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i know its boring and all that but some of the grammar on not just this site but others too is absolutely atrocious!!!!!!!! the word CRINGE springs to people no longer taught to spell or am i in a time warp and the rest of you living in a world where everyone spells everything deliberately wrong???
rolleyes :roll: :roll:
its feckin annoying(and petty lol)
I know what you mean robbi_-rob but we now live in a text crazy society and everything seems to be shortened for speed.......................words only I hope !!!! rolleyes
lol sorry Rob but you missed an apostrophe in your first line! it should be it's
worst example today is where someone "should of" done something.
or when some walks" passed" you.
and these are'nt kids using txt tlk lol they're adults!!
its very very worrying,are half the country illiterate??
Spelling, isn't that why they invented spell checker confused:
now i was always gonna (going to) make a cock up in this post but missing apostrophes etc etc is just through speed and ease of posting,not through pure crapness( ?? spelling...dictionary lol)
I now wot you meen Robbie!!
Feckin annoyin in't it???? :shock: :shock: :shock: confused :? :? wink
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I now wot you meen Robbie!!
Feckin annoyin in't it???? :shock: :shock: :shock: confused :? :? wink

Don't you mean 'innit'??? :giggle:
lol Am sorry Rob, I just cant resist being a git at times but I completely agree, it either drives me insane at times or leaves me completely gobsmacked!
One of my personal pet hates are things like tongue! I mean how difficult really is it to spell? The "toungers" of the world absolutely crack me up!
The passed - past thing, the where-were and the your-you're ones do my head in too. I must admit if we ever get an email or message from anyone and the spelling is atrocious it puts me off them straightaway.
Right, whinge over! :thrilled:
its "more better" to be able to spell right
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I now wot you meen Robbie!!
Feckin annoyin in't it???? :shock: :shock: :shock: confused :? :? wink

Don't you mean 'innit'??? :giggle:
Soree - ure rite ..... innit!!!
i had a text message off ladbrokes and it had txt tlk innit..............
paddy power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rolleyes
Quote by fiona219uk
I must admit if we ever get an email or message from anyone and the spelling is atrocious it puts me off them straightaway.

Ooh must send you a message lol I very rarely make smelling pistakes
Waits quietly for someone to check posts and find some and take the p**s
Quote by robbie_rob
i know its boring and all that but some of the grammar on not just this site but others too is absolutely atrocious!!!!!!!! the word CRINGE springs to people no longer taught to spell or am i in a time warp and the rest of you living in a world where everyone spells everything deliberately wrong???
rolleyes :roll: :roll:
its feckin annoying(and petty lol)

If you look here
I have written, thats why my post's are usually kept short "to save embarrassment"
Is it really that important ? Some people just ain't to good at grammar or spelling.
And yeah, I use a spell check as my spelling and grammar is real bad but i bet lots of the errors get through...
But is it really that important to be able to spell and get everything grammatically correct to be able to post in a forum where you shouldn't judge others?
If someone is genuinely taking the piss and you can clearly see that they haven't even tried to "get it correct" then fair enough, But where do you draw the line, where do you say, yeah this person has tried and that person hasn't ?
When i read post's, i never judge a person by there spelling or anything because after all, this is one of my week points,,, Don't meen my iq is any less than the next person, just meens thats my weak point, and we all have them!
Shaz x
Crikey - have we been bought out by Spelling Heaven?????? :shock:
Quote by robbie_rob
i know its boring and all that but some of the grammar on not just this site but others too is absolutely atrocious!!!!!!!! the word CRINGE springs to people no longer taught to spell or am i in a time warp and the rest of you living in a world where everyone spells everything deliberately wrong???
rolleyes :roll: :roll:
its feckin annoying(and petty lol)

Ahem. If you're going to pull others up, maybe next time you should check your own. When you refer to yourself in a post, it's usual to capitalise the 'I'. If you use an exclamation mark or a question mark for emphasis, one is sufficient. It's also incorrect to begin each sentence with a lower case letter. You also need to leave a space before opening a bracket.
Enough said, I think. We all make mistakes, but as long as it doesn't change the intented message/feel of the post, don't worry about it. When grammar/spelling/punctuation makes a difference to the message, then it matters. Your post is perfectly understandable even with the mistakes, but you have rather set yourself up to be corrected.
Quote by freckledbird
Enough said, I think. We all make mistakes, but as long as it doesn't change the intented message/feel of the post, don't worry about it. When grammar/spelling/punctuation makes a difference to the message, then it matters. Your post is perfectly understandable even with the mistakes, but you have rather set yourself up to be corrected.

I think you mean "intended", FB lol . You've got that camping weekend on your mind already, I suspect!
Quote by MikeNorth

Enough said, I think. We all make mistakes, but as long as it doesn't change the intented message/feel of the post, don't worry about it. When grammar/spelling/punctuation makes a difference to the message, then it matters. Your post is perfectly understandable even with the mistakes, but you have rather set yourself up to be corrected.

