Well let me set the scene here a little. The sun is sort of breaking through, we've been sat outside having a nice breakfast (veggy type fry up, danish pastries and lots of fresh coffee) and I'd love to go shopping or do something interesting.
So here's the rub!
Dear Mr JB has gone and turned on the cricket. Meaning he's going to be stationary for most of the day now. Then there's the olympics!!!!! How many days will he be glued to that I wonder? I can cope with one at a time, usually, but this is too much for any reasonable girl to cope with.
Over the years I've done all the usual stuff to distract him, and it's been successful for an hour or two but then he gradually returns to the sofa, bed, bath or wherever and carries on where he left off.
Does anyone else have this problem? What can be done about it?