I'm 18 and although I do not often find men very attractive compared to women I often fantasise about them. I would like to have a gay experience, though possibly not involving penetration. Has anyone been in the same situation before? I can't help but wonder if I would regret it. This has been bothering me for some time though and it could be the only way to get it out of my system, or find something out about my self.
Any suggestions on what I should do?
I agree even if it turns out not to be what you expected its your choice and nothign wrong with seeing what you like!! If you dont try you dont know and obviously if its been on your mind and youve thoguht about it then why not!!?
Go for it!
Ok, from personal experience... yes, do it.
I did it, and even though I now feel very straight, I don't regret it. I went onto gaydar, chatted a while and had quite a few "episodes" with gay men and some transexuals. Was interesting, to say the least.
But a word of warning... sexuality is a Pandora's Box. Once you've opened it, you can't just shut it off and ignore it. It will rear it's head when you least expect it.
Totally its so much better to be open and honest with yourself!! Repression only causes anxiety and anger i think!! Pent up frustration and enegry!
I have feel the same about women and havent tried it although Im well up for it now just havent had the opportuinty yet but wont say no when i get the chance I think its cause im a bit more comfortable with myself now and I know that even if it isnt what i expect it will still be an experience Ill enjoy to whatever extent but at least I know Ive tried!
If I it wasnt something I didnt want to try why would the thought have entered into my head so why not!!
The bonus to shagging blokes is that they aren't fussy. No need for dates, awkward silences, chocolates, flowers, etc.
I go on gaydar, find someone in my area who looks sane, pvt them and 45 minutes later they are sucking my cock. It's a strange life.
Yeah, you know you don't have to "take it like a man". There are plenty of chaps who call themselves straight who would happily do manual (hand jobs) or oral (blpw jobs) to you and from you.
Don't stress it, mate.
I don't do anal. Nor does my partner. (Either giving or receiving) because we don't like it. Some people don't like caviar and champagne - each to their own.
If you do or don't have a male/male experience, it does not mean you are gay, it also does not mean you are not, if you don't.
Kenneth Williams died a virgin. No-one would doubt his sexuality. (Oh shit, I bet you don't even know who he was, right?)
Listen, my dad says about me "She's had enough cock to make a handrail from here to Bombay" and no-one denies my hetrosexuality, but I adore women, and have snogged, caressed, sucked and fucked women. Let yerself go, hun... one life - and this is it!!
PS.... you live near us by any chance?
OK I'm gonna go ahead and try it.. thanks alot for your response. If someone wants to help me on my way send a PM over, I have posted in the Meet section.. I am near Chelmsford, Essex if you are wondering.
Thanks again.
Will keep you updated :-)
although i have had some experiences i still fantasie, the thing is i havent had the right type of experience. Each time i have felt awkward and not completely relaxed. Would like to have a proper experience but not sure what to do.... any suggestions? all my experiences are from the net and it was more of a wham bam and i have recieved oral i would just like to see what it feels like to do it to someone else. Thats what i mean by proper experience
Can I suggest at 18 you should make it a bit more than sex? Meet someone within a few years of your age who you fancy and give it try that way. You can afford to be choosy and getting it right will be important, even if you don't like it you can retain a good memory of the experiment.
Roger, he was alive at the time wasn`t he?! :shock:
Je ne regrette rien.
Chicken drumstick? When I first had a cock in my mouth I was pleasantly surprised to find it did NOT taste like chicken.
Tried it when i was at school didn't do me any harm but im not interested now i always go by the saying i'll try anything once, how do you know if you don't like it till then and remeber even as a bloke you can still say NO at anytime. If you feel pressured or intimidated its not worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Corriefem, that's very good advice. I think that all sexual decisions have consuequences and that you do need to be careful. Having said that, the only way I ever learn is by making mistakes (fortunately not serious ones).
I think the problem with sexuality arises because men are told that if they are straight they should not find men attractive in any way, shape or form. Whereas in reality there are plenty of straight men who can appreciate the looks or sexiness of a man. And there are also plenty of straight men who have dabbled and decided that at the end of the day they prefer pussy to cock.
My statement is born of experience. But I haven't shagged all gay men, so I can't say my statement covers all gay men.
Go ahead and try it.
If you arrange a meet with a guy and it doesn't feel right, or you don't like him you can always back out and arrange to meet with someone else. And just for your own peace of mind don't tell your friends.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy yourself.