Back on 5 Mano?
I was back in 2! :giggle:
met a nice lass once at a wedding do,,,,,usual sort of humdrum affair where i had to show my face as i was godfather to the brides child.....really nice young lady serving us our meal i couldnt take my eyes off of her and i think she knew it...TBH it sounds like out of amyfair magazine but the rest of the evening i talked to her a few times and didnt bother asking her number as she made it plain she had a boyfriend... so we all went off to our rooms and i finished my srink and went to the loo....she walked into the mens and went and sat in a cubicle on the toilet and waited till id finished. then she came over and led me back into the cubicle by my already growing dick. she just hiked up her skirt and pulled her knickers to one side... literally 1 min later it was all over lol as i was a little over escited to say the least..
i did get her number and we did go out a few times but the sex was never the same if you know what i mean..
Oh so many.
Outside, in an archway to an abandoned building off a busy road as the traffic whizzed by.
In gf's parents hallway, using some unconventional objects as impromptu sex aids. It being the in laws place really addedd to it for some reason.
And how can I forget, once did it in a grave yard.
Friday x
ok ok, went out with a landscape gardener a few years back. He texted me and said im nearby, pop over while my dad and my son (they were a family firm) are away getting supplies. Off i go, it was a house very nearby to mine, he says its ok the people who live are out at work. We wander over to the alleyway up the side of house (come see my block paving he said lol). He then comes up behind me, pulls down my jeans to my knees and takes me from behind, hard and fast... omg it was fantastic. We came out of the alleyway, mothers from my local school were on their way to fetch kids... it seemed sooooo naughty. So bloody horny tho. Whenever i walk past that house, i think about that time and get a kinda butterfly feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I recently heard from this guy again after an absence of a couple of years, and he said that fuck was just amazing...
Suze xx