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Secret Squirrel

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41 replies
3 watchers
Hi everyone
I am quite new to your site and have patiently been reading the threads.
I can see and understand why cards need to be played close to the chest, but when I joined I thought this was the way for a shy guy to find some saucy friendship.
It does make sense to get to know our fellow correspondents before getting in too deep, but not too sure how to fit in. I do feel more confident in this semi anonymous state than I would in meeting a lady in a pub (if a single one could be found).
Perhaps I am too sensitive but some of the replies seem quite caustic as well.
I am hoping that I can be accepted gently. I shall endeavour to connect on the chatroom.
For now, hope you are all getting (at leas close to) what you desire.
bye bye
:welcome: Granniegobbler take it easy .... many peeps are really very pleasant
enjoy the silly side in the cafe
Dear Squirrel,
Firstly, welcome to SH, I hope you find what you're looking for here.
I can see and understand why cards need to be played close to the chest, but when I joined I thought this was the way for a shy guy to find some saucy friendship.

You are absolutely right in thinking this is the place to find 'saucy friendship' - many of us have formed valued friendships here - but because of our chosen lifestyle we all agree that a degree of anonymity is essential. There are, sadly, certain individuals who would use information about members to their detriment if such information were broadcast so it is better to be safe than sorry.
From the single female's point of view, there is the consideration of personal safety; I have had the pleasure of meets with various members here but they are all people whom I have got to know through their posts, through the NW munch and through reputation.
By posting in the cafe or in the other fora, you give people the chance to get to know you, and therefore trust you enough to meet.
Perhaps I am too sensitive but some of the replies seem quite caustic as well.

You will find wit and banter here, and yes, fools and disrespectful posts do get short shrift. However, join in and give as good as you get whilst maintaining the bounds of politeness and respect, and no member will go far wrong.
Have fun in the forum, Squirrel, and get to know us. By doing so you may find it easier to achieve your desires and gain friends along the way.
best wishes
Sappho xxx
PS: I apologise for calling you Squirrel, but... 'Granniegobbler'?
Hiya Granniegobbler(?)
Welcome to the site biggrin
Hope you find what you're looking for. The personalities on here are as diverse as the swinging scene itself - from the brash and up for anything providing it's fun type, to the shyer, get to know the other person(s) thoroughly type, with a whole load in between!
Just be yourself then you will connect with someone who is right for what you are after rather than end up being either scared half to death or bored to tears with the wrong for you ones lol
Have fun, and enjoy :D
Welcome to the site granniegobbler.
Hiya GG,
I am just going to pop you in the cafe GG, don't worry, the scars heal eventually.
Hello, good evening and welcome ( I'm sure I've heard that before somewhere) Grannygobbler.
It's a fun site, everything from humour to pathos, sin to sex, silly giggles to belly laughs, and caustic comments too. Apart from this Forum there is also the chatroom where everything goes along at a fantastic speed, (well most of the time). Stick your toe in sometime, you don't have to chat, you can just lurk and see whats going on. Read the Sticky's in the various sections of the Forum, they can be very informative. Also read the chatroom rules, they're simple enough to follow.
P.S Don't get into a card game with Bilko, It's simpler to just give him your house, car, furniture, life insurance, and wife if you have one. lol
Carry on Swinging :swingingchair:
Quote by granniegobbler
I can see and understand why cards need to be played close to the chest, but when I joined I thought this was the way for a shy guy to find some saucy friendship.

As I keep telling you str8 guys, you can have all the ladies that get in contact with, but i have to see you in a frock first.
Quote by harry0
P.S Don't get into a card game with Bilko, It's simpler to just give him your house, car, furniture, life insurance, and wife if you have one.

