Quote by Max777
Although I certainly agree with the free speech argument and believe that debate is healthy, I really have to agree with what Splendid said. This site works well for me and is far improved on the original site. I really can't see what the issue is with the pics in the gallery. I have pics that I would not want on public display so they are in my private gallery....if anyone wants to see them ( I wish!) all they have to do is ask. No problem! If there was an option to have private pics on public display on your profile but not to appear in the gallery, these pics could still be seen by any paying member plus anyone else present at the time, "stumbling" accross your profile and the likelyhood is that it would probably be people living close to you using the post code search facility. Not something I would want.
I'm more than happy with how things are at present and will take a good look at any future developments before thinking about being critcal.
they can seacrh by postcode... but the first thing that comes up is a names list, then when you click on a name it goes to a profile then you read the profile and eventually get to the pics.... you have to put effort in to get to those pics.
in the gallery one click for distance another for search and hey presto pictures! wohoo... so much more easier, if i wanted to find someone i knew in my area i know which route i'd go down!
Err, no. When searching by postcode, the first thing that comes up is a list of names ACCOMPANIED by a public profile pic, if there are any. No effort required at all.
but the public display pic if there is one can be sensibly chosen, you can have no public display one but still have pics on your profile