Quote by Missy
Oh Corrie:( :( :( :(
For pure selfish reasons tho >>>>>>>>>>>>>> :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Awwww no, I'm kidding :therethere: - Although I miss you like mad in RL, I miss the natters, the non stop 100mph talking n stuff, I miss your laugh....... well I miss every RL about you. But that doesn't stop me feeling pretty gutted that your natural full blown optimism has been dented again :( :( :( :therethere:
Great big hugs for you - and a bigfor Mr Corrie too, cos from what I've heard of him, he thinks as much of you as you do him. Sadly, at the moment tho, it ain't gonna happen :( ............ always next week tho :twisted: :bounce: Once we've had our RL natter, 100mph gobshite stuff of course
Great big :kiss: :therethere: to you both (although of course the biggest one goes to you Corrie :kiss: )