meaning: Slag is the by-product of smelting ore to purify metals.
the man in the helmet.
Words used so far 135, they are:
Bank Doom Gley Prat Tint
Beat Door Glue Pray Tort
Bell Dork Glut Prey Walk
Belt Drag Grey Rise Wank
Blea Dram Harp Room Wile
Bled Drat Heal Rose Wilt
Blet Draw Heap Sank Wipe
Bleu Drey Heat Seal Wise
Blew Drug Hell Seam Zoom
Bonk Drum Help Seat Shag
Boob Fart loon Seed Stag
Book Feed Meal Seem Stig
Boom Flaw Meat Slat Stig
Brag Flax Moon Slay Swig
Bran Flea Moor Slit Swim
Brat Flee Pale Slot Slim
Brat Flex Park Slut Slum
Bred Flip Parp Soon
Brei Flop Plat Spat
Bren Flue Play Spit
Carp Flux Plop Spot
Cart Foam Plot Talc
Cell Font Ploy Tale
Celt Foot Pole Talk
Clap Fork poly Tall
Claw Form Port Tart
Clay Fort Pose Teal
Last word being:
Plum - Pleb (Think we need to rewind, that`s 2 letters)