I think this thread makes good point, not because I want to see anyone named and shamed or encourage others to name and shame, but to take a step back and actually admire the way that you responded to the message. You could have sent a similar message back, but to diffuse it straight away, I must respect the approach.
If I receive snotty pm's I simply forward them to admin and let him deal with the member in question in the prescribed manner..
People shouldnt have to put up with abuse either in the forums,chat or via pm.
we go to rooms in chat that says no whispering unless u ask first n if thay whisper without asking we just don`t answered
if they are very rude we just cut n past and others will ask them to behave
if all ells fails post it to a mod////
I agree.
I think perhaps we start off thinking we should put together some sort of reply to every message we receive and then eventually realise that not every PM actually deserves a reponse.
I hope your child is recovered Mrs Bone.
I too agree with admin...
Your approach was admirable to say the least and I'm quite envious at your patients
I would have still told em to fook off mind! :P
Mike x
bonediger , sorry you faced the arrogance of a certain member and glad your ikkle one is better now.
i think weve all experienced this over the years.
one guy messaged me about 5 times while i was off line, saying how stunning i was on cam earlier, how he love to meet me, blah blah, i logged in saw all the messages, checked out his profie, adds etc, realised he wasnt the one for me,
messaged him a lovely emaik thanking him for his lovely comments and the 5 emais and explained i hadnt replyed sooner as i was off line and thank you but no thank you.
got a email back, " oh only just read your profile didnt read you were a fat fucking old bitch, wouldnt fuck you if you begged"
lol i replyed again saying thankyou for you lovely last email, so glad you showed your true colours now and confirmed my amazing ability of female intuition of not meeting prats.
xxx fem xx
bonedigger was this after the pubs closed as this seems a common time for strange comments, think people tend to loose the fact that just that you are on cam they are not the only people in the world that can see you, and the cam is not totally for them, ahh well bless them, one day they might realise the world doesn't revolve around them, don't fret about it just enjoy yourself for yourself
Hi everyone
Great toppic - we always reply to PM's, and even when its a "thanks but no thanks" reply, quite a lot of people will then reply saying thanks for at least replying!
We think it rude not to reply, and will continue to do so.
We have had a few shity responces, slagging us off for saying no thanks etc, but then if they take "no ta" that baddly thats there problem not ours.
We have never bothered reporting any of these, we feel the mods have a hard enough job to do without us adding to it, but then praps we should so the sore losers dont go on to cause other peeps grief ??
Richard n Donna