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Sex with some you don't fancy

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Ok I'm a little pissed but bear with me .
Up the pub tonight, alas on my own, and I happened to overhear three very(increasing to stunningly with every extra pint ) attractive ladies chatting. As is , I believe, the norm for women , their conversation turned to sex.
What amazed me is I overheard two of them admit to having sex with guys they didn't actually fancy as they just found themselves in situations where sex was the natural or expected outcome of the evening.
I know it's a very small sample size(yes a lot of women use that expression with me too )but is this really
as a woman ...or a man ...have you found yourself having sex with someone you didnt fancy and you just did it because it seemed easier than not doing it.!
On my part I can't say I have ...I doubt I'd get a hard on with a woman I didn't fancy ...strangley as I have typed that I so realise that's not true ...there have been women who have been hot as hell albeit not physically conforming to my ideal. However I know that if I found myself in a position with a lady where there was no sexual chemistry I just wouldn't come up to the mark.
Well..for someone pissed thats very eloquently written lol
Answer to I couldnt!!! has to be some attraction albeit physical or mental.
Yes I have. But more like a one night stand really. I just wasn't expecting it as much as the woman. In fact I was unaware of their desires, because the more obvious signs hadn't been displayed, and there was too much subtlety and disguise. All of which had convinced me we were unlikely to get it on. But I went home with them mainly because the party was over and there were a few hours to kill, and it seemed like a friendly situation. So I had no expectations. But it turned out that it was a one night stand so it proceeded that way. And I would say that because of the hour of the day; involuntary erections are useful under such circumstances, because I was keen for sex but not really keen on the women.
In another situation I had great difficulty parting with a slightly loopy cheating wife. Who was the woman scorned etc. I had no more desire for her but she was hot for sex. Oddly enough she went into a new found enthusiasm for it and me. Orgasming easily and freely and her focus on it become more pronounced. But I had had enough of her as a person and she was a real nuisance, with crazy phone calls and dramatic arguments, silly attempts to draw attention to herself and such things.
Equally the same has happened to me. I recently had to call it quits with one of my buddies, as she has aged somewhat and is looking at a different pace of life and had lost her interest in me. She had been going through the motions for the last two years. She seemed to be happy it was all over. Sad, she was a nice old girl.
No from me too. I couldn't get dirty with somebody I was not physically attracted too. I have been in a situation where a guy has wanted to but i haven't and i just tensed up and i had this desire to scream 'GET OFF ME'!!
Never just because it was the expected outcome, but I have veered dramatically from what might be considered my 'type' on the theory that you never know in what package the most magnificent sex might be wrapped ...
I have done, many times. I then had an epiphany-and I don't anymore. It was always unfulfilling. Even if the sex scored 6-6 in terms of technical merit, and there were more orgasms than your average really naff porn stars convention, there was always something lacking.
No, I don't/can't have sex with people I don't fancy. My cock is wired directly to my brain so I'm not one of these guys who gets a stiffy at the site of naked flesh. It has to be someone I fancy, male or female. But fancying for me comes from all sorts of different things.
I've done it twice with the same person, it was a case of I dont know if I really fancy them or not, and realise now I didnt and wont be doing it again.
I've found out through trial and error, that I can have sex with someone I don't fancy (even though I like them), I just don't really enjoy it. So now I don't bother. Is there an alternative thread for not having sex with someone you really fancy because you like them too much and don't want to spoil that?
yep sure ive done it but mainly in the nilla world, i dont and havent on the scene as its a lot more open and the choices are given to meet someone or not,
i have been on nights out round the town, few million beers and i get horny, ended up chatting with someone more cos of situation, ie everyone else has gone home and i want to stay out, and have done the one night stand thing, not necessarily fancying the guy but wanting sex
lol i am probably way too picky on the scene if thats possible, i havent met for months as there has been no one who has floated my boat to make me want to meet.
I've had sex with no one other than j in 17 years and never regretted the fact that I haven't although thats nothing to do with the inability to do so I have no doubt that i could of many times although the idea of shagging someone else becomes more alien to me every day that passes.
Previous to being with J I wouldn't of and didn't have a problem with shagging someone else, no guilt about it, no problem with it, no mechanical or mental issues, and other than being fastidious about wearing condoms found it a damned constructive use of my time. Does no one fuck just because fucking feels good? Is it really that necessary to have connections on emotional levels before humping the fuck out of someone because it gives you an organic high for a few minutes,
My favourite favourite Steak is a Sirloin hung right and bought from our local (fucking expensive butcher) who can give you the family history of the cow back to the 16thC probably But i'm still quite happy to fire into something from a burger bar if the need arose
I have had sex with people I didn't fancy at all, only as far as I can remember in swinging situation, although being married can lead to quite a lot of this especially as the years tick by. The trouble is that after taking ages to arrange a meet up then either I have to travel bloody miles or the the other person(s) do, and I just couldn't then not at least attempt to seal the deal. Unfortunately my own experience of doing this is that it is dreadfully difficult to maintain an errection when I don't fancy the woman or a couple make me uncomfortable. But then I do believe that as I'm no oilpainting myself that they might be feeling the same. All I can say is that my pics are actually me, some people are a little less honest, not that it is all about looks other things can put me off.
Yep, I have. Sometimes the sex has been surprisingly pleasant and sometimes it has been a bit crap.
Why would you? dunno
No is the answer to that. Although I do admit to having been mid shag and the fuckwit said something that should have made me push him off me and kick him out my flat but I didn't cause surprisingly I put my safety first. I've never been in that situation since thankfully.
That just sounds so wrong to do that NGDE ! Worse must be having sex with someone you fancy and then find that you and they just don't make sweet music lol now that did happen to me a long long time ago and I was mortified rolleyes. It all went terribly wrong and fumbly and embarrassing and I didnt understand it at all :lol: so maybe finding someone attractive initially doesnt always lead to great sex :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by corrie2010
That just sounds so wrong to do that NGDE ! Worse must be having sex with someone you fancy and then find that you and they just don't make sweet music lol now that did happen to me a long long time ago and I was mortified rolleyes. It all went terribly wrong and fumbly and embarrassing and I didnt understand it at all :lol: so maybe finding someone attractive initially doesnt always lead to great sex :lol: :lol: :lol:

So true!
Quote by Kaznkev
That just sounds so wrong to do that NGDE ! Worse must be having sex with someone you fancy and then find that you and they just don't make sweet music lol now that did happen to me a long long time ago and I was mortified rolleyes. It all went terribly wrong and fumbly and embarrassing and I didnt understand it at all :lol: so maybe finding someone attractive initially doesnt always lead to great sex :lol: :lol: :lol:

great post and welcome to the forum,wow first day and you in the cafe, coffee
let me buy u a coffee :twisted:
I think corrie knows where to find the cups better than us!
Quote by TheLovelyOne
That just sounds so wrong to do that NGDE ! Worse must be having sex with someone you fancy and then find that you and they just don't make sweet music lol now that did happen to me a long long time ago and I was mortified rolleyes. It all went terribly wrong and fumbly and embarrassing and I didnt understand it at all :lol: so maybe finding someone attractive initially doesnt always lead to great sex :lol: :lol: :lol:

great post and welcome to the forum,wow first day and you in the cafe, coffee
let me buy u a coffee :twisted:
I think corrie knows where to find the cups better than us!
I think so too and I am glad she is back :thumbup:
Quote by Dawnie
That just sounds so wrong to do that NGDE ! Worse must be having sex with someone you fancy and then find that you and they just don't make sweet music lol now that did happen to me a long long time ago and I was mortified rolleyes. It all went terribly wrong and fumbly and embarrassing and I didnt understand it at all :lol: so maybe finding someone attractive initially doesnt always lead to great sex :lol: :lol: :lol:

great post and welcome to the forum,wow first day and you in the cafe, coffee
let me buy u a coffee :twisted:
I think corrie knows where to find the cups better than us!
I think so too and I am glad she is back :thumbup:
Cant keep and old dog down and you know I always wander back in here :0 aaaah lovely to see everyone again xxxxxxxx
Quote by Kaznkev
well it said 2010 and she has a cute ass, u cant blame a girl for trying redface

