she will push back. You will end up having to cover the same ground again. Be honest, but not all at once. If you are with her for love, that is all that matters. If it is not love you are in the wrong relationship.
So, give it time, you may never have all that you want from her, but then again.
Well we had a little chat about things last night, and she says that I am the only person she has ever felt worried about doing something wrong during sex she has never been concerned about this before, she says because I have more experience than her that she always thinks she is not good enough compared to the ex's.
At this point, I mentioned that she is the first woman to have given me full deepthroat and is able to make me cum without any involvement from me (handjob, blowjob)
She then out of the blue asks what happens at a swinging club, so I point out that people socialise and chat and if they click they might have sex, or they might just watch other have sex. She then asked if I would take her to one, but only if we did not have sex with other people there, I said sure, and she then got horny and jumped on me.......
so it continues........
Is being slutty a bad thing then? Maybe she thinks it is, you obviously don't (nor do I for that matter!). Your initial chat with her seems to have had positive results, so keep talking! Maybe, and this is just a suggestion - she feels more hesitant with you because she knows you're "the one" and doesn't want you to think badly of her for wanting to express her sexuality more? Let her know what a sexy woman she is, frequently! Just a thought.
Best of luck, and new adventures to you both!
Mrs F.