I was watching 'Im a celebrity' the other night and they started discussing swinging. I think it was John that couldnt believe that more than two people in one room have sex together :shock:
Janice commented "it goes on more than you realise. Everyone's at it".

I find it quite hard to believe that he had never heard about swinging before.
That lead me to think about the secret society we are all part of.
Do you think that if there was a more balanced portrayal of swinging in the media, more talk about it in everyday life etc that it would become more acceptable and less ?
Would you want it to become more acceptable

I, personally quite like being in this secret society. It feels good to have a secret sometimes, something that you hold back from everyone else ( apart from your partner) to keep to yourself.
Is it the naughty factor that brings some into the swinging world? and not just the sex.
Would swinging lose its attraction to some if it became more acceptable?
Louise xx