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Supernatural Beliefs

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I don't believe in destiny,
or the guiding hand of fate.
I don't believe in forever,
or love as a mystical state.
I don't believe in the stars or the planets,
or angels watching from above.
But I believe there's a ghost of a chance
we can find someone to love
Analogkid, are you set out to make us cry our eyes out today? What's with this soul touching poem?
I don't believe in the supernatural, if something which is supernatural can be proved it becomes natural, and I only believe in things that can be proved, or based on logic.
Ghosts make no sense to me, countless billions of people and animals(though humans are animals which makes it even more unbelievable) die all the time but only a small number of supposed ghost sightings, doesn't add up.
Also that thought is as far as we know a chemical process and there's no reason to believe in any kind of energy or soul that is separate to the body.
There is every reason to believe in energy outside of the body.
We already know of a number of external entities that physically affect us, so what about undiscovered ones? or even ones that we know of, but haven't yet fully understood how they are affecting us.
I have absolutely no problem with the notion of 'chemistry' between two people. Inexplicable at the moment, but in time, I am sure we will discover lots of subliminal reasons why we respond to some people and not others.
In the same way, I can buy into out of body experiences too. I don't actually believe folks ARE out of body, but I can believe in the experience, and accept that during 'technical death' they can recall things that were said (or even visualise events). After all, brain death is only the level at which we THINK brain function is ceased, but we still know chemical and electrical processes are continuing.
The more we think we know about, the greater the unknown.
I also believe in the adage.. "trust nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see". It's meant to be about rumours, but it's equally apt to that in which we believe (today)
if you believe in evolution I don't see how someone can believe in an afterlife, since we all evolved from fish when did we develop souls that could pass on to another existence, or do plankton go to heaven?
It just doesn't make sense to me. smile
We have such sights to show you.....................
i believe there are ghosts though i've never actually seen one. I worked in old peoples homes for 13 years and seen many people die but never seen any ghosts but on several occasions have felt as if someoene else was in the room with me .
My mum has had few experiences with clocks stopping at the exact time when a member of our family has passed away
coincidence or not i don't know
Evolution and afterlife are hardly incompatible.
But regardless of that, sure it's not totally impossible that an 'existence' leaves behind a mark.
Any human leaves behind a trace on other people, emotionally and physically, why's it so incomprehensible that we might leave behind some energy, or chemistry?
Drop a pebble in still water and the effects can still exist long after the pebble settles... in fact, the effects continue forever. We just lose interest in measuring them, or they become so subtle, they are no longer differentiated from other effects. But still, the effect remains.
So, maybe, just maybe, by some strange phenomena we do not yet understand, we feel repercussions... energy / chemistry call it what you will. It need not be all supernatural, but purely scientific.
Time will tell.
It's just very strange that evolution should cause us to feel pain at survival. When a parent survives a child.... why should we mourn so?... it's just evolution right?
Tell me the biological reason for our bodies and emotions changing at events outside our body and feeling so much emotional pain.
Quote by Silk and Big G
We have such sights to show you.....................

Quote by Ms_Whips
evolution proves nothing when it comes to the afterlife.

