I'm sooooooooo angry, raging, fuming, livid etc etc,
I'm Scottish. I'm proud to be a Scot. I'm proud of my accent, of who the fuck i am.
What is it about me being Scottish that stirs in people the need to ridicule me for who i am. Why in god's name do people think, that I will find it funny, to be at the end of ridicule about being Scottish. I don't. I find it extremely patronising, ignorant and arrogant.
So far, I have purposefully removed myself from situations which have inflamed me. When the stirrings of frustration with another begin, i will remove myself, rather than head on into a discussion tainted with anger.
However, enough is enough. If its down to people not thinking, then its totally about time that they began to think. There are sooooooo many wonderful wonderful people in this world, yet the thought of another evening of digs and comments just seems like too much effort.
How would you feel? You travel for hours and hours to support and then sit and get the piss ripped out of you for your accent. You go into the chatroom, and have the comments about being tight with your money because of who you are.
I'm not against having the piss ripped out of me, or of having a laugh, i can do it, and take it with the best of them. Could it not be about something other than who I am?
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
The Scottish are a lovely people, i spent many a late summer up there and my honeymoon too and have always been made welcome. I have recently made contact with a scottish couple (in scotland) from this site and they are both lovely people aswell.
My symphathy - it annoys me to hear Liverpool put down too.
Instead of being wound up maybe you could feel sorry for those wishy-washy sassenach serfs, jealous of your national spirit. Unfortunately I am one of them but the scottish accent, in its many forms, is one of my favourites.
I totally agree with you little.
Demographic details should of be little relevance.
Here here!!!!
i also agree with you lot
when you hear jokes like
a scot is strolling around a naked with a doc marten on his dick
'what you think u doing' says the park warden
'noot' says the jock
'just fucking a-boot'
they are not even funny
i love the scottish accent and the biggest majority are very very nice pepes
also got married ar gretna green 5 years ago
its all about your temprement but i suppose you had it for a long time so bound to get to you some time
Scots are fine people: the greatest friends I ever had-and some of the best times-were in Scotland.
But, I have found that people are great wherever they hail from...they are like cabbages.
(What's the mad country fool on about NOW??I hear you say)
Well, for years I've grown cabbages-well, someone has to-and have learned one thing.
In every row there are those that look impressive. They usually get overblown and eaten by caterpillars. There are those that are really weak, and have to be coaxed along, rewarding, but a bit of a pain really. Then, the season finishes, snow falls, and when you walk out among the dead and dying foliage, you notice a couple that you hadn't noticed before. They'd been there all the time, in the background, but when you really needed them...there they were, ready to supply your needs.
People are pretty much the same really.
We have had the piss taken out of us for being scots also but it is all in good fun, banter between friends.
We haven't come across anyone on this site that has been nasty towards the scottish folk.
Hopefully we never will.
Gill & Del x
At this point WILKI steps in and says a VERY BIG SORRY TO LITTLE, Too much :cheers: what i viewed as funny at the N/East munch, was taken the wrong way, and i certainly didnt mean it, in that way,
I love the scottish!
well escept one glaswigun (excuse the spellling) who works at our place!.
I am a Weegie and proud of it.
Not the soap dodging, pill popping, Buckie drinking, minging layabout with the tracksuit and burberry bunnet.
But a Weegie anyway and one of the things that is getting to me recently is the kids who speak incoherently either due to drugs or watching too much East Enders.
Have you heard a Glasgow kid with a Glasgow/Cockney mix accent. Believe me it aint nice .
Either that or I'm getting old.