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Sexual equality on the site.....

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2 watchers
I have a complaint. evil
As a male on this site I don't get enough sexually harrasing PMs from women. :evil: :evil:
Flamin' Countess has been here all of 10 mins and she's had about 4 (including the guy who rambled on about him being ok with her sticking foreign objects up herself, including bottles. THANKS MATE. :thumbup: THAT'S REAL BIG OF YOU rolleyes and you wonder why you have to send unsolicited PMs :drysmile
Anyway, getting back to the point (there's a point to this bollox. :shock: ) I feel that the men-folk (and Neil) don't get enough sexually-orientated PMs from the female members of the site. It appears to be completely one-sided state of affairs.
So, to even the balance I suggest we run a "Send a random sexually-orientated PM to a male" (catchy name huh? :rascal:) week/month/whatever-you-feel like-tbh-I'm-easy
If you feel the same about this gross sexual inequality (back to Neil again :rude: lol ) then I ask that you sign your name below and add whatever comments you see fit.
If we get enough names we'll head to the European courts for human rights. They seem to have a great time with this kinda crap. :lol:
Oh poor sweetie
Giz a shag
biggrin :D :D
I totally agree Easy,i don't get enough unsolicited pm's from the top totty on here.
I feel that the men-folk (and Neil) don't get enough sexually-orientated PMs from the female members of the site

oi you cheeky bleeder!
i'll have you know my pm box is . . erm . . falling to pieces under the strain! no it is! honest! look it bleedin' well is!
<<< goes off in a right old strop . . . . >>>
neil ;-)
You really wouldn't want them........ all the fems on here would back me up. The unsolicited pm's range from what exactly they would like to do to you to verbally abusive.
Roll on a nice pm..........................
Oooooooo I feel a groundswell movement coming on biggrin .........

Well some kinda swelling movement anyway redface You know who you are. lol
Quote by Alex_Female
You really wouldn't want them........ all the fems on here would back me up. The unsolicited pm's range from what exactly they would like to do to you to verbally abusive.
Roll on a nice pm..........................

Suits me wink
oh i get it now! :doh: men-folk! and neil
well that's even worse than saying i don't get pm's! ffs!
<<< growls in a menacing way . . . .>>>
n ;-)
Mmmmmm Easy, you sexy beast!
How about if I pop round wearing something smooth and silky over my stockings, suspenders and stillettos.
I have warmed the baby oil just right. I think a full body massage is what you need, slow and sensual. Pausing over certain areas for maximum stimulaton (oooops, sorry, relaxation).
I could sit astride you as I massage your manly chest with my hands and your hips with my thighs as I move slowly and firmly up and down your body.
(Countess - this is all in jest!!!!!)
Is this the type of PM you meant?
hugs and snogs from a very warm Alex! :twisted:
Quote by Alex_Female
You really wouldn't want them........ all the fems on here would back me up. The unsolicited pm's range from what exactly they would like to do to you to verbally abusive.
Roll on a nice pm..........................

See that's the thing. Being blokes, yes we would bloody like them. Anything with any kind of sexual content (or a fart joke *sniggers*) is alright by us.
Anyway don't you think it's unfair that we never get to find out for ourselves.
(not trying to make light of a serious situation here. IF YOU ARE GETTING ABUSIVE OR OFFENSIVE PMs PLEASE FORWARD THEM TO ADMIN OR A MOD ASAP.)
You meant PM not in the Forum didn't you?

(.......I'm hoping Countess can take a joke otherwise I'm dead meat and will have to keep an eye out on the M60 for a hitman)
To be honest i can't remember the last pm i had like that,theyve all been too polite lately confused
I do miss laughing at "can i watch you two shagging on a cam phone"
Or "wanna fuck",oh worth a giggle at least lol
Ok easy,Wanna fuck?Can i watch you and Countess on cam phone,can i,can i????? :bounce: :bounce:
Quote by Alexandra
Mmmmmm Easy, you sexy beast!
How about if I pop round wearing something smooth and silky over my stockings, suspenders and stillettos.
I have warmed the baby oil just right. I think a full body massage is what you need, slow and sensual. Pausing over certain areas for maximum stimulaton (oooops, sorry, relaxation).
I could sit astride you as I massage your manly chest with my hands and your hips with my thighs as I move slowly and firmly up and down your body.
(Countess - this is all in jest!!!!!)
Is this the type of PM you meant?
hugs and snogs from a very warm Alex! :twisted:

Yep that kinda thing...
Quote by Alexandra
You meant PM not in the Forum didn't you?

