we are really sorry to hear about all your troubles and hope that everything sorts its self out soon. Heres more hugs and kisses to add to you collection hope they help.
Carol and fred
Quote by foxylady 123
Sounds like your having an awful time .
On a practical note, when you next talk to the housing department, why not at least threaten them with your local or even national press? You have a brilliant story there especially at this time of the political calendar. Even if you dont follow your threat through I m sure just mentioning the papers will get things moving.
Also why not contact your local MP, this is the time when s/he will be wsanting a case like yours so s/he can be seen to be capable of doing something?
Anywasy good luck
Quote by Katien_n_John
Wow, :therethere: everything that has been said and then some.
Sounds like your having an awful time .
On a practical note, when you next talk to the housing department, why not at least threaten them with your local or even national press? You have a brilliant story there especially at this time of the political calendar. Even if you dont follow your threat through I m sure just mentioning the papers will get things moving.
Also why not contact your local MP, this is the time when s/he will be wsanting a case like yours so s/he can be seen to be capable of doing something?
Anywasy good luck
Quote by Calista
We had the dreaded phone call this morning that said ... pack, you have no choice and as soon as we find you a house you'll be out .. which is easier said than done because when you plan to move you arrange boxes etc and obviously we can't/haven't got anything :shock: And due to the situation can't afford to hire anything unless the council sort it out!
C x & M x