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A Secret Society Of Swingers.
I was watching 'Im a celebrity' the other night and they started discussing swinging. I think it was John that couldnt believe that more than two people in one room have sex together :shock:
Janice commented "it goes on more than you realise. Everyone's at it". wink
I find it quite hard to believe that he had never heard about swinging before.
That lead me to think about the secret society we are all part of.
Do you think that if there was a more balanced portrayal of swinging in the media, more talk about it in everyday life etc that it would become more acceptable and less ?
Would you want it to become more acceptable dunno
I, personally quite like being in this secret society. It feels good to have a secret sometimes, something that you hold back from everyone else ( apart from your partner) to keep to yourself.
Is it the naughty factor that brings some into the swinging world? and not just the sex.
Would swinging lose its attraction to some if it became more acceptable?
Louise xx
I think some of the attraction may well be that swinging is not an everyday activity that can be talked about with everyone..
I guess some people with certain jobs may wish that it was more socially acceptable but I think for me at least its like having a juicy secret that can never be told and that makes it even more exciting.
I think the idea of being part of a secret society that others talk about is all part of the thrill. I don't think it will ever be accepted as there are too many people (usually other, perhaps slightly jealous, women) who'll always see women who swing as slappers.......BUT they haven't got a f*ckin clue. When I hear this I really wish I could speak out but I have to bite my my lip.
Quote by fabioplum
I think the idea of being part of a secret society that others talk about is all part of the thrill. I don't think it will ever be accepted as there are too many people (usually other, perhaps slightly jealous, women) who'll always see women who swing as slappers.......BUT they haven't got a f*ckin clue. When I hear this I really wish I could speak out but I have to bite my my lip.

Amen to that! kiss
Lou, I'll be a member of your SSOS if you promise to join the Pussy Posse :rascal:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I think the idea of being part of a secret society that others talk about is all part of the thrill. I don't think it will ever be accepted as there are too many people (usually other, perhaps slightly jealous, women) who'll always see women who swing as slappers.......BUT they haven't got a f*ckin clue. When I hear this I really wish I could speak out but I have to bite my my lip.

Amen to that! kiss
Lou, I'll be a member of your SSOS if you promise to join the Pussy Posse :rascal:
I'll see what I can do wink
Louise xx
I quite like having a secret from everyone but mr lyns, it makes it all the more naughtier and fun.
I would on the other hand wish that people who don`t know much about swinging would learn!!. It was brought up in the tea room at work and the general consensus was if you are a fem and you swing you are a slapper. Well im not a slapper thankyou very much lol just wish id of had the balls to say it!!.
I want it all out in the open 'cos I'm running out of excuses as to my whereabouts, how I manage to have made so many friends all over the place and why aren't I bringing these young men I "date" over for Sunday lunch! :shock:
It is kinda nice to have a secret though. I know lots! :smug:
i like the secret side of it, the naughtyness. but as marya says i to find it difficunt to explain where all these "new" friends come from that are all over the country, where i dissappear to and why i dont invite my "new" friends to family gatherings :shock:
I quite like that fact that it's a bit like a secret society, but I think most people confuse it with wife swapping, like in the old sixties movies.
My long term partner has now decided that she'd like to go swinging too, but we'd like to keep it as our little secret. Somehow it makes it more exciting and makes it feel more exclusive.
biggrin :D :D
I wish it was out in the open, and as accepted as any other kind of lifestyle.
This is so funny - we are the same, we like the secret but only 6 months ago we were boring parents who stayed in every night and have never really been out for the past 20 years (in the eyes of our teenage kids),
Now suddenly we are out most weekends and don't get back until the early hours. And why have you got so many contacts on your MSN they ask - trying to come up with reasons is very difficult.
I & J - 6 months in and loving it :P
Quote by Trinymphos
This is so funny - we are the same, we like the secret but only 6 months ago we were boring parents who stayed in every night and have never really been out for the past 20 years (in the eyes of our teenage kids),
Now suddenly we are out most weekends and don't get back until the early hours. And why have you got so many contacts on your MSN they ask - trying to come up with reasons is very difficult.
I & J - 6 months in and loving it :P

I so agree with you guys Dave and I were the same now we go out every friday night and where have all these new friends come from, I just tell people we go into chatrooms smile
I like being a memeber of this secret society as well :) xxx
Quote by Trinymphos
This is so funny - we are the same, we like the secret but only 6 months ago we were boring parents who stayed in every night and have never really been out for the past 20 years (in the eyes of our teenage kids),
Now suddenly we are out most weekends and don't get back until the early hours. And why have you got so many contacts on your MSN they ask - trying to come up with reasons is very difficult.
I & J - 6 months in and loving it :P

I so agree with you guys Dave and I were the same now we go out every friday night and where have all these new friends come from, I just tell people we go into chatrooms smile
I like being a memeber of this secret society as well :) xxx
It is coming up with the excuses of how you met to people I find hard.........
Good topic Louise kiss
Yes echoing others we love the secret naughtiness of what we do particularly as we are seen as extremely respectable (cough), community centred kinda people and are both on plenty of committees. FFS if only they knew :shock:
Many of our friends talk about sex and swinging has been mentioned, many of Blue's mates tease him about our active sex life, but underneath they are dead jealous he has an "up for it" wifey who adores sex, is adventurous and dresses to please him.
So often I'd love to just blurt it out "Last night guys we were being shagged mercilessly by another couple"
oh those knowing looks between us are just great wink
pink x
Ohhh yes a secret society :thumbup:
Do we have to have a dodgy handshake & rolled up trouser leg??? on second thoughts forget the rolled up trouser leg as looking at some of the pics on here there ai'nt many trouser legs to be rolled up lol
Funing aside we like the idea of it being our secret where we lead a different lifestyle to our friends & family redface
But it does get a bit difficult like ppl have said thinking of excuses why your not in when the sister-in-law has phoned at 10pm 11pm & midnight & your still not in.
I started a celebate swingers society but it didn't catch on..... rolleyes
Quote by Cherrytree
I wish it was out in the open, and as accepted as any other kind of lifestyle.

Hear hear Cherrytree.
Like many I can't openly reveal my interest in swinging, my friends, workmates, family, most would be shocked, some would accept but others wouldn't and it could cause me some very serious problems with my work and my life in general sorry to say.
quite like the idea of 'recreational sex' being a littlemore open...
but the fetish stuff... always better in the it were!
Quote by LondonPlaything
quite like the idea of 'recreational sex' being a littlemore open...
but the fetish stuff... always better in the it were!

er... for you young man most definitely! :lol2:
Quote by blueandpink
quite like the idea of 'recreational sex' being a littlemore open...
but the fetish stuff... always better in the it were!

er... for you young man most definitely! :lol2:
you can go off people you know biggrin