its feckin annoying(and petty lol)
Quote by robbie_rob
i know its boring and all that but some of the grammar on not just this site but others too is absolutely atrocious!!!!!!!! the word CRINGE springs to people no longer taught to spell or am i in a time warp and the rest of you living in a world where everyone spells everything deliberately wrong???:roll: :roll:
its feckin annoying(and petty lol)
Quote by robbie_rob
i know its boring and all that but some of the grammar on not just this site but others too is absolutely atrocious!!!!!!!! the word CRINGE springs to people no longer taught to spell or am i in a time warp and the rest of you living in a world where everyone spells everything deliberately wrong???:roll: :roll:
its feckin annoying(and petty lol)
Quote by freckledbird
Enough said, I think. We all make mistakes, but as long as it doesn't change the intented message/feel of the post, don't worry about it. When grammar/spelling/punctuation makes a difference to the message, then it matters. Your post is perfectly understandable even with the mistakes, but you have rather set yourself up to be corrected.
Quote by MikeNorth
Enough said, I think. We all make mistakes, but as long as it doesn't change the intented message/feel of the post, don't worry about it. When grammar/spelling/punctuation makes a difference to the message, then it matters. Your post is perfectly understandable even with the mistakes, but you have rather set yourself up to be corrected.
Quote by fiona219ukAm sorry Rob, I just cant resist being a git at times but I completely agree, it either drives me insane at times or leaves me completely gobsmacked!
One of my personal pet hates are things like tongue! I mean how difficult really is it to spell? The "toungers" of the world absolutely crack me up!
The passed - past thing, the where-were and the your-you're ones do my head in too. I must admit if we ever get an email or message from anyone and the spelling is atrocious it puts me off them straightaway.
Right, whinge over! :thrilled:
Quote by mik69 in another thread
Spelling as most of you will know isn't really my strong point but as I left school with 9 (good) GCSE's (thats O levels for the older ones) went on to do 6 years at college where
I gained 2 City & Guilds and a B Tech in 2 very differant subjects and now succesfully run my own buisness, I'd just like to point out to those few that get hung up about it. May it be the result of a person's failings (and i'm talking about myself here) or more so the modern education system it certainly isn't the be all and end all of day to day life. :? Sorry rant over i'm done now