A lot of couples have the problem we've often had - you advertise for another couple and get single guys reply.
Or turn up to meet a couple and find a single guy turn up who's partner "couldn't make it"
There are genuine single guys well worth meeting and playing with - if you are a girl who like spitroats, dp or GrandSlam (3 at a time - my current fave new thing) then you need to track done the genuine single guys.
One of the main problems is the view "they are single for a reason".
've found it easier in the past to meet on guy for a one on one, do it again with anoher guy, then get them both together for the third date.
A fourth date with a third guy.
Get them all together on the fifth date.
It takes a bit of work and some time but F**K me (literally) it is well worth it!