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dawn-mids.....can you please change your avatar as it it is difficult for us single males to concentrate......................... lol :lol:
and kazswallows as well :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
and're just as guilty :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Nomad_Soul
dawn-mids.....can you please change your avatar as it it is difficult for us single males to concentrate......................... lol :lol:
and kazswallows as well :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
and're just as guilty :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Are you insane? :shock:
I didn't come here to concentrate. Behave yourself and leave those avatars right where they are. :twisted:
Quote by Ice Pie
dawn-mids.....can you please change your avatar as it it is difficult for us single males to concentrate......................... lol :lol:
and kazswallows as well :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
and're just as guilty :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Are you insane? :shock:
I didn't come here to concentrate. Behave yourself and leave those avatars right where they are. :twisted:
Neither did I but.................
my mind is all a-kimbo :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by devondelight
I am in my 50s and still have a high sex drive

Me too :twisted:
Longevity of a session for me is achieved by concentrating on my partners pleasure,
(an hour is a quickie).
As I understand it:
A woman peaks in her mid to late 30's (35-40). Though it is quite a flat peak, as it can last for years.
Men peak at 21 (funny how they can narrow it down to one year for men? I know they can't really - it is the typical age!)
The 'peak' in question for men is not a qualitive evaluation but a quantitive evaluation (time, duration/physical stamina, recovery, ability to get it up again quickly, repeating power…)
The trick is to find a 21 year old male who is well on the way to the quality bit also.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Don't they say a guy reaches his sexual peak at about 18ish and a woman 40 :shock:
Blimey i can't really see me with a 18 year old now never mind when i'm 40 lol

Honestly my dear you have to give it a go :twisted:
It is only fair to warn you though - you do need to take full advantage of the near to instant recovery time - or you find yourself in a conversation about car body kits and how easy it is to modify a 206 confused
Quote by cc_7up
(an hour is a quickie).

A quickie's a quickie isn't it? A lot to be said for a quickie as well as a marathon.
If you only indulge in 1 hour+ sessions, you've either got one helluva lot of time on yer hands or you're not getting much at all! lol
Quote by mr filth
Don't they say a guy reaches his sexual peak at about 18ish and a woman 40 :shock:
Blimey i can't really see me with a 18 year old now never mind when i'm 40 lol

Yeah i've heard that women peak at about 40..................any 40 year old women out there??? 69position
45 do biggrin
Quote by Debbiewebs
Don't they say a guy reaches his sexual peak at about 18ish and a woman 40 :shock:
Blimey i can't really see me with a 18 year old now never mind when i'm 40 lol

Yeah i've heard that women peak at about 40..................any 40 year old women out there??? 69position
45 do biggrin
most definately......come here hun ......... passionkiss
*sigh* another 15-25 years b4 my mrs hits it then lol
Quote by dirtyapple
*sigh* another 15-25 years b4 my mrs hits it then lol

And you are already passed-it!
Quote by PoloLady
*sigh* another 15-25 years b4 my mrs hits it then lol

And you are already passed-it!
Haha, over the past few weeks it's gone on the up!!! Fuck statistics! :lol:
Quote by westerross

(an hour is a quickie).

A quickie's a quickie isn't it? A lot to be said for a quickie as well as a marathon.
If you only indulge in 1 hour+ sessions, you've either got one helluva lot of time on yer hands or you're not getting much at all! lol
Well said Tune biggrin
Personally a guy that judges his performance on the length of time it takes to come shouts of inexperience (sorry cc_7up)
Wether it takes a man 2 minutes or 2 hours to reach orgasm is immaterial, its what else he does that matters. A man can still make it an all night session doing other things.
How many men out there would complain if a woman came in 2 minutes........none of them wink
The fun of a quickie, is just that.......quick, erotic and FUN and can be done anywhere
:wink: :wink:
If its not going to be a quickie.......then I would prefer more comfortable surroundings with no chance of interuptions and NO clock watching.
That was all IMHO :lol: :lol:
Quote by westerross

(an hour is a quickie).

A quickie's a quickie isn't it? A lot to be said for a quickie as well as a marathon.
If you only indulge in 1 hour+ sessions, you've either got one helluva lot of time on yer hands or you're not getting much at all! lol
What's your hurry? dunno :lol:
When I was 18 sex was all I thought about it is still know,but I feel I peaked then!
Quote by kazswallows

(an hour is a quickie).

A quickie's a quickie isn't it? A lot to be said for a quickie as well as a marathon.
If you only indulge in 1 hour+ sessions, you've either got one helluva lot of time on yer hands or you're not getting much at all! lol
Well said Tune biggrin
Personally a guy that judges his performance on the length of time it takes to come shouts of inexperience (sorry cc_7up)
Wether it takes a man 2 minutes or 2 hours to reach orgasm is immaterial, its what else he does that matters. A man can still make it an all night session doing other things.
How many men out there would complain if a woman came in 2 minutes........none of them wink
The fun of a quickie, is just that.......quick, erotic and FUN and can be done anywhere
:wink: :wink:
If its not going to be a quickie.......then I would prefer more comfortable surroundings with no chance of interuptions and NO clock watching.
That was all IMHO :lol: :lol:
Clock watching is bad! I feel that if the mrs has had a couple of orgasm's then at least I've done my job (so to speak), much prefer foreplay before hand to to warm the session up and get us both in the mood!
Quote by cc_7up

(an hour is a quickie).

