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SH-ERS Star Signs

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9 watchers
erm........ sorry I meant Libran! lol :twisted:
John is scorpio
Quote by Vix
I am Aquarias and Reese is Cancer.
It's my birthday in ten days, peeps. I know I have said before, but I just wanted to tell you again. 12 Feb. Ten days from now. Same as the Valentines munch. My birthday.

Are you dropping not so subtle reminders there Vix hun????
Quote by freckledbird
Bi fem here too Mrs Pink lol

Well thats very interesting FB :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Capricorn here - not very capricorny by nature tho confused Aparently I'm supposed to be really ambitious and head strong............. but I just can't be bothered dunno
Kit -
Ascendent in Scorpio
Descendent in Taurus
Moon in Libra
Mercury in Libra
Venus in Virgo
Mars in Libra
Jupiter in Scorpio
Saturn in Capricorn
Uranus in Leo
Neptune in Scorpio
Pluto in Virgo
Guess that makes me a Libran rolleyes cool
ermmmm capricorn = headstrong?? oooo no I can't really be a capricorn then :shock:
can I?
I'm Cancer but I've no idea where my cusp or my ascendant are! confused :?
lol Roger the Dragon
Quote by Kit
Kit -
Ascendent in Scorpio
Descendent in Taurus
Moon in Libra
Mercury in Libra
Venus in Virgo
Mars in Libra
Jupiter in Scorpio
Saturn in Capricorn
Uranus in Leo
Neptune in Scorpio
Pluto in Virgo
Guess that makes me a Libran rolleyes cool

Kit - I am soo not doing all that!!!! lol :lol: :lol:
Ooh - I have a rising Taurus to match your descending! But then - being Southern Hemispherean I am supposedly all backwards to the rest of you.
Oh heck - I'll just get my coat!! bolt
I'm a virgo and he's an aries.
G & D x
Don't know what a cusp is. Is it a good thing??
Virgo = virginal. Show me your cusp DB, I'll tell you whether it's good or not lol
Budge up Night-Shift, another Scorpio coming in .
Rainbows, are the ones you've got already on the list the ones who posted in the birthday-share thread? If so, I'm there, if not, CANCER.
Yes I agree, rubbish really lol ,
LIBRAN !!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by MikeNorth
Rainbows, are the ones you've got already on the list the ones who posted in the birthday-share thread? If so, I'm there, if not, CANCER.
Yes I agree, rubbish really lol ,

Oh bugger - I DID do a search!!!
Tut! you must be a Leo then?
Should've made this a poll and you'd have had a readymade statistical profile of SH? Or am I missing something?
I'm a Libran. Had no idea what that meant until I read what Butters said. Cheers for that. Sounds just like me!!!! lol
Quote by westerross
Should've made this a poll and you'd have had a readymade statistical profile of SH? Or am I missing something?

Yes - the fact that I don't kow how to do a poll!!!! lol :lol:
Good with my hands and tend to have more than one thing on the go at once :twisted:
Quote by Rainbows
So having discovered I have a July Birthday buddy on here

Yet another Cancerian Birthday Buddy here, hun...6th o' July.
~Reese! surprised
Taurus dunno
Dawn :silly:
I don't know any astronomy, so I played a game of join the dots in the sky - you know, made up some random pictures on a whim, and discovered to my astonishment that I was born under the sign of the pop-up toaster! How did the stars know??? biggrin
(Skeptic? Moi? Surely not ;) )
Quote by Ice Pie
I don't know any astronomy, so I played a game of join the dots in the sky - you know, made up some random pictures on a whim, and discovered to my astonishment that I was born under the sign of the pop-up toaster! How did the stars know??? biggrin

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I don't know any astronomy, so I played a game of join the dots in the sky - you know, made up some random pictures on a whim, and discovered to my astonishment that I was born under the sign of the pop-up toaster! How did the stars know??? biggrin

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oh yes, scoff if you like, oh ye of little faith, this is of major scientific importance and you'll be laughing the other side of your face when I get my Nobel prize. :P
Quote by Rainbows
So - I am going to start by being difficult 'cos I'm a Cancer/Leo cusp! (apparentley I have the sensitivity of a cancer, but I'm great in bed wink )

does this mean Leos are great in bed!!!
gives me privalge to say i was born on the 12 aug (check SH calendar for proof!)
so i am indeed a LEO