And the afterlife is provable by nothing.
I think as humans we are able at times to sense things.
What this is is interpreted by people differently.
A door opens in a house by itself. I see a gentle breeze blowing it. Someone else sees a ghost. I "feel" a presence in a room with me, to me that is me feeling weird, to others tangible evidence of a ghostly manifestation.
But proof? Evolution has shed loads of proof for it (there are gaps though). The afterlife? Hearsay and feeling I'm afraid.
Why would a spirit, as we generally acknowledge them to be, spend eternity opening doors and moving rocking chairs? Why can't they give you a hand with the washing or do the ironing? Why is every piece of "evidence" to do with the afterlife easily attributable to something else, utterly inconclusive and entirely ambiguous?
Our brains are fantastic things, they can do things that even the best neurosurgeons, psychologists and co can't yet understand. The afterlife in terms of the Sixth Sense "I see dead people" I don't believe in for one moment. That we are capable of being open to suggestion, interpreting things to make ourselves believe something is happening and that our brains are capable of things we don't yet understand and can't fully grasp, I find eminently more believable.
However I maintain the right for people to believe what they experience in any way they like, especially if it gives them some comfort or provides an answer.
One night, shortly before the death of my father, he told the entire family that he had seen a star at the bottom of his hospital bed, hopping from bed to bed then hovering over his own for some time. Finally he heard a voice say "not you", and the star went.
My father's initials were T.C. 3 hours later Tommy Cooper died.
My father was utter convinced whatever came to him was seeking Tommy Cooper.
Do I believe that? Maybe. Although I also accept the odds are against it, and I would bet against it if asked to place a wager.
He was utterly convinced of his experience, of that I am 100% certain.
There are many things the mind can do, we can SEE amazing things that to 'us' are utter irrefutable.
"I know what I saw" is commonly quoted.
You would be totally surprised at how many people give testimony in court and totally believe what they say, then when confronted with video evidence, are amazed that 'events' transpired in a vastly different manner than those described.
But also, I DO believe in far more than we know today.
Most of us, at some point in our lives will have fallen in love or experienced the harrowing ordeal of death (usually someone else's, since I'm not sure broadband has reached heaven yet). When you experience those things, they are very real. And yet, scientifically impossible to prove. There isn't a great deal of logic to explain how evolution encompasses such phenomena. Some have tried to claim that suicide is an example of evolution... that it's never about an individual, but furthering the 'race'... so sacrifice for the greater good still fits the master plan.
That's a very poor excuse to rationalise away a problematic aspect of evolution.
We are clearly not automatons. Most of us could never pull the trigger on another person unless in extreme circumstances... what IS it that stops us? Evolution? I don't buy that.
What is it that has us fall in love?. I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, but not the dimmest either. But I know that a woman might not be the best looker, the most intelligent, the most successful etc and yet she stands out like a beacon to me. I simply 'feel' that. What is it that should cause such 'feeling'? Love is supernatural, and I believe in it.
One day, I think me might learn more about 'love' and how our bodies signal to each other... chemically? electrically? perhaps even in subtle timing (e.g when you chat with someone online). I am happy to accept there might be undiscovered scientific explanations for love or human chemistry.
So I don't see why it's not possible that one day we might discover that Auschwitz contains energy only produced during extreme torment. Or that where love once existed strongly, traces of the energy remain long afterwards.
Nobody thinks twice about Carbon-14 slowly radiating for thousands of years (it's how we do carbon dating!), and yet we mock the notion of "feeling a presence' after someone dies. Hummm
As for mediums and clairvoyants et al. Utter bollox. Taking a plausible notion and using to their own ends is despicable. I know I will offend a few folks who've been to see them, and say "they knew so much about me"... but I will stick to my guns. They are charlatans!
The above will sound like hypocrisy given all I have stated prior to that. Tough. I believe in undiscovered science, but I also believe some humans are b'stards and will play on others weaknesses (weaknesses we ALL have, regardless of character, intelligence etc).
My summary... anybody who believes that all can be explained by "conventional wisdom" had learned nothing from history. But that which we cannot explain today, might one day come to be understood.
The more we think we know about.... the greater the unknown
Quote by varca
if you believe in evolution I don't see how someone can believe in an afterlife, since we all evolved from fish when did we develop souls that could pass on to another existence, or do plankton go to heaven?
It just doesn't make sense to me. smile
Where is it proven that a fish does not have a soul?
'Is a fish really different from me? If a fish has no soul, then where and how in the procession of evolution did a soul first enter a body?'
Dover Soul (sic).
I rest my case
I think it's more just because you can't prove that something isn't ghosts, doesn't mean it is a ghost, it could be worm-hole aliens for all we know.
Everything can be proved by science, but we just don't know how yet.
Just as if you could calculate every piece of information in the universe at the moment, you could predict the future I feel with 100% accuracy.
I agree with that much.
So why call it 'ghosts' until we find a better name for it?
Still, I believe in almost all case, what folks describe as 'ghosts' could be put down to stuff we already know, and the mind playing tricks.
But I will never say never until never ever gets banned. In which case, I can never say ever or ever say never.
carefull.... ectoplasm!
Quote by TheAnalogKid
As for mediums and clairvoyants et al. Utter bollox. Taking a plausible notion and using to their own ends is despicable. I know I will offend a few folks who've been to see them, and say "they knew so much about me"... but I will stick to my guns. They are charlatans!

I used to 'read' the cards for my friends for fun (not tarot, just normal deck of cards. I would let them ask a question but before they asked it, I'd get a notion in my head that red card would mean yes and black card would mean no, or that a small number would be a no and a big number would be a yes and other variations. We all had a laugh because my friend asked if she was going to the USA and the answer was no, but a few questions later she asked if she would be accepted at the uni in the USA and the answer came up as yes. She said I had to improve my 'system' to sound at least a bit plausible because if she got accepted at Princeton, she'd definitely go!
My friend never went to the USA but got into Princeton. She decided her path lay elsewhere and today she is Mother Superior at her own monastery.
This is just an example of things happening the way I had predicted in a sense. It got me worried and I spoke to a very religious lady who told me to stop the fortunetelling at once because Satan was using me as a tool and was making things happen according to my answers. :shock:
But was it Satan? Or was my friend influenced by the reading (subliminally) and sort of fulfilled the prophecy? And was my random answer generation as random as I thought?
I can see the cracks in your armor!
Wait, I can just see your crack!
I am an open book smile