Having just posted on the Fears and Phobia's thread - i had an idea :idea:
I have a major 'thing' about spots - if I find one, it has to be 'busted' - either on me or on someone else!! Now, its probably more an obsession than a phobia, and I have been known to stop everything, mid-shag and say 'oh my god, look at that spot!!' - and promptly dash off for tissue, tweezers and TCP :shock:
I'm a dab hand with tweezers too - ( see ES taking notes in corner :notes: ) - and one of my favorite pastimes ever is to 'shape' someone's goatee, hair by hair, until it's perfect (and he's very sore :twisted: )
What I'd like to know is, am I the only one??? or do we have other resident spot-busters in da house?