Hiya guys and girls,
I wondered if any other members had fallen foul of swinging heavens rules on posting photographs of third parties?
I have recently had a couple of meets with another fem through SH and wanted to put a couple of photographs onto the site. I have been very careful not to include any distinguishable body parts or hair etc in the pics in order to keep within the site rules. However I had my pics removed after 3 days without warning. I thought maybe they had failed to load properly so added them again. The second time I was given a final warning and told my account would be deleted if I tried again to load the photographs.
I just think that the rules are a little over the top. We are all adults and only members of this site for one reason, to have fun, I don't really appreciate being treated like a child and told if I don't stick within the rules my membership will be revoked.
You don't have to look too far on the gallery feature to notice that dozens and dozens of profiles have third parties involved in their photographs.
So, Come on SH team.. lighten up on the daft rules on the photographs and allow us all to have a little fun on here and not left to feel like we dare not attempt to do anything for fear of losing our membership's...
Siena xx
ive had pics with 3rd party in my pics to with faces blanked out and still had them took off but been warned
are you aloud a 3rd party in your pics ?
jo x
I agree totally. I'm sick to fucking death of uploading totally anonymous pics only to have them removed. the last one involved a plain black top and a hand. Absolutely no distinguishing marks whatsoever. her own mother wouldn't have known her, yet some over officious mod decided to remove it.
Sometimes you'd never guess this was a swinging site for adults.
hi there
there is still alot of pics on here with 3rd partys in them even people who work on the site so i think we need to know the rules about 3rd partys
oh what about 4th and 5th partys etc
infact just checked the pics ive got on profile and a cpl of them have 3rd party and 4th
thanks jo
ok another i am not happy with but now stick to ..... you go round to someones house for a meet n show it on cam ... but only the account holder alowed to type ... even tho everyone at the meet is a fully paid up member of the site
This question is not aimed at anyone, but is just a geneal one for anyone who cares to answer. What I cant understand is anyone would you want to put photos of other people on their profile? Surely the pics are to show others what you look like and not what your swinging friends look like? Also, by posting photos which show other people (recognisable or not) doesnt this just make the person look indescrete?
Like I said, this is not aimed at anyone in particular but more of a general questionand is MY personal view and nothing to do with the site rules about posting pics.
we had a warning from admin for showing other people in our photos, they were all SH members and had consented to the photos of a party we had at our place. we had a lot of great feedback from members who viewed the photos but I couldn't be bothered to argue the point with admin. I just thought they were a good advert for the site.
third party pictures rules need to be much clearer,because now and again we seem to fall foul of it,but two things i dont understand is..it takes over 24hrs from uploading new pics to be verified by the site why cant they decline it then and secondly if they can allow third party faces on cams what the big deal about having faceless consented pics of third parties on profile,..