I need some advice, I had a meet last night with a very sexy guy, seemed genuine, very attractive, everything was going well until in the middle of the 'action' he went quiet and then backed off, after being unable to get a decent hardon.
I was confused and waited to see what was wrong, and he asked me to leave saying the 'chemistry' wasn't right.
Fine, happy to respect that but it was 4 in the morning in Brixton! I got dressed said good bye and left.
I sent him a 'wtf' text a little later and felt bad about it this morning.
He sent me a text to say to read my email, I did, he sent me a rather lenghthy slightly odd message telling me to go to a GUM clinic!!
I'm now freaked out, was screened recently and all was good.
So now I'm rather confused. What do I do. I emailed him to apologise and to say that I was unsure what the problem was. He hasn't responded so I've deleted his number, and his account from my contacts to be decent about it.
I did use a rather cheap hair removal cream which has left me red and swollen down below, this is the only thing I can think of. Clearly it's not impossible that I might have something, but I can't figure wtf is going on.
Am I diseased or was something else going on!!
Amber - hereby ensuring with this thread NEVER to have sex again!!! xxx