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Serious Question for you men

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I was talking to one of the women I work with about her daughter.
She's 22, but a bit young for her age and a bit clingy. Aparently she's been worried her boyfriend was going to leave her and low and behold she's "accidentally" got pregnant because she "forgot" to take the pill.
Now this kind of thing really annoys the crap out of me and I do know girls who I went to school with who see getting knocked up as some kind of career move.
As I was thinking about this I got to thinking of the guys on here. Does it ever worry you that you might be meeting up with someone for no strings sex, but they're actually trying to get pregnant and live off your earnings for the next 18 years?
worries me no end HLB....
but the ones to worry about are the ones that already have kids....

how much trouble am I in when she sees this?
:shock: that one scary thought hmmmmmm!!!!!!!!
Quote by Feklar
worries me no end HLB....
but the ones to worry about are the ones that already have kids....

how much trouble am I in when she sees this?

:kick: smackbottom
It don't worry me.......i'm practising self sex! wink
and so should everyone else whose meeting up for no strings sex! :wink:
me personally.... wouldn't play without a condom anyway...just from a health point of view if nothing else
but it is a very interesting spin really...especailly when you do see the amount of "bareback sex" ads you see on the site.....
Quote by fabio grooverider
me personally.... wouldn't play without a condom anyway...just from a health point of view if nothing else
but it is a very interesting spin really...especailly when you do see the amount of "bareback sex" ads you see on the site.....

I can honestly say with all the threads I've read on the subject of bareback or condoms it has always has been a health related discussion and I've never seen this brought up before.
Glad I'm not a bloke :giggle:
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
me personally.... wouldn't play without a condom anyway...just from a health point of view if nothing else
but it is a very interesting spin really...especailly when you do see the amount of "bareback sex" ads you see on the site.....

I can honestly say with all the threads I've read on the subject of bareback or condoms it has always has been a health related discussion and I've never seen this brought up before.
Glad I'm not a bloke :giggle:
we're also glad your not a bloke!! bolt
Certainly an interesting topic, and one that makes you ponder people’s morals.
All those years ago when I was at school, there was a 16 year old girl there, extremely attractive, who made no bones whatsoever about the fact her sole intent was to find a rich guy and “accidentally” get pregnant.
More worrying was the fact that her mother actually encouraged this behaviour and found nothing wrong with it all.
There are probably numerous reasons why her mother thought this way, but still, it made me stop and think about a lot of stuff at the time, mainly how and why people use others.
I never did find out if she got her wish, but it was interesting that she was mostly shunned while at school.
Quote by de_sade
Does it ever worry you that you might be meeting up with someone for no strings sex, but they're actually trying to get pregnant and live off your earnings for the next 18 years?

No. Women aren't that devious are they? Surely between thinking about kittens and pink fluff there is no room for such underhand thoughts.
don't forget glittery sparkly make up and shoes!
im not worried because on my salary no one could live off it..... mad
Quote by daveanddebbie69
im not worried because on my salary no one could live off it..... mad

:therethere: Hun.
Just thought of another twist, what about the guys who are playing without their spouses knowledge :shock:
I think it's an age group thing as much as anything. Fortunately there's not much below 30 (and I'm being generous to meself here) interested in me and I just can't see it happening - even with my untold millions! wink
I'm sure it does happen, but doing it through swinging channels seems a very circuitous route to me.
There was some speculation about 9? months ago about some ads that were specifying bareback as a requirement and someone was questioning the motives in the same way. Having said that the little rubber feckers are a bit of a downer aren't they?
I've thought about this issue before as I've seen former friends 'accidently on purpose' find themselves pregnant.
I do think men have rights too and find it wholey unfair if they find themselves fathering a baby they didn't agree too. However I also believe in this case he has as much responsibility as the female to wear a condom as a preventative measure.
I know it's not all as simple as I make it out to be and other factors will always get in the way.
Gem. x
Here is another interesting thought or mant times have you guys/women had a condom fail?
Now thats REALY scarey, cos I do know that it DOES happen and although there is always the "morning after" pill, there is always the problems that an STD can cause.
Sorry to be alarmist, but hey "lets be safe out there".
Yes, its probably not a big problem but an enormous problem if it happens to you.
I definitely got put off years ago on a couple of occasions when the offer of unprotected sex seemed calculated rather than lustful. I don't think I made a bad decision, saying no, but I did miss out and that is kind of difficult. Have to say that health concerns were an issue too as it was time of the Aids virus coming to the fore when little was known about its transmission. That helped the decision greatly.
Its also a problem for me as I am married but more on health grounds than financial - as she has all the money!
Just a small extra, the one deception I have ever made to women is to make light of how much money I used to earn when I first meet them. It was never a lot but to gold diggers a home and secure job can be everything - after all my sister made much out of a council house.
Oh and another thought, I was also a sperm donor - no guarantee that I became a 'dad' and they only use your sperm for a maximum of ten goes but ten law suits, ten weddings to fund, ten green bottles.......I am supposed to be safe from discovery but with adoption laws changing it presumably would not take much to ruin my life.
Quote by daveanddebbie69
im not worried because on my salary no one could live off it..... mad

Dave..... have you still not told Debs about the Lotto win?? Cruel man you!
HLB...... its a very scary thought and one that could be so real, surely others have seen the ad that was on around xmas time or maybe a little before where the guy wanted a fella to get his wife pregnant.. It was on here I'm sure..
Mike x
Quote by freckledbird
I remember that one Mike.

Ditto, and I think it generated a thread with some interesting responses.
Me, protection is a must for both health and "possible cash drain" reasons...
Somebody clever will post the link, no doubt.
I bet somebody offered too.......... or even did the deed!! Scary stuff eh .
Mike xx
Happy to say that I am only firing blanks, done my share of baby making. Got a wonderful daughter and thats plenty.
Quote by little gem
I also believe in this case he has as much responsibility as the female to wear a condom as a preventative measure.

It takes two people to make a baby and if the male is that adamant he doesn't want a child with that person, then it's also his responsibility to make double sure it doesn't happen by using a condom as well as the method of contraception the woman is 'using'.
In planned pregnancies blokes happily take 50% of the conception responsibility ........
yet some of those same blokes in an unwanted pregnancy situation, all of a sudden, it's ALL her fault, completely to blame, her responsibility, I was tricked blah blah blah - Not a sign of that 50% to be seen!!! :shock:
Quote by Missy
I also believe in this case he has as much responsibility as the female to wear a condom as a preventative measure.

It takes two people to make a baby and if the male is that adamant he doesn't want a child with that person, then it's also his responsibility to make double sure it doesn't happen by using a condom as well as the method of contraception the woman is 'using'.
In planned pregnancies blokes happily take 50% of the conception responsibility ........
yet some of those same blokes in an unwanted pregnancy situation, all of a sudden, it's ALL her fault, completely to blame, her responsibility, I was tricked blah blah blah - Not a sign of that 50% to be seen!!! :shock:
If you're in a relationship and the female says she is taking precautions but lying then she is wholly at fault in my eyes.
I have seen it happen and then the silly cow was whinging because he no longer trusted her - well go figure confused
We don't want children, but we have been together for long enough to not want condoms in our sexual relations either.
Timmy trusts me to manage contraception, if anything goes wrong i.e. vomiting or other medication that affects it, he is told straight away so that he can step into the breach as it were, and keep us child free biggrin.
If you go bareback in a casual fling, or for a swinging/playing meet then you take your chance and live with the consequences I'm afraid.
Same for women as well.
I'd be interested to know how many it's been successful for, in that they've had a child and managed to gain the financial security they were after.
I got picked up by two young women in a pub on The Old Kent Road one night. (apart from this incident, still a well known place for being picked up).
So the 'mate' came over and did the 'my mate fancies you', upon which I looked over to see a shifty looking girl grinning at me. So hey ho we all got on the bus to the mates flat. A small single mothers type setup, and the child was with the granny somewhere else. We had a cup of tea. I was questioned by the mate as to whether I was interested in the girl and I said well I don't know yet but I'll see what happens next.
So a short while later I set off with the girl to her flat. There was some general talk and obvious hints about getting into bed for some sex, but I was sobering up and starting to feel a little bit railroaded. Then she said, 'well lets make it official then'.
So reasonably pleasant sex followed, but I could tell she was a bit disssapointed when I slapped on a condom. So I am sure she and her mate were trying to set her up to get pregnant.
I have also known some women who have had children by other men and still remained in their marriage. Only because they just liked having kids and fancied making a different baby.
im sure, a handful of years ago, there was a court case, where a man had sex with a woman, and placed his disused condom in the bin, and while he slept, the woman recovered the condom, and used the semen for artificial insemination, and the judge ruled in favour of the woman, because the man should have disposed of the condom properly
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
Glad I'm not a bloke :giggle:

And so say all of us lol :lol:
I personally would not practice anything other than safe sex until I felt the time was right, with the right person. Plus I've had my knackers snatched anyway which also helps :lol:
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
Glad I'm not a bloke :giggle:

And so say all of us lol :lol:
I personally would not practice anything other than safe sex until I felt the time was right, with the right person. Plus I've had my knackers snatched anyway which also helps :lol:
I'm going to stick my neck out here and probably get my face slapped! evil
Woman who see having children as a meal ticket to easy money or trapping a man don't deserve to have children!!! I think having a child is a privilege and kids shouldn’t be used as a weapon or as a means to manipulate others.