And not necessarily in that order!! wink lol :lol: :lol:
Sgt Bilko
Quote by Harry
Hello, good evening and welcome ( I'm sure I've heard that before somewhere)

Ahhhhhh The Frost Report! preceded by TW3 (which I don't quite remember - just a little before my time)
Anyway - enough reminicing.........
Welcome Grannygobbler!!!!!
You see we are a nutty bunch in here!
Alex x x
What is the collective nown for a bunch of squirrells, now I feel so much part of the group.
I cannot help smiling I am so chuffed with all your responses. It has been rgeat and most welcoming.
Perhaps Granniegobbler is not such a good name, but I cannot think of a name that says it all. I am hopig to find a mature lady who enjoys having her ....... .......
Any of you folks got some suggestions for my re-launch? or does GG sumit up?
The Sergeant can call me horse, but that is one jock that wont be staying on, nothing personal Bilco!
Ha Ha
thanks everyone
Welll GG, Secret Squirrel don't sound too bad....
At the risk of sounding pedantic, when Squirrel (GG) asked what the collective noun is for the squirrel, well I just had to find out. I'm like that. I have an enquiring mind. It's not my fault.
Well... there isn't one! You can have a harem of seals by the way, but no squirrel communes, groups, masses or collectives. Bummer isn't it?
I suggest a secrecy of squirrels - rather apt in the light of GG's original post!
Right. Well, I be off then. You all really wanted to know that didn't you? Yep, thought so.
Sappho xxx (the one behind the reference book)
PS: Since posting this it has been bugging me, so I've done a little more digging. There is no accepted collective noun for squirrels, though I have come across separately a scurry and a dray (as opposed to drey = nest).
However I did find the collective noun for nymphomaniacs!
I'm not terribly familiar with the habits of squirrels, but the ones I've seen have always been alone. If they're not typically found in groups, I would imagine that a collective noun would be redundant.
In that case, how about A solitude of squirrel?
Well, it's a solitude of Sappho tonight sigh. Back to the dictionary!
Sappho xxx
Sappho you and me both... I have a book somewhere that lists all colective terms ( they are also called venereal terms .... do not ask why.... just one of those thing...
I will have to find it... a delicious volume that goes by the name an exaltation of Larks.... bought it some 25 years ago.... sent it as a xmas pressie to several friends
I like idea of a scratch of squirrels...
if I find the book Sappho I will let you know...
If it's going to be just you and the old faithful dictionary (I trust you have a big one), I suggest that you venture out of R and explore the wonders of S.
Sad Sappho supplements sorrowful solitude soliciting sensual satisfaction sans supporting sidekicks.
Good one Djohn.... at last another forthe GFZ
come on in and grab a beer...
A group/ gathering of squirrels is known as a "Dray" - hope that helps!! Oops - serves me right for not reading posts properly - Sappho already got that one (Should have known :doh: )
Sad Sappho supplements sorrowful solitude soliciting sensual satisfaction sans supporting sidekicks.

Oooh, DJohn, you know what alliteration does to me! Sappho shudders with sensual satisfaction
Quote by Sappho
Oooh, DJohn, you know what alliteration does to me!

Indeed, I know. That's why I did it wink
sorry Honey... a dray is where squirrels get up to what they get up to.... making littel squirrels!!! smile
So here for all those of you what want to know from book
an Exultation of Larks, or the Venereal Game.... by James Lipton
Sappho I know the erudite Will would love this....
ISBN 0 14 8
So for Squirrels it is a scurry of Squirrels
re the term Venereal...from the latin root meaning physical love. the latin term Ven in venari has its original meaning to desire and therfore to pursue
if you wish.... and I know that this may over excite Will I could go into the various Families of Venery.......
but that perhaps strays from the thread a tad too much....
I'll consider myself told smackbottom
Thanks for the book details Gman - I've made a note. Hope it's still in print.
As for DJohn -
Indeed, I know. That's why I did it

There's only one reaction I can make... passionkiss
Sappho xxx
Sadly Sappho I very much doubt it...
but it really is a delightful volume....
.... Luckily I married a woman to whom I sent a volume as I had given away my own copy... and I still have her copy.... paper is getting yellowed now!!!!
A quick bit of googling suggests that both "dray" and "scurry" are in use. I get the impression that "scurry" is more of a left-pondian term (Lipton is from New York).
Spurning subtlety sometimes surprises slender Salopian seductresses,
setting sound sense aside, sparking splendidly sordid self-indulgence.
DJohn are you flirting with me?
Sappho xxx
Because if you are it's working!
Have to say he is very good... Am impressed..
Gmanxxx smile
Flirt? Me? No no no... I was simply responding to the question of squirrels. You know how it is - you're typing with one hand, holding a stack of dictionaries with the other, and you feel a sudden need to sneeze. Words everywhere.
By "no", of course I mean "yes". Just a little bit :-)