A quickie's a quickie isn't it? A lot to be said for a quickie as well as a marathon.
If you only indulge in 1 hour+ sessions, you've either got one helluva lot of time on yer hands or you're not getting much at all! lol
What's your hurry? dunno :lol:
We had a threesome on Friday night which was video'd, the video lasted 25 minutes in that time there were 6 orgasms. One of which I am told is one of the best one of the participtants has ever had (by the way to see it on video is an absolute rush!)
Time is immaterial when you are having such fun, whether takes 20 minutes or 2 hours. The amount of fun can be the same!
Quote by dirtyapple
Clock watching is bad! I feel that if the mrs has had a couple of orgasm's then at least I've done my job (so to speak), much prefer foreplay before hand to to warm the session up and get us both in the mood!

Don't forget the after play dirty, thats important as well ;)
I judge (sorry cant think of a better word) a man on the whole package, tongue, mouth, hands, body etc etc not on his dangly bits lol :lol: (thou they are good as well wink )
A woman doesn't own dangly bits therefore relies on all the other things to bring sexual pleasure, sometimes making better lovers then men. Some who still believe that sexual pleasure to a woman is how long they can conduct penetrative sex.
Sorry.....thats just not for me sad biggrin
I agree the whole package is needed! We just make love, and if it last 10min it last 10mins, if an hour then it's an hour, we just go with the flow, would much rather make it an enjoyable time rather than pusing in an out (arse wiggleing like some1 said lol )
Quote by Debbiewebs
Don't they say a guy reaches his sexual peak at about 18ish and a woman 40 :shock:
Blimey i can't really see me with a 18 year old now never mind when i'm 40 lol

Yeah i've heard that women peak at about 40..................any 40 year old women out there??? 69position
45 do biggrin
uuummmmm perfect :D :lol: :shock: wink :D
Quote by kazswallows
Don't forget the after play dirty, thats important as well ;)
I judge (sorry cant think of a better word) a man on the whole package, tongue, mouth, hands, body etc etc not on his dangly bits lol :lol: (thou they are good as well wink )
A woman doesn't own dangly bits therefore relies on all the other things to bring sexual pleasure, sometimes making better lovers then men. Some who still believe that sexual pleasure to a woman is how long they can conduct penetrative sex.
Sorry.....thats just not for me sad biggrin

In fairness Kaz, the wham-bam brigade aren't exclusively male. Some men are apparently turned on by the words "Fuck me!"... I usually think "Why, what's the big hurry? Is the house on fire?"
Maybe I'm just getting old. ;)
Quote by dirtyapple

(an hour is a quickie).

A quickie's a quickie isn't it? A lot to be said for a quickie as well as a marathon.
If you only indulge in 1 hour+ sessions, you've either got one helluva lot of time on yer hands or you're not getting much at all! lol
Well said Tune biggrin
Personally a guy that judges his performance on the length of time it takes to come shouts of inexperience (sorry cc_7up)
Wether it takes a man 2 minutes or 2 hours to reach orgasm is immaterial, its what else he does that matters. A man can still make it an all night session doing other things.
How many men out there would complain if a woman came in 2 minutes........none of them wink
The fun of a quickie, is just that.......quick, erotic and FUN and can be done anywhere
:wink: :wink:
If its not going to be a quickie.......then I would prefer more comfortable surroundings with no chance of interuptions and NO clock watching.
That was all IMHO :lol: :lol:
Clock watching is bad! I feel that if the mrs has had a couple of orgasm's then at least I've done my job (so to speak), much prefer foreplay before hand to to warm the session up and get us both in the mood!
I was trying to mark the differrence between a thrusting quickie, and mutual enjoyment together ,and that should take longer than 2 minutes.
If you are happy with your quickies then good for them.
Fucking for 5 minutes or 5 hours , i'll take anything i can get rolleyes
All I can say is its just keeps geting better and better ! ............ cool
Ok I have alot of catching up to do but above.. innocent
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Top replys Mr Filth, &Mrs FC.
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Its a good job that you said that cc-7up thought you were laughing at me for a min.. evil
nearly brought out the whip :twisted: whip :lol2:
Ummm !! you just slipped that bit in didn't you.MrsFc...tut tut.......should of quoted you first. :doh: rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by cc_7up
(an hour is a quickie).

Quote by cc_7up
I was trying to mark the differrence between a thrusting quickie, and mutual enjoyment together ,and that should take longer than 2 minutes.
If you are happy with your quickies then good for them.

you didnt make that clear in your first statement, mutual enjoyment and quickies are two differant things agreed. Yes I like my quickies, yes I like long drawn out enjoyment and everything in between.
I stand by my response to both yours and tunes post.
Quote by Ice Pie
In fairness Kaz, the wham-bam brigade aren't exclusively male. Some men are apparently turned on by the words "Fuck me!"... I usually think "Why, what's the big hurry? Is the house on fire?"
Maybe I'm just getting old.

:laughabove: :laughabove:
No its not exlusively male Ice, but it isnt often a bloke will have a woman say to him...."Hey babe I can go all night without coming". I think most men would think why bother?
I love my quickies just as much as the longer experiences.
Knowing the kids will be in any second, my skirt pulled up from behind while I'm busy, pulled into an alley or bush while waiting for the bus etc etc......well .......what can I say......fantastic :lol:
Yes I'm guilty of the "Fuck me".......the hurry......none, its just fun wink
As for getting old :lol: :lol: :lol: nahhhhhhh, each to their own biggrin
Quote by MrsFC
Its a good job that you said that cc-7up thought you were laughing at me for a min.. evil
nearly brought out the whip :twisted: whip :lol2:
Ummm !! you just slipped that bit in didn't you. MrsFc...tut tut.......should of quoted you first. :doh: rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Fancy a quickie?