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Single swinging?

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49 replies
3 watchers
I think it's a very good idea. I've seen that a few clubs, like Club Champagne in Surrey do a singles night. As long as there is an equal balance and no d##kheads, and mutual respect is maintained throughoutt...tell me where and when... biggrin
Quote by James1975uk
I think it's a very good idea. I've seen that a few clubs, like Club Champagne in Surrey do a singles night. As long as there is an equal balance and no d##kheads, and mutual respect is maintained throughoutt...tell me where and when... biggrin

Only after you`ve wiped your bum! :P
Thank you Venus!! I've been trying to work that pic out for ages... still can't!
Oh thank god, I`m not the only one then!
James, we love you, we really do, but I`ve been itching to say something for ages. Please don`t be cross! :scared:
I suppose it was after watching Cold Feet! Thought it made a change from a rose clamped between the teeth, that's all! Perhaps it's not quite as romantic though?
(I always make sure I have a clean bum, Venus) biggrin
Thorns made my eyes water though! surprised
'Snot swinging 'snorgy. You lot were up late and very tired last night?
Quote by James1975uk
I suppose it was after watching Cold Feet! Thought it made a change from a rose clamped between the teeth, that's all! Perhaps it's not quite as romantic though?
(I always make sure I have a clean bum, Venus) biggrin
Thorns made my eyes water though! surprised

Oh! Is that what it is! I thought you`d edited out a tattoo, with red, and oversized balls in black! Sorry! redface
If it`s any consolation, I should be wearing glasses whilst on the PC!
Tune, yes we had an orgy, and YOU missed it! :P
I think it sounds like a great long as theres that equal balance.
Quote by VenusnMars
If it`s any consolation, I should be wearing glasses whilst on the PC!

You are Venus, You are!!!
Should I be wearing anything else? I think I should be wearing something else, my guest is starting to shudder :shock:
Quote by VenusnMars
Should I be wearing anything else? I think I should be wearing something else, my guest is starting to shudder :shock:

I think a smile is quite enough
(But I do advice getting a higher mirror so that you can put your lippy on properly)
Or felt tip as the case may be........... lol
yes that sounds good, im single and im looking to meet some one
A singles only party sounds good but like someone said before me you would need to make sure there is a decent ratio of men to women.....but on the other hand if I had more men to choose from that would be great...... wink
Quote by DreamerHelen
A singles only party sounds good but like someone said before me you would need to make sure there is a decent ratio of men to women.....but on the other hand if I had more men to choose from that would be great...... wink

And that they're all single. Sounds like trouble to me unless it is just sex and then it's an orgy.
Thanks everyone for your responses. The overall reaction was much more positive than I expected. The ratio will (I mean would of course as it's just hypothetical) be an issue. A mixture of judgement and 'first-come-first-served' I expect.
Quote by westerross
A singles only party sounds good but like someone said before me you would need to make sure there is a decent ratio of men to women.....but on the other hand if I had more men to choose from that would be great...... wink

And that they're all single. Sounds like trouble to me unless it is just sex and then it's an orgy.
You can't be sure single people are single at couples parties or Munches anyway. A singles party wouldn't be that different. But by using the Munch method of ensuring people had made a few postings you would have an idea. And I'm a great believer in peoples' better natures. I have faith that most 'couply' people will be happy to let the singles have their turn.
An orgy huh? Yes, I think that's what I had in mind.
And so if this mythical person were to organise such an event she (or he of course) might be looking at hiring a weekend cottage somewhere centralish and asking all guests to share the cost, bring a bottle, something for the supper table and their favourite CD of sexy music. Anyone travelling a long way could then stay over. Along with the organiser who would get first pick of the bedrooms as a perk.
Mmnn.. if only...
Quote by jezzay
Thanks everyone for your responses. The overall reaction was much more positive than I expected. The ratio will (I mean would of course as it's just hypothetical) be an issue. A mixture of judgement and 'first-come-first-served' I expect.
A singles only party sounds good but like someone said before me you would need to make sure there is a decent ratio of men to women.....but on the other hand if I had more men to choose from that would be great...... wink

And that they're all single. Sounds like trouble to me unless it is just sex and then it's an orgy.
You can't be sure single people are single at couples parties or Munches anyway. A singles party wouldn't be that different. But by using the Munch method of ensuring people had made a few postings you would have an idea. And I'm a great believer in peoples' better natures. I have faith that most 'couply' people will be happy to let the singles have their turn.
An orgy huh? Yes, I think that's what I had in mind.
And so if this mythical person were to organise such an event she (or he of course) might be looking at hiring a weekend cottage somewhere centralish and asking all guests to share the cost, bring a bottle, something for the supper table and their favourite CD of sexy music. Anyone travelling a long way could then stay over. Along with the organiser who would get first pick of the bedrooms as a perk.
Mmnn.. if only...
Sounds like a great idea and I'd certainly be interested in being there biggrin As is clear from the postings already, getting a balance between the sexes is going to be the real trick - but even so, at the very least, it'd be an interesting get-together. cool
Quote by Jezzay
And so if this mythical person were to organise such an event she (or he of course) might be looking at hiring a weekend cottage somewhere centralish

erm . . . .. i'm not sure ya central cottage would be quite big enough? ya central travel-lodge ? possibly ? dunno ;-)
n x x x x ;-)
I think I prefer your glasses where they are Venus! - My avatar is a little blurred though (or have I got my contact lenses in?)
Sounds like a very good idea - a Singles Moot perhaps / Orgy? I'm in London but I can travel...Would love to be involved please. biggrin
Quote by MikeNorth
Good idea Jezzay - the couples in here have far too much of the fun.

Absolutely Mike - those couples are definitely having too much fun! hump :lol2:
Quote by Vix
My dream is Midlandsmale & Mal and Me, at the mo.
Is that greedy?

who cares, Vix, who cares!!! passionkiss
and Little Mal