We were let down again last night by a guy who we had arranged to meet. We always vet our contacts by camming first and chatting on IM, sowe thought we were covered.....and still we have had 3 no shows in a row now !
What the hell is going on ? Why do people say they are going to come and then don't ?
Should we name and shame ?
What do the rest of you do to make sure people actually turn up ?
I get to know folk over a long time.
Works for me.
its been done a thousand times before and always come to same conclusion try a search on....
no shows
verifacation (sp)
naming and shaming
no shows can have all sorts of reasons for not showing
family probs
babysitter problems
travel problems
the list is endless
No I dont beleive in naming and shaming for a zillion reasons.
Why dont you just look upon the no show as their loss.......................and go and have some horny sex just to spite them.................some people just arnt into honesty you know, but thats their problem not yours.
... imho, of course!
Nola xx