(.......I'm hoping Countess can take a joke otherwise I'm dead meat and will have to keep an eye out on the M60 for a hitman)

Yep I did smackbottom
Please send it again in a PM and this time make sure you type it real slow. :wanker: lol
(you and me both as I'm board and she ain't about to stop me :lol: )
Totally agree....we want Pm's...any ...just so as to think that people realise we are here.
and if massage going spare with hot oil...then count me in....I'm on my way !!!!

TOO LATE .. JAGS SAW IT!!! And far from both in the shit you're both in the stocks!! Anyone got the whip???
Quote by JudyTV
OMG alex, I just popped. If jags sees this we are both in the shxx hunni.
JudyTV.......... is it raining or just damp in here wink

Jags was the second person to PM me. :shock:
I didn't think the things she suggested were legal in this country. :shock:
Didn't say I wouldn't give them a go though. :wink: :twisted: lol
But they're legal in MY country... Jagsland is where anything I want to happen is allowed, but only on high days, holy days and hot days.
Which is today?????????????/
I'm all for sexual equality, but I'm not supporting this - well I can't..... if I started sending sexually explicit PMs to the guys on here, they would all be SHIT SCARED...... they're all TOOOOO SOFT!!!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Yeah i wouldn't mind one or two... although i'm not into pain or watersports! :shock:
Quote by bluexxx
I'm all for sexual equality, but I'm not supporting this - well I can't..... if I started sending sexually explicit PMs to the guys on here, they would all be SHIT SCARED...... they're all TOOOOO SOFT!!!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Don't worry, if they're too bad they can always report them to Sarge. He's got an open mind. :shock: lol
Blue..what us soft...well come make me hard honey...!!!!!!
Tsk, all these threads with misleading titles and men whinging that they're not getting any mad
Quote by Clare_Lincs
To be honest i can't remember the last pm i had like that,theyve all been too polite lately confused
I do miss laughing at "can i watch you two shagging on a cam phone"
Or "wanna fuck",oh worth a giggle at least lol
Ok easy,Wanna fuck?Can i watch you and Countess on cam phone,can i,can i????? :bounce: :bounce:

So ... (best sleazy smile, toothpick between teeth) ... preeety lady, can I watch you both shagging on a cam phone? I AM exceeeedingly discreeeet ...
Quote by neilinleeds
oh i get it now! :doh: men-folk! and neil
well that's even worse than saying i don't get pm's! ffs!
<<< growls in a menacing way . . . .>>>
n ;-)

ooooh Neil ... growl again .... it's so sexy ;)
Fancy a shag love??? :doh: should have pm'd that request I guess.
Deancannock, you just don't have the stamina.... rolleyes
wink :wink: :wink:
very true blue.....but hey i can die trying !!!! what a way to go...shagged to heaven by blue !!!!!
Yep... shagged to swinging heaven.... no better place to be lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
aw calista
don't think you can get away with an ambiguous statement and hope people think you're just joking. i knew you'd come round.
was it the porno filth one that did it? i'll write you another with growling in it ok?
n x x x ;-)
. .
Quote by Jags

TOO LATE .. JAGS SAW IT!!! And far from both in the shit you're both in the stocks!! Anyone got the whip???

Oh Bloody Hell!
I'm not into S & M!!!
Quote by neilinleeds
I feel that the men-folk (and Neil) don't get enough sexually-orientated PMs from the female members of the site

oi you cheeky bleeder!
i'll have you know my pm box is . . erm . . falling to pieces under the strain! no it is! honest! look it bleedin' well is!
Yep. I'll bet it is. rolleyes lol
Sorry mate. I was trying to work my way through thePMs I've had and I missed your post. sad
Quote by neilinleeds
<<< minces off in a right old strop . . . . >>>
neil ;-)

:lol: :lol: :lol: