Does anybody ever get bored of sex? I know I do. At times it makes want to srceam with frustration that I get so bloody interested in sex. It gets in the way of stuff. Just an idle question.
I think I might have an idea where you're coming from Lost.
I** can be quite a distraction at times... leading to a lot of what could posibly be described as *wasted* time. (when viewed retrospectively)
Indeed, this very site couls (for me) be seen as a symptom of this.
I love the site... the forums and the banter amongst the people involved, the friendly feeling etc etc... but I'm on other forums and rarely spend as much time there as I do here.
It must be the *sex* or *sexual* elemant involved. Even though Im not in an active search for fun and frolics, being on a site where the atmosphere is vaguely sexual and free keeps me returning... when in all honesty, there are other things I could/should be doing.
Thats just one element of course.. sex, and things sexual, can be incredibly pre-occupying, can they not?
in edit: 'IT', not'I'...sorry
When I get "pon farr" - the extreme need for a shag, no matter how inconvenient - yes, it can be a bloody nuisance.
At certain times of the month, it overshadows everything else, and I can't function or concentrate properly on anything else.
Is that sort of what you meant?
would that be the:
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Syndrome?
I agree with Cherry, depends on what stage in the month I am. In the middle, like I'm coming up to I'm prob the horniest I can be, then it fades a bit towards the end of my cycle.
Trouble is, my horny parts of my cycle don't always correspond with Jay's needs, ie., if he's too tired or at the moment, stress plays a big part also.