Predatory? Toi?
My ass is the mirror image of my face lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by corrie2010
My ass is the mirror image of my face lol :lol: :lol:

Which one shall you be talking through this year?
Quote by TheLovelyOne
My ass is the mirror image of my face lol :lol: :lol:

Which one shall you be talking through this year?
my ass :lol: :lol: :lol: wink
Quote by Dirtygirly
Why would you? dunno
No is the answer to that. Although I do admit to having been mid shag and the fuckwit said something that should have made me push him off me and kick him out my flat but I didn't cause surprisingly I put my safety first. I've never been in that situation since thankfully.

Does that make it half a one night stand? If so - yeah been there once only and asked him to bugga off! lol :lol: Never again confused :?
Maybe sometimes life's dynamics can lead you into actions that you don't necessarily understand or agree with but find yourself doing anyway.
But if I was to sum up my view I'd have to agree with DG
Quote by Dirtygirly
Why would you? dunno

I would love to ask this question to the ladies I overheard.
Corrie how lovely to see you back again...and you do have a cute ass ....with or without toilet paper.
NGDE always good to see you. The toilet paper issue may do my head in by the way
Quote by niceguysdoexist
Maybe sometimes life's dynamics can lead you into actions that you don't necessarily understand or agree with but find yourself doing anyway.
But if I was to sum up my view I'd have to agree with DG
Why would you? dunno

Not that I have to explain it, but I will try and explain one such incident that happened to me. I had a friend and I had a great deal of affection for him. We were out at a barbecue, we'd had a couple of drinks and the conversation turned to sex. (Neither of us were drunk - I would like to make that clear.) We were both horny I guess and so, when the time came to go home, I suggested we get a cab back to mine. We had a great one-night stand. Did I fancy him? No. Did he fancy me? I don't know. We are still mates and we've often discussed repeating the evening. Maybe we will one day if the situation allows. I still don't fancy him though. wink
While I draw the at someone I find repulsive; someone I do not fancy? I can imagine doing my duty, pulling for the team.
Of course us fellers do have a small problem?
Quote by corrie2010
That just sounds so wrong to do that NGDE ! Worse must be having sex with someone you fancy and then find that you and they just don't make sweet music lol now that did happen to me a long long time ago and I was mortified rolleyes. It all went terribly wrong and fumbly and embarrassing and I didnt understand it at all :lol: so maybe finding someone attractive initially doesnt always lead to great sex :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh my goodness, welcome back Corrie wave
The mids room hasn`t been the same without you and your toilet fixations :lol:
sorry to hijack the thread
Ohhh in edit I couldnt have sex with someone just for the sake of it, no is a little word but i`m not afraid to use it
Quote by noladreams
Maybe sometimes life's dynamics can lead you into actions that you don't necessarily understand or agree with but find yourself doing anyway.
But if I was to sum up my view I'd have to agree with DG
Why would you? dunno

Not that I have to explain it, but I will try and explain one such incident that happened to me. I had a friend and I had a great deal of affection for him. We were out at a barbecue, we'd had a couple of drinks and the conversation turned to sex. (Neither of us were drunk - I would like to make that clear.) We were both horny I guess and so, when the time came to go home, I suggested we get a cab back to mine. We had a great one-night stand. Did I fancy him? No. Did he fancy me? I don't know. We are still mates and we've often discussed repeating the evening. Maybe we will one day if the situation allows. I still don't fancy him though. wink
See I still don't understand. lol Not that there's anything wrong with what you've explained above and if it works for you that's great. But I just couldn't kiss someone I wasn't attracted to... I'd rather have a wank to scratch that particular itch than to have sex with someone I didn't fancy just cause they were there.