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Should we name and shame no shows ?

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We were let down again last night by a guy who we had arranged to meet. We always vet our contacts by camming first and chatting on IM, sowe thought we were covered.....and still we have had 3 no shows in a row now !
What the hell is going on ? Why do people say they are going to come and then don't ?
Should we name and shame ?
What do the rest of you do to make sure people actually turn up ?
I get to know folk over a long time.
Works for me.
its been done a thousand times before and always come to same conclusion try a search on....
no shows
verifacation (sp)
naming and shaming
no shows can have all sorts of reasons for not showing
family probs
babysitter problems
travel problems
the list is endless
Quote by juicyangel
Should we name and shame ?

Nope, not on this site and not ever on this site. Please use the search facility to find the many many other threads on the same topic. You'll find the same answer too.
No I dont beleive in naming and shaming for a zillion reasons.
Why dont you just look upon the no show as their loss.......................and go and have some horny sex just to spite them.................some people just arnt into honesty you know, but thats their problem not yours.
Quote by juicyangel
We were let down again last night by a guy who we had arranged to meet. We always vet our contacts by camming first and chatting on IM, sowe thought we were covered.....and still we have had 3 no shows in a row now !
What the hell is going on ? Why do people say they are going to come and then don't ?
Should we name and shame ?
What do the rest of you do to make sure people actually turn up ?

"no shows" just happen to be a hazard of the scene.. and It has happened to most people here.. all you can do is dust yourself down and pick yourself...
what do the rest of us do... because everyone uses the site differently you will get a million different answers...
for example me personally, I don't use the ads at all.... some people have had a good time thru them.. some dont..
I tend to meet people at the various socials and parties across the country where is the no pressure to play .... I tend to talk to people in the chatrooms because i want a better feel for someone... i can see how they interact with others ect ect......
only you know what does and doesn't work for you.... and it is a case of trial and error......
don't give up....
sean xxxxxxxxxxx
I personally think, all excuses to one side, on of the biggest reasons for no shows is... nerves.
In swinging you have to expect that. To no show and not get in touch is downright rude. We all have last minute nerves but from my point of view if someone told me they'd bottled, it's par for the course.
Put it down to experience and move on and meet someone else. smile
Every time we have been on the way to a meet 60% of me wants to turn round and go home to safety. To run away from the lack of confidence I have in myself to be attractive, away from worrying about my teeth being wonky, my breath not being 100% fresh every second that we are there, that I might say something the other person does'nt like or the million other reasons I get nervous about. Luckily the 40% of me that is the adventurer and loves meeting people and loves sex allows me to carry on and have a great time. It does'nt work for everyone and I daresay that having your name posted in here after an already traumatic experience would just about finish you off for good if you were one that couldnt go through with it. (although obviously a phone call would be polite) wink
Quote by juicyangel
Should we name and shame ?

Never in a squillion squidly years will that happen on this site!
Have you thought there may have being a family crisis or something equally similar and thats why he/she/they couldnt show or have time to contact you?
No? Thought not confused
I had the same thought the other day. It lead me to think that there could be an E-bay style Feedback system - a negative for no shows.
However, in the real world, I'm sure there would be all sorts of problems with this idea.
Plim confused
It just isn't going to happen - so I am locking this thread!! confused :? :?