I think you mean "intended", FB lol . You've got that camping weekend on your mind already, I suspect!
PMSL Mike, yes - pot kettle and black hmmm? :lol:
I really don't mind spelling mistakes - we all make them, but I hate text talk. To me it is just lazy!! confused :? :? :? :? :?
Quote by fiona219uk
lol sorry Rob but you missed an apostrophe in your first line! it should be it's

and a comma or two wink
phredd(but who am I to talk ? I can not spell Fred)
For us its when you get a pm or reply to an add you have posted and there's nothing but spelling mistakes in it, makes you wonder if they honestly expect an answer.
More often than not they have only sent you six or seven words.
B n H
is that "add" or "ad" ?? rolleyes :roll:
lol :lol: :lol:
when i first posted about this i didnt mean to sound petty and to be banging on about apostrophes etc its the blatant cringeworthy mistakes that annoy me....and make me laugh. lol
Quote by fiona219uk
lol Am sorry Rob, I just cant resist being a git at times but I completely agree, it either drives me insane at times or leaves me completely gobsmacked!
One of my personal pet hates are things like tongue! I mean how difficult really is it to spell? The "toungers" of the world absolutely crack me up!
The passed - past thing, the where-were and the your-you're ones do my head in too. I must admit if we ever get an email or message from anyone and the spelling is atrocious it puts me off them straightaway.
Right, whinge over! :thrilled:

I`d do your head in then :lol:
im a crap speller but it dont mean im stupid or any less inteligent than anyone else.
yes theres spelling mistake in what ive just written biggrin
For years i went through school embarresed by my bad spelling. I tried my best to learn and hated, really hated, the thought that there would be a spell out loud test.
I left school with out any GCSE's, for many reasons. However i have always worked and at 30 decided i wanted a carear not a job and went to college, took 5 A levels and went on to do my HND and degree. All with out being able to spell to the levels of written GCSE. I used spell check.
Spelling is a weekness in some people, its one of mine. However its not intentional and i hope people do not think less of me for it. After all i would not dismiss someone if they were dyslesic. I know some of you may say learn to spell, well i just cant. I know there is spell checker, and i could write everything in word first and run it through spell check, but i write from the heart and its spontanious. If i went thorough the above procedure id probally never post ( ok shut it all those that are saying yippee)
So the point of this post? well please dont write people off because of this. I understand when its pure laziness, but with some of us it isnt.
Accept it off us and be the non judgemental site i hope we are.
xxx lou xxxx
I've posted on this subject before and as i'm getting too old to climb on my soap box now. So I thought it would just be easier to quote myself. confused
Quote by mik69 in another thread
Spelling as most of you will know isn't really my strong point but as I left school with 9 (good) GCSE's (thats O levels for the older ones) went on to do 6 years at college where
I gained 2 City & Guilds and a B Tech in 2 very differant subjects and now succesfully run my own buisness, I'd just like to point out to those few that get hung up about it. May it be the result of a person's failings (and i'm talking about myself here) or more so the modern education system it certainly isn't the be all and end all of day to day life. :? Sorry rant over i'm done now
Speaking personally, I certainly didnt intend anyone to think that I was trying to suggest that all bad spelling, etc is a sign of ignorance, stupidity or "being thick"! Wouldnt pigeonhole folk like that.
It's just one of those things that we all have I suppose, stuff that does our heads in. As one of the replies said, pm or email messages where someone just hasn't even bothered trying and it's obviously all too much trouble.
We have only been on the Forum for a couple of days and have been really taken aback by how friendly and fun everyone on here is, if any of my comments caused offence or were taken as a "diss", I apologise.
I am a little fat git! I am sure that does other people's heads in! lol.
Nice to meet you all by the way.
The only thing I passed (lol) when I left school was the gate on the way out. I dont spell or even write very well to be honest although I am not thick. I have lernt to type from using the net and am pretty quick but of course that does not improve any of the other attributes. Spell checker is pretty useless also as a lot of the time it auto corrects words so you dont even know you made a mistake. Spell checker also takes time to use and thats time I dont have so I am sorry you will have to put up with my useless spelling grammer and punctuation. ON the up side you get to continue experiencing my hilarious sense of humour confused my wit and sharp observation :lol2: and my fantasticly good looking pictures :confused2:
Misster Twekky

Job done... There are versions for Firefox but they suck big time... This puppy is da bollox..
I am the world's worst person for correcting people. Many of the regulars on here will say it.
However, I don't think I am as bad as I used to be. As long as you can understand what a person is trying to say, then it isn't a problem. What does matter, is when poor spelling, grammar or punctuation leads to a misinterpretation of someone's post. Something as simple as a comma in the wrong place, or one misspelled word, can affect the meaning of the words someone has said. When that happens, people should expect any backlash and deal with it, but they often can't so they resort to 'oh go on, pick on me because I can't spell etc.' THAT is annoying. As is bloody text speak rolleyes