I find it easier to swing with couples. Don't seem to form that inappropriate attachment I do with single men.
Hence me taking time out from swinging to form the appropriate attachment first :P
well venus, having been the single participant in the past, i can only speak from my perspective, all the couples i have been with have always had the right to say no, thats from both the male and female, and i will always accept that, if the vibes are wrong, then i would not go ahead with anything at all, i need to feel comfortable as well.
i know what i am doing when i go with a couple, and i am fully aware of what is happening.
if i know the couple beforhand, and we all get on well, then the nerves/vibes dont really happen, and everyone is relaxed and can get on with having fun.
i feel that apart from a possible friendship, emotionally i try to keep it just as that. i have never become emotionally involved with anyone who i have been with,
jealousy, if jealousy does rear it's ugly head, then i would expect everything to stop, thats when things can become uncomfortable for all parties involved, and maybe should never have started in the first place, i am not there to break a relationship, thats not what i want. if jealousy does occure, then whomever i am with, was possibly not ready to invite a third person into the equasion, and maybe should look deeper into what they really want. sorry for rambling, and this may sound like inane drivel, and bad spelling and grammar, but thats just me and my outlook.
Our experience of meeting a single bi male went very well for all parties concerned because we all put the effort in before hand and did not rush into things. Eveyone concerned were given the option of saying no when we met. We all had fun making sure that at no point was anyone left out.
We decided to swing with other couples on the basis that it was better in even numbers,so far that has worked for us and bringing in a single person male or female might not be a good idea as it has been tried and a little of the jealousy did show through but not much,so best to stick with what we agreed on in the first to wether females have it harder than guys i don't think that is true,men are not robots you know!
you also have to consider that as a single male looking for couples it is exceptionally hard to get noticed. Particularly if you are not built like an addonis with a monster between your legs. Some single guys on here will go months or years without a reply to their ad. That sort of rejection is never easy to take, no matter who you are.
your right a nice thanks but no thanks would make a good change. The 2 word 'no thanks' replies are worse than the one that just ignore you and dont reply (at least if they ignore you, you can convinve yourself they havent read it)
Perhaps I'm showing my age too much when I say that I've been meeting couples since before the internet was even dreamt of - back in the bad old days of contact mags and box numbers. I'm not someone with a natural chat-up line and always go into a meeting with some trepidation, but usually can cope with a couple. I was a bit lost at my first SH party earlier this year in Crewe, where everyone already seemed to know each other.
The nerves of meeting a couple for the first time have always been part of the thrill - will we or won't we? Sometimes it's not worked out and then you feel a bit low and somewhat inadequate - with no-one to give you a lift, but if you don't get the lows, you don't appreciate the highs.
On the subject of getting a reply - a one word "no" would be appreciated, even without the "thanks". I'm not into sending of 20 mails all at once just in case one leads anywhere - I'd rather follow a thread through and it does help to know that someone simply isn't interested.
spare a thought for the poor guys still trying to get that first meet with a couple
well its bound to be nerve-racking for everyone at first,
i just found that if u just talk about what everyone is comfy with first or in most cases what not 'comfy' with, so no one goes there!
then everything is fun..........
....and i think the nerves add's to the excitment!!
Singles who go into swinging are usually without some kind of support. This is because they have just started and they don't tell the people they know, about what and why they are doing it. They often don't realise what it means to them until they have had some experience. I was like that.
Singles usually have sufficiently developed social skills to avoid the worst kinds of social mishaps. So they can often read the general vibe and feel of the couple, and help keep the situation in a neutral state.
One of my pet hates is when you ask someone what they're into and they reply "most things", or "anything really", and then they go on to say no to this, and no to that.
In my experience that usually means they haven't thought things through and are probably new to the whole game. Why can't they just say so? Then I'd be especially gentle with them! :twisted:
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: