yeah, you know the genital mutilation guy? that was me!
j/k lol
but maybe he just really didnt fancy that couple at all, and needed rid of them without hurting their feelings?
Quote by sheffieldfun4two
He told us that it was better value than half an hour with a prostitute at £50, and there were more girls to choose from in a club! He seemed to think that all the wives were just whores!
Quote by Silk and Big G
Sorry UK all we were saying is , to put it plainly , we would love to see a single fella put up a similar list of the misfit couples that frequent clubs . Im sure you know as well as we that often couples get off scot free when it comes to criticism from single guys for fear they may never get any luck . We were just saying ( maybe too cryptically) that it would be great to see a single fella with the courage to post a list in reply to this one . Hope that clears it up :-) and welcome to the forum nice to see you here xxx
Quote by sheffieldfun4two
We've had some unbelievable experiences at a local club on mixed nights!
1. One guy told us that he paid £30 to get in each time, having paid his anual membership separately. He told us that it was better value than half an hour with a prostitute at £50, and there were more girls to choose from in a club! He seemed to think that all the wives were just whores!
2. We also have had an uninvited guy just join in and penetrate M immediately! Fortunately he had a condom on, but she still felt like she'd been by him! When we complained he couldn't see what the fuss was about, as she was laying there naked and "was asking for it!"