horrible smells: the "hospital smell" my youngest was in scbu for a long time and it always remonds me of that time! - anything mildly anticeptic etc will set it off! as will the beeping checkouts in m&s
nice smells: freshly baked bread! reminds me of my nanna!
The smell of grass (& no I don't mean it reminds me of some naughty outdoor adventures :rascal: ) it just gives me that feel good feeling....
the smell of a nice roast dinner cooking mmmmmm
but hate the smell of those plug in air freshner thingys :sad: yuck they make me feel sick, most have such a synthetic smell......much prefer a nice sented candle or oil burner :wary:
I hate the smell of daffodils.
Years ago I had a miscarriage and after coming back from theatre the first thing I smelled as I came round from the anaesthetic was a vase of daffodils on the bedside table.
On a more cheery note, I love the smell of cut grass, nice smelling flowers in the garden in summer and summer rain.
smelly socks = the gym smell
burnt toast = smell of one of my romantic meals for steve
rain = holidays smell
talc = babies smell
strawberries = sex smell (dont ask)
champagne = sex smell (dont ask)
bubble bath = sex smell (dont ask)
wooden chopsticks = sex smell (dont ask)
Gonna stop now coz I dont think I am really concentrating on the thread anymore :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The smell of toast, first thing in the morning, is the best.
Old LP's when you took the record out for the very first time.
A fresh box of printed leaflets.
My mother in laws feet are the worst. I picked her up from Gatwick airport once from her holiday. We started driving and I I could smell a strong muck spreading smell from outside. I opened all the windows a few miles later to 'freshen up' the car but it never cleared. By the time we got to Watford I realised it must be something else.........then realised she'd took her shoes off in the back and had fallen asleep. Had another 100 miles to drive breathing in the smell of her pungent plates!! Makes me feel sick now just thinking about it.
Hi everyone,
On the subject of smells, i am amazed there are not loads of comments on people with bad smells, yuck, wretch, heave.
Some people obviously bypass the supermarket aisle with deodarants or Santa forgot where they lived when their fav aunty bought them smellys for xmas.
Though there is one couple in this thread who smell divine mmmmm ( seven mile house meet) see u soon, lovely people xxx
So keep up with the sexy smells all you horny people,
Liz n Bob xxxx
good smell...castrol "R" in a racing engine or burnt rubber at santa pod dragstrip
Bad smell....wet dogs. we have 8 and also run a dog grooming parlour
bad smell 2...getting a snog and catching the gingivitis odour just before the lips meet eeeeuuugh !