Due to recent hassles (Mars being ill etc) we have missed alot of wages. As a result we fell behind on our rent (again), and received a notice to be taken back to court for eviction.
I just got off the phone to my rent advisor and not only is he giving us another chance, but is cutting our agreement down from 20 quid extra a week to 5! :bounce:
I do need to pay current rent, plus save up a months worth to pay by direct debit for the next three weeks, which will be a little tough, but I`m nothing if not good with Tesco`s value!
The direct debit will be a godsend, as I am trying to run two households at the moment, ours and my disabled mother-in-laws, which also has a great deal to do with why I am slipping. All I need to do is `forget` that family credit is going into our account.
And no, I am not discreet about our debts. Don`t see why I should be. Mars works 40 hours a week, and works hard. I work hard too, just unpaid! We have nothing to be ashamed of.