not school... but my rehab has an annual reunion/gathering.
Im afraid to go as the majority of people I knew there are now dead... and the remainder.. well... they might be like me.
the horror!
I sooooooooooooooooo want to go to a school reunion!!! :bounce:
Ive caught up with soooo many ppl from school on facebook, many have got kids, many haven't, many are married, many aren't.
Although Im so so ready to have kids, and feel like I should me now, what with lasses having kids younger these days, it kinda nice to hear of school friends who haven't any yet.
I heard someone thinks there should be a 10yr reunion, so im keeping my ears pricked up :bounce:
Would I go to a reunion Hmmm let me see now.
No f*cking way!
It would be worse than sticking pins in my own eyes. Probably for others who went too. hope everyone who i went to school with is in their own way Ok sort of but do i care? Do I fuck.
School was something designed to survive by any means possible. All Learning came incidentally
Most people who want to go just want to show off and the remainder wanting to go are care in the community cases
I have just been invited to a reunion.
My wife thinks I should go, I do not.
Now if this is the same reunion, there was something put in the village water.
What a reunion it would be?
I personally couldnt think of anything worse, but then again I could meet up with the bullies there and show then they didn't succeed in ruining my Adult life.
I think if I was happy at school I would attend, but as I have no happy memories from school it isnt a place I would like to go back too.
If it was an old work one I would be excited to meet up with everyone. re-unions can be great fun. Yiou say you think looking down your nose at you because your single. maybe they think you may look down your nose at them as they now divorced for third time and have kids by three differant fathers..etc etc. In reality..its a blast, and fun. Go along..if you don't like it can always walk out the door. If you don't go you will never know !!! sure you will find more people jealous of you than looking down nose at you.
I dont agree Brum. For people my age, lol, mobile phones werent around, housephones were for those posh people who could afford it and letter delivery was left to the carrier pigeon......ok Im teasing.
Its not always possible to keep in touch but that doesnt stop you re-establising an old friendship. I so glad I did.
I went to one a few years back and met up with some people I had not seen for over 30 years. Whilst it didn't result in any major friendships being rekindled it was good to see them again and interesting to discover what they were all up to. We had a good night and promised to do it again a few years down the line. My advice is just to go and enjoy the evening.
I went to my school reunion in the year we all were 40. I went with no expectations, and didn't really think about it too deeply. I was curious how people had turned out, and what they were up to.
I laughed so much that night!
- At my first crush who was born and bred in Devon and now has one of the poshest accents (quite camp really!!lol) and is now a succesful architect.
- At a guy I had a fumble with at a party who said I was the first girl to make him cum!! (I had the decency to blush too)
- At being with 5 of my closest school friends and recounting when Vicky smashed a toilet when stood on it having a fag!
It was a great night and there is even a rumour there will be one next year for our 50th.
But each to their own and I think you have to go with what's right for you. I can understand why some would rather not.
Wench x
there are some up sides to being expelled when your 13 lol.
my memory is so crap i wouldnt even recall who someone is if i were to attend a reunion. however i was um quite well known for being opinionated and a reble so they all think casue they remember me id remember them.
xx fem xx
Yes indeed Freckle lol.........probably make for a most interesting night out now